The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

China's Reach (中国:内控与外扩)

China censors zero-COVID debate after WHO criticises policy
Agence France-Presse, May 11, 2022

Beijing bans preschool learning apps as crackdown on private tutoring continues
South China Morning Post, May 11, 2022

Chinese border police 'clipping' passports of citizens as they arrive back home
Radio Free Asia, May 10, 2022

“以民治民”控制社会 “法理民兵”应运而生 ("Governing the people by the people" to control the society--the birth of the "fali [jurisprudence struggle] militia")
Radio Free Asia, May 11, 2022

Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)

Cardinal Joseph Zen arrested by Hong Kong’s national security police, Vatican expresses concern
South China Morning Post, May 11, 2022

Ex-scholar tied to fund for protesters ‘arrested at Hong Kong airport by national security police’
South China Morning Post, May 11, 2022

消息:「612基金」至少4人被捕 包括許寶強、吳靄儀、陳日君及何韻詩(At least 4 "612 Humanitarian Fund" trustees arrested, including Hui Po-keung, Margaret Ng, Joseph Zen, Denise Ho)
Ming Pao, May 11, 2022

Hong Kong Tiananmen activist jailed for 3 months for refusing national security data demand
Hong Kong Free Press, May 11, 2022

19歲學生拋雜物入路軌 危及乘客安全襲警等3罪成 判入更生中心 (19-year-old student sentenced to correctional center after conviction of 3 crimes: throwing objects into railway tracks, endangering passengers' safety, assaulting police officer), May 11, 2022

「黎明行動」兩年半後遭控非法集結及刑毁 3人准保釋候審 (2.5 years after incident, 3 are charged with illegal assembly and criminal damage over "Operation Dawn"; released on bail pending trial)
Ming Pao, May 11, 2022

APM「和你sing」兩男女事隔兩年被控非法集結 准保釋候訊 (2 are charged with illegal assembly over "sing with you" action after 2 years; released on bail pending trial), May 11, 2022

19歲學生涉大前年8.31藏刀 事隔3年被起訴 (19-year-old student charged with hiding knife in the 2019 protests), May 11, 2022

李明哲揭赤山監獄強迫勞動 同囚政治犯家屬擔憂(Li Mingzhe exposes forced labor in Chishan Prison; family members of political prisoners are worried)
Central News Agency, May 11, 2022

Law & Policy (法律与政策)

Hong Kong laws can limit false Covid info, says security chief, but research into ‘fake news’ legislation underway
Hong Kong Free Press, May 11, 2022

Current Topics (热门话题)

China’s zero-Covid policy is not sustainable, WHO director general says
The Guardian, May 10, 2022

China Digital Times, May 11, 2022

China’s COVID crisis and the dilemma facing its leaders, by experts who have monitored it since the Wuhan outbreak
The Conversation, May 10, 2022

公營直資教師流失4,050人 流失率創五年新高(HK public and direct subsidized schools lose 4,050 teachers; attrition rate hits 5-year high), May 11, 2022

违规收治发热病人,四川南充一医院院长、副院长双双获刑 (President, vice president of a hospital in Nanchong, Sichuan are jailed for treating fever patients)
Sohu, May 10, 2022

滬上老外:封城後我開始思考,「怎樣逃離曾經深愛的上海」 (Foreigners in Shanghai: In lockdown, I began to think, "How to escape from the Shanghai I once loved")
Initium Media, May 10, 2022

Commentary & Analysis (评论与分析)

產業鏈外遷、脫鉤加速:政治抗疫下中國經濟不可逆轉的代價 (Relocation of industrial chain and acceleration of decoupling: The irreversible cost of the Chinese economy under the political fight against the epidemic)
Initium Media, May 10, 2022