被关押的维权网站“六四天网”创办人黄琦病状堪忧 (“64 Tianwang” founder Huang Qi’s health declines in prison, family expresses worries)
Radio France Internationale, February 21, 2017
王军视频告妻不要呼救 办案警官威胁家属“三不能”(In video, Wang Jun warns wife not to call for help, case officers threaten family with “3 nos”: no foreign media interviews, no Internet posting, no self-publishing)
Radio Free Asia, February 21, 2017
江天勇律师父母遭当局监控 住宅被装摄像头 (Jiang Tianyong’s parents surveilled by authorities with cameras installed at their home)
Radio Free Asia, February 21, 2017
最高法:不得强迫任何人证实自己有罪 (Supreme People’s Court: Guilty pleas obtained by coercion not admissible in court)
Nightly Legal News, February 21, 2017