Canada charges electric vehicle battery researcher with espionage for China
The Guardian, November 14, 2022
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
China's Reach & Internal Control (中国:内控与外扩)
Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)
疫情飙升封控趋严引发民怨 广州市民冲上街头抗议(Soaring epidemic and tightening restrictions spark public anger; Guangzhou residents take to the streets in protest)
Voice of America, November 15, 2022
Protesters and police clash in southern China over Covid-19 lockdowns
Agence France-Presse, November 15, 2022
Chinese reporter Sophia Huang Xueqin nominated for press freedom courage prize for #MeToo campaigning
Hong Kong Free Press, November 15, 2022
於連登煽惑集結 自閉症男認煽動囚一年 官指或產生殺人放火的「孤狼」(Autistic man is sentenced to 1 year in prison after pleading guilty to inciting others to participate in illegal assembly in online forum)
Inmediahk, November 15, 2022
不服黎智英聘英御用大狀 律政司申請上訴至終院(DoJ appeals to Court of Final Appeal against Jimmy Lai’s appointment of UK barrister)
Inmediahk, November 15, 2022
六四維園外遇警截查被指不合作 八旬翁被控阻差辦公(Man, 80, is charged with obstructing police for being uncooperative when stopped and searched by police outside Victoria Park on June 4)
Inmediahk, November 15, 2022
支聯會拒交資料案 官禁以受害者形容天安門母親 鄒幸彤斥可恥(In HK Alliance case of refusing to submit information to police, judge bans term “victims” to describe Tiananmen Mothers; Chow Hang-tung calls decision “shameful”)
Inmediahk, November 14, 2022
Law & Policy (法律与政策)
防疫政策反复无常 石家庄免费核酸检测点关闭又开 (In erratic epidemic prevention policy, Shijiazhuang’s free PCR testing sites close and reopen)
Radio Free Asia, November 15, 2022
China’s Performative Zero-COVID Policy
The Diplomat, November 15, 2022
China’s Twenty Trending Covid Rule Changes and One Big Red Map
What's on Weibo, November 11, 2022
One Way To Avoid Scandals? China Lays Down Law For Celebrity Endorsements
ChinaFilmInsider, November 14, 2022
Current Topics (热门话题)
大陸教師遭「爆破手」惡意干擾網課後猝死,你如何看疫下網絡暴力新現象?(Mainland teacher dies suddenly after “blasters” maliciously interfered with online classes. How do you view the new phenomenon of cyber violence under the epidemic?)
Initium Media, November 15, 2022
Millions of missing women: China grapples with legacy of one-child policy as population ages
The Guardian, November 15, 2022
Hong Kong leader tasks sports officials to look into improvements after protest song instead of national anthem played at rugby match in South Korea
South China Morning Post, November 15, 2022