The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Xinjiang (新疆)

US warns companies on Xinjiang business, urges exit
Al Jazeera, July 14, 2021

China claims it has improved people’s lives in Xinjiang after US warning
South China Morning Post, July 14, 2021

Measuring the Scale of Chinese Transnational Repression
The Diplomat, July 14, 2021

Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan tells Xi Jinping: Xinjiang’s Uygurs must be treated as ‘equal citizens’ of China
South China Morning Post, July 14, 2021

Tibet (西藏)

Tibetans Defy China to Celebrate Dalai Lama's Birthday Online
Voice of America, July 13, 2021

Macao (澳门)

Macau democrat banned from election over pics with Hong Kong opposition, Taiwan tour, and Tiananmen Massacre vigils
Hong Kong Free Press, July 14, 2021

澳门立法会候选人遭集体DQ “爱国爱澳”面临重新定义 (“Love China, love Macau” faces redefinition after disqualification of all Legislative Assembly candidates)
British Broadcasting Corporation, July 14, 2021

Government Accountability (政府问责)

耶伦呼吁美欧共同应对中国劣行,中国表示“坚决反对” (Yellen urges U.S., EU to fight against China's bad behavior; China: “We strongly oppose”)
Voice of America, July 13, 2021

防堵中国窃取知识产权 加拿大要求大学通过国安评估 (Canada requires research partnerships to go through national security assessment to prevent intellectual property theft by China)
Radio Free Asia, July 13, 2021

欧盟对华强硬但不脱钩?专家称等待中国守规矩是“危险的选择” (EU to take tough actions against China without decoupling? Expert: Waiting for China to follow rules is a “dangerous choice”)
Voice of America, JUly 14, 2021

从新冠检测到产前检测 中国收集基因数据行为再遭质疑 (From COVID to pregnancy test, questions on China's DNA collection rise again)
Voice of America, July 14, 2021

Access to Justice (司法公正)

The Chinese government must end its reprisals against agricultural entrepreneur and philanthropist Sun Dawu and his associates
National Chinese Human Rights Defenders, July 14, 2021

Activists Remember Nobel Peace Laureate Liu Xiaobo, Four Years After His Death
Radio Free Asia, July 13, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

HKU student union members behind resolution ‘appreciating’ police attacker could face legal action next: government adviser
South China Morning Post, July 14, 2021

立法會通過修訂《議事規則》 限制委員會人數 若流會無有效理由缺席議員將扣薪 (LegCo revises Rules of Procedure that limits numbers of committee members, docks pay for absence preventing quorum)
Ming Pao, July 14, 2021

香港逾半民主派区议员辞职背后的挣扎与反思 (The struggle and reflection behind the resignations of over a half of Hong Kong’s district councillors)
British Broadcasting Corporation, JUly 14, 2021

7月7至13日至少206區議員辭職【附名單】 (At least 206 district councillors have resigned from July 7 to 13 (name list attached))
Ming Pao, July 13, 2021

美國國務院:《港區國安法》持續損害香港法治 (U.S. Department of State: National Security Law continues to damage the rule of law in Hong Kong)
Ming Pao, July 14, 2021

‘Liberate Hong Kong’ slogan says independence ‘to some people,’ politics scholar tells first national security trial
Hong Kong Free Press, July 14, 2021

Hong Kong’s first national security trial is debating Malcolm X’s legacy
Quartz, July 14, 2021

National security law: Hong Kong court remands 3 more suspects in custody over alleged terrorist bomb plot
South China Morning Post, July 14, 2021

Hong Kong Wikipedia editors take precautions amid fears mainland peers may report users to national security police
Hong Kong Free Press, July 14, 2021

国安法下出版自由萎缩 香港书商慨叹出版业自我审查严重 (Hong Kong’s freedom to publish shrinks under National Security Law; booksellers lament industry’s heavy self-censorship)
Radio Free Asia, July 14, 2021

国安法下香港书展变成中共大外宣展场 (Hong Kong Book Fair becomes CPC's propaganda fair under National Security Law)
Radio Free Asia, July 14, 2021

Hong Kong and the Limits of Decoupling
Foreign Affairs, July 14, 2021

建制派狙擊港台 陸頌雄:報道稱蔡英文「總統」違一國原則 邱騰華:用字會守《約章》 (RTHK under attack from the pro-establishment camp; Michael Luk: Calling Tsai Ing-wen “president” is against the “one country” principle; Edward Yau: Will follow the RTHK Charter)
Stand News, July 14, 2021

獄中悼念劉曉波 鄒幸彤:不能辜負前⼈付出 在地頑抗不撤不退 (Tonyee Chow commemorates Liu Xiaobo while in prison: We must not fail those who came before us, be steadfast in our resistance, and not retreat)
Stand News, July 14, 2021

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Beijing pushes Chinese firms to report cybersecurity vulnerabilities early and often amid growing threats
South China Morning Post, July 14, 2021

Facial recognition for gamers, app store bans for Didi: what’s behind China’s recent crackdown on big tech?
The Conversation, July 14, 2021

中国发布网络产品安全漏洞管理规定 禁止利用漏洞危害网络安全行为 (China publishes Network Product Security Vulnerability Management Measures banning harmful exploitations)
Reuters, July 13, 2021

Commentary (评论)

Climate Change Is Not a Reason to Give China a Pass on Human Rights
Slate, July 14, 2021

卢思位律师:我今天体验了一把无法呼吸的味道! (Lawyer Lu Siwei: I experienced “I can't breathe” today!)
Weiquanwang, July 14, 2021