【劉曉波肝癌】與劉霞相擁微笑新照片流傳 好友:病情急轉直下 (12:24) (New photos of Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia embracing and smiling spread online, friends: Liu Xiaobo’s condition worsens)
Mingpao, July 6, 2017
National team of medical experts treat Liu Xiaobo as abdominal swelling worsens
Global Times, July 6, 2017
http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1055163.shtml “Time running out” terminally ill Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo
The Guardian, July 5, 2017
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/05/liu-xiaobo-china-invites-foreign-doctors-to-treat-critically-ill-dissident香港支联会寄近千明信片至沈阳医院 为刘晓波“打气” (Hong Kong Alliance sends 1,000 postcards to Shenyang hospital in support of Liu Xiaobo)
欧洲议会今天针对刘晓波案人权问题进行辩论及投票 (European Parliament to debate and vote on the human rights case of Liu Xiaobo)
Radio Free Asia, July 5, 2017
Radio France Internationale, July 5, 2017
http://cn.rfi.fr/中国/20170705-欧洲议会今天针对刘晓波案人权问题进行辩论及投票 挪威首相及外交大臣拒回應劉曉波事件 任內促進中挪恢復正常關係 (Norwegian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister decline to answer questions about Liu Xiaobo)
Post852, July 5, 2017
http://www.post852.com//221702/挪威首相及外交大臣拒回應劉曉波事件 任內促進/ How China ensured a lasting legacy for Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo
South China Morning Post, July 4, 2017