The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Corruption (腐败)

周永康将被公审 (Zhou Yongkang to be tried in open court)
Deutsche Welle, March 13, 2015

中國政協閉幕 俞正聲提醒委員廉潔自律 (At close of annual session, CPPCC Chairman Yu Zhengsheng urges committee members to maintain honesty and self-discipline)
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 13, 2015

Hong Kong (香港)

羅范椒芬倡教師教育要到內地上國情課 (HK ExCo member & Deputy to NPC Fanny Law suggests month-long national education training on mainland for Hong Kong teachers)
Hong Kong Economic Times, March 13, 2015

Human Rights Defenders (人权卫士)

陈光诚:奥巴马在人权问题上软弱退让 (Chen Guangcheng criticizes Obama’s “weak and compromising” attitude towards human rights issues)
Voice of America, March 12, 2015

Rule of Law (法治)

司法公正是依法治国给民众最直接的“获得” (Justice is people’s most direct “gain” from rule of law), March 13, 2015

Women (妇女)

Chinese police detain five women's rights activists
Reuters, March 12, 2015

Five Chinese feminists held over International Women's Day plans
The Guardian, March 12, 2015

美國呼籲中國釋放五名被拘女維權人士 (US calls on China to release five detained women’s rights defenders)
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 13, 2015

Opinion and Editorial (观点和社论)

When push comes to shove, don't expect Britain to stand up for Hong Kong's rights
South China Morning Post, March 12, 2015

We must keep up pressure on China to end the ivory trade
The Guardian, March 12, 2015