The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, October 02, 2015

Access to Justice (司法公正)

我国已基本形成促进性别平等法律制度 (China has already basically formed a legal system that promotes gender equality)
Legal Daily, October 1, 2015

兰州市房管局因拒绝复印重要证据被告上法庭 (Lanzhou City Housing Administration Bureau taken to court over refusal to photocopy important evidence)
Lanzhou Evening News, October 1, 2015

Access to Information (信息公开)

China tightens censorship on Guangxi blasts
Voice of America, October 2, 2015

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Managers of Chinese state-owned enterprise building US$3.8b African railway fined for bribery
South China Morning Post, October 2, 2015

福建陈夏影案三人获国家赔偿537万 (Three in the Fujian Chen Xiaying case get 5.37m RMB in state compensation)
Lawcourt Evening News, October 1, 2015

焦点对话:高深莫测,盘点习近平核心团队 (“Focus Dialogue”: Unfathomable—Taking Stock of Xi Jinping’s Inner Circle)
Voice of America, October 2, 2015

Xi Jingping's inner circle offers cold shoulder to western officials
the New York Times, September 25, 2015

中纪委机关报:“四种形态”并非放缓反腐节奏 (Central Discipline Inspection Report: "Four Patterns" do not necessarily slow down the anti-corruption tempo) [The “Four Patterns” refer to a state of discipline that the CPC should aim to achieve: conduct frequent criticism and self-criticism; make light punishments the great majority of cases; reduce serious violations and heavy punishment to minimum; reduce serious violations that warrant criminal investigation to extreme minimum]
Pengpai News, October 1, 2015

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

CIA pulls staff from Beijing following a cyber attack on government employees
The Telegraph, October 2, 2015

China’s Internet sovereignty
China Media Project, October 2, 2015

Will Initial China/US Cybersecurity Agreement Be Effective?
Legal Tech News, September 28, 2015

Hong Kong (香港)

Hero or traitor? Student leader Billy Fung receives mixed reactions for HKU Council leak
Hong Kong Free Press, October 2, 2015

港大三屆校董會學生代表聲明:無形之手欲蓋彌彰 百年校譽毀於一旦 (Three generations’ HKU Council student representatives issue statement: “Invisible hand” no longer under veil, institution’s century-old reputation ruined in one day)
InMedia HK, October 1, 2015

【任命風波】任建峰促盧寵茂反省:不要埋沒良知 破壞港大自主 ([Appointment scandal] Progressive Lawyers Group convener Kevin Yam urges HKU Council member Lo Chung Mau to reflect on himself: Don’t bury your conscience and destroy HKU’s autonomy)
Meme HK, October 2, 2015

18專業團體發表聯合聲明譴責港大校委會否決委任陳文敏 (18 professional organizations issue joint statement to condemn HKU Council’s rejection of Johannes Chan)
AM730, October 2, 2015

馬斐森重申會維護港大學術自由 (HKU Vice Chancellor Peter Mathieson reiterates determination to protect HKU academic freedom)
Now, October 2, 2015

The future of autonomy in Hong Kong
China File, September 30, 2015

Standing down: Hong Kong lawmaker Ip Kwok-him, strategist in botched political reform vote, will not seek re-election
South China Morning Post, October 2, 2015

Counterterrorism (反恐)

China stresses stability, security on Xinjiang's founding anniversary
Xinhua, October 2, 2015

湖南出台“反恐怖防范管理规范” 今年11月1日起实施 (Hunan introduces “Management Rules for Preventive Counter-Terrorism,” to go into effect on November 1), October 1, 2015

Opinion and Editorial (观点和社论)

We’d be satisfied with any government!
China Change, October 1, 2015