认同六四镇压者 空函抗议纪念馆重开 (Hong Kong’s June Fourth memorial museum faces eviction demand by supporters of 1989 crackdown)
Radio France Internationale, April 22, 2019
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
June Fourth: 30th Anniversary (“六四”三十周年)
Access to Justice (司法公正)
“六四酒案”三公民 遭即时监控 (Three “June Fourth liquor case” activists on suspended sentences forced to wear surveillance smart-watches with geo-location, voice-recording functions for full-time monitoring)
Radio Free Asia, April 22, 2019
时隔4个月后 李明哲妻子获准赴中国大陆探望丈夫 (After 4 months, wife of jailed Taiwanese activist Lee Ming-che finally allowed to visit husband in prison)
Radio France Internationale, April 20, 2019
參與江蘇山東示威 退伍軍人維權 18人判囚 (18 retired soldiers jailed for 2-6 years for participating in protests in Shandong)
Ming Pao, April 20, 2019
唐荆陵出狱倒计时 旧金山华人领馆发声 (Jailed rights lawyer Tang Jingling to be released end of April, wife protests outside Chinese embassy in San Francisco)
Radio Free Asia, April 19, 2019
Access to Information (信息公开)
管得极细:禁宗教算命 打斗游戏不能出现颜色液体 (New regulations on video games broaden content ban: no English in name, no religious superstition or fortune telling, no “colored liquids” in combat games; violators will be put on credit-blacklist for enterprises)
Radio France Internationale, April 22, 2019
Minitrue: Don’t report on Jasic sentencing
China Digital Times, April 22, 2019
Xi Jinping calls for more “political guidance” in bid to win over young Chinese
South China Morning Post, April 20, 2019
習近平促加強研究五四精神 引導青年聽黨話跟黨走 (Xi Jinping urges deeper studies on spirit of May Fourth movement, guidance to youth to listen to and follow the Party)
Ming Pao, April 20, 2019
Leica regrets “misunderstandings or false conclusions” over Tiananmen Massacre “Tank Man” promo
Agence France-Presse, April 20, 2019
六四广告惊现“坦克人”走红 徕卡镜头惹争议 (Leica video sparks controversy for depicting June Fourth Tank Man; denounces ownership of video)
BBC, April 19, 2019Minitrue: Delete all traces of “Tank Man” Leica ad
China Digital Times, April 22, 2019
微信发言入罪 南京学者郭泉再遭拘押 (Nanjing scholar Guo Quan detained again over messages on WeChat)
Radio Free Asia, April 19, 2019
老子今译遭撤项 疑似影射习近平 (Laozi studies publication taken down for having “severe political problems”)
Radio France Internationale, April 19, 2019
Citizen Participation (公民参与)
微软员工力挺996.ICU 要求微软顶住中国政府压力 (Microsoft employees voice support for “996.ICU” campaign on GitHub, urge company to hold firm against pressure from PRC government)
Voice of America, April 23, 2019
“They’re not guilty, they have caring hearts”: Chinese workers demand release of labour rights activists
Agence France-Presse, April 23, 2019
湖南尘肺工人上书呼吁释放帮助维权的自媒体编辑 (Hunan workers suffering from silicosis issue joint letter urging release of jailed rights activists)
Voice of America, April 22, 2019“Separated again by a high wall”: The love story of Chinese feminist Zheng Churan and detained labour rights activist Wei Zhili
Made in China Journal, April 21, 2019
Construction worker loses job after exposing low-quality helmets
SupChina, April 22, 2019
【專訪】人權藝術獎得主蕭偉恒 以創作回應社會 (Interview with Siu Wai-Hang, winner of Hong Kong Human Rights Arts Prize)
Inmediahk.net, April 20, 2019
Government Accountability (政府问责)
Wary of Chinese espionage, Houston Cancer Center chose to fire 3 scientists
The New York Times, April 22, 2019
政院再修法:禁中資在台刊播公投廣告、散布假訊息可判3年 (Taiwan passes new law amendments banning China-funded entities from directly or indirectly publishing election-related material, new criminal penalty for spreading fake news)
The New Lens, April 18, 2019
Hong Kong (香港)
Death of Filipino helper whose chronic illness could have been treated with medication puts focus back on conditions for domestic workers in Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, April 21, 2019
【逃犯條例】建制派研繞過法案委員會審議 楊岳橋:無所不用其極、歇斯底里 (As pro-democracy lawmakers stage filibuster, pro-Beijing camp rumored to consider bypassing bills committee review to resume second reading of extradition laws amendment bill)
The Stand News, April 18, 2019
Canada worried about implications of new extradition treaty between Hong Kong and China
The Globe and Mail, April 18, 2019
【民族黨禁運作】林鄭向中央提交報告:維護國安是香港應有之責 (Carrie Lam refuses to disclose contents of report already sent to Beijing on banning National Party, but says it’s incumbent upon Hong Kong to protect national security)
Ming Pao, April 18, 2019
Commentary (评论)
When China and the US wage a visa war against each other’s scholars, nobody wins
South China Morning Post, April 23, 2019
The Occupy 9 trial shows Hong Kong’s judicial standards are out of line with the rest of the world’s
Hong Kong Free Press, April 21, 2019
“I have revised my idea of what a Uighur heroine should be”
China File, April 19, 2019