The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Xinjiang (新疆)

Hundreds rally in support of sanctions against Chinese officials over rights violations in Xinjiang
Radio Free Asia, April 9, 2019

留美维吾尔学生父母遭监禁 被关押哈萨克伊玛目处境糟糕 (Parents of Uyghur student studying in U.S. detained and incommunicado; health of jailed Kazakh imam continues to deteriorate)
Radio Free Asia, April 9, 2019

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Chinese labor activist repeatedly interrogated in detention
Radio Free Asia, April 9, 2019

Woman arrested after video shows her disrespecting Chinese communist symbol, the red scarf
SupChina, April 9, 2019

Access to Information (信息公开)

China’s largest newspaper is helping the government censor the internet, and investors are thrilled
Quartz, April 10, 2019

港人登苹果日报头版广告 批梁振英干预新闻自由的背后 (Hong Kongers crowdfund front-page ad highlighting former chief executive’s interference with press freedom)
BBC News, April 10, 2019

Maps of global influence
China Media Project, April 9, 2019

曾警告杨军勿入境中国 澳记者: 对澳政府失望 (John Garnaut is “disappointed in Australian government”; says he had warned Yang Hengjun not to enter China)
Deutsche Welle, April 8, 2019

Confucius Institute a brainwashing program, say parents who pulled daughter from class
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, April 8, 2019

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

EU calls out Beijing on human rights but activists want harder line against China’s Xinjiang and Tibet policy
South China Morning Post, April 10, 2019

“A life in a sea of red”: Q&A with Pulitzer prize-winning photographer Liu Heung Shing
SupChina, April 10, 2019

国际知名汉学家敦促清华大学恢复许章润教职 (In joint letter, Han Studies scholars urge Tsinghua University to reinstate Xu Zhangrun)
Radio Free Asia, April 9, 2019

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Before a joint statement, a threat: EU diplomats nearly walked out of talks with China
South China Morning Post, April 10, 2019

國台辦指民進黨拒認九二共識 台灣參與世衛前提不復存 (As Taiwan waits for invitation to WTO meeting, China’s Taiwan Affairs Office says participation in global platforms must be under “One China” policy)
Radio Television Hong Kong, April 10, 2019

Protest in Manila against Chinese “invasion”
The Standard, April 10, 2019

Monks at Tibet’s Sera Monastery told to show “gratitude” to China, obey its laws
Radio Free Asia, April 9, 2019

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Microsoft worked with Chinese military university on AI
Financial Times, April 10, 2019

Cameras linked to Chinese government stir alarm in UK parliament
The Intercept, April 9, 2019

U.S. reportedly no longer demands Huawei ban from Germany
CNet, April 9, 2019

Huawei wi-fi modules were pulled from Pakistan CCTV system
BBC, April 8, 2019

China’s digital rise: Challenges for Europe
MERICS, April 8, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong’s Occupy leaders granted bail and will learn of sentences in two weeks
South China Morning Post, April 10, 2019

“Altruistic and selfless motivation”: Hong Kong court hears sentencing arguments from Umbrella Movement 9
Hong Kong Free Press, April 9, 2019

【佔中九子案】休庭期間疑遭便衣警跟蹤 陳淑莊:我們被定罪但非走犯 (Granted bail but followed by undercover police, Tanya Chan urges explanation), April 10, 2019

Who are the nine key leaders of Hong Kong’s Occupy movement and what have they been convicted of?
South China Morning Post, April 9, 2019

Pan-democrats boycott China trip over extradition law fears and say top priority is stopping bill that would let Hong Kong send fugitives to the mainland
South China Morning Post, April 10, 2019

岑敖暉提司法覆核 阻政府中環割地建軍用碼頭 (Activist Lester Shum to challenge Hong Kong government’s decision to give harbor segment to build PLA military pier), April 10, 2019

Hong Kong gov’t concedes world’s largest air purifier broke shortly after it was unveiled
Agence France-Presse, April 10, 2019

Two Hong Kong village land projects suspended after small-house policy court ruling
South China Morning Post, April 9, 2019

Commentary (评论)

Hong Kong’s Occupy protests five years on: After all the prosecutions, was the movement in vain?
South China Morning Post, April 10, 2019

Taiwan Relations Act at 40
Jerome A. Cohen, April 10, 2019

「言必稱法」的中國律師,怎麼敢與整個體制為敵?(China’s lawyers have become enemies of the law)
The News Lens, April 10, 2019

不许说话的中国如何崛起?(How can China rise up if it doesn’t let people speak?)
The New York Times, April 10, 2019

香港“占中三子”被判有罪前独家自白:雨伞运动的反思,公民抗命的代价 (Interview with the “Occupy Trio”: Reflection on Umbrella Movement and the price of civil disobedience)
BBC, April 9, 2019

Building a coalition of the willing to address human rights violations in Xinjiang
Forbes, April 8, 2019

Canada must take stronger action against China to free our “detainees”
Ottawa Citizen, April 8, 2019