The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

China forces birth control on Uighurs to suppress population
Associated Press, June 29, 2020

维吾尔人团体:新疆强迫穆斯林吃猪肉馅粽子 全方位汉化 (Xinjiang authorities force Muslim Uyghurs to eat sticky rice dumplings with pork, intensifying the “hanification” of Xinjiang)
Radio Free Asia, June 26, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

著名人权捍卫者、八九学生领袖刘贤斌先生十年牢狱期满 今刑满出狱已回家中 (Liu Xianbin released after serving 10 years for “inciting subversion of state power”)
Weiquanwang, June 27, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

数据安全法草案在十三届全国人大常委会第二十次会议提请审议 (Draft Measures for Data Security Management is submitted for review at the 20th session of the 13th National People's Congress)
The Paper, June 28, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

National security law: those convicted could face life imprisonment as Beijing holds meeting to finalise bill set to be passed imminently
South China Morning Post, June 28, 2020

新華社:人大常委審議港版國安全法 與會人員「普遍認為」草案充分吸納香港各界意見 (Xinhua: NPC Standing Committee reviews the national security law for Hong Kong; “generally recognizing” the draft has sufficiently incorporated the opinions of different sectors in Hong Kong)
The Stand News, June 28, 2020

新華社:港區國安法草案建議表決稿 交人大常委會議審議 (Xinhua: NPC submitted the voting version of the draft national security law for Hong Kong for review by the Standing Committee)
The Stand News, June 29, 2020

國安法|戴啟思致函鄭若驊曾國衞 指事態緊急 促向公眾解說條文 (In letter to Erick Tsang, Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs, Philip Dykes, Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association, urges public education of the national security law for Hong Kong)
HK01, June 29, 2020

Letter to Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs dated 29 June 2020 on Likely Imminent Promulgation of National Security Law
Hong Kong Bar Association, June 29, 2020

港區國安法|51聯合國專家批中國無與港人協商 促人權理事會建立機制監察人權 (51 UN experts in joint statement: there has been no meaningful consultation with the people of Hong Kong on the draft national security law; Human Rights Council should establish special mechanism to monitor human rights situation in China, particularly in Hong Kong and Xinjiang)
Ming Pao, June 27, 2020

UN experts call for decisive measures to protect fundamental freedoms in China
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, June 26, 2020

【國安法壓港】記協去信人大委員長要求撤銷立法 質疑條文衝擊司法獨立、新聞自由 (In letter to Li Zhanshu, Hong Kong Journalists' Association urges withdrawal of the national security law for Hong Kong; raises concern over harmful impact on judicial independence and freedom of the press)
The Stand News, June 27, 2020

不同宗派基督徒《蘋果》刊聲明 :內地國安法劣跡斑斑,強烈反對港區國安法 (Multiple religious groups issue joint statement strongly opposing the national security law for Hong Kong)
The Stand News, June 27, 2020

十一間大學學生會發聯合七一宣言 「一息尚存,抗爭到底」 (11 university students' unions issue statement: We will continue the fight until our last breath)
The Stand News, June 29, 2020

以疫情及限聚令為由 警方禁止民陣七一集會遊行 (Police deny Civil Human Rights Front's application for July 1 marches due to gathering ban)
The Stand News, June 27, 2020

China to put visa restrictions on US individuals over Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, June 29, 2020

外交部斥《香港自治法案》是廢紙一張 將限制美方簽證 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the Hong Kong Autonomy Act is useless; China to impose visa restriction on U.S. officials)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 29, 2020

Dozens arrested during Hong Kong peaceful protest against national security laws
The Guardian, June 28, 2020

Several assaulted by ‘Protect Alliance Hong Kong’ assailants in Yuen Long
Hong Kong Free Press, June 29, 2020

National security law: Hong Kong police put area around July 1 handover anniversary venue on lockdown
South China Morning Post, June 29, 2020

Hong Kong public broadcaster loses right to produce July 1 flag-raising ceremony
South China Morning Post, June 27, 2020

National security law: video of Hong Kong PLA garrison troops doing live-fire training could be ‘warning to separatists’: analyst
South China Morning Post, June 29, 2020