The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, June 08, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Chinese police ramp up charges against detained rights lawyer
Radio Free Asia, June 7, 2017

江天勇被易罪逮捕 家属存钱未获回单 王全璋家人再向最高法提控告 (Jiang Tianyong arrested and charge changed, his family receives no receipt after sending Jiang money in jail, Wang Quanzhang’s family brings case to SPC again)
Radio Free Asia, June 7, 2017

Mass Crackdown on Chinese Lawyers, Defenders and International Reactions: A Brief Chronology
Human Rights in China, May 11, 2017

“You disappeared?” A wife seeks her husband missing in China
Associated Press, June 8, 2017

大陆清算声援香港占中者:苏昌兰、陈启棠二审被驳回上诉 (China clears Occupy Central supporters: Su Changlan and Chen Qitang’s appeal against second instance judgements rejected)
Radio Free Asia, June 7, 2017

Chinese court rejects appeal for activists who voiced support for Hong Kong’s Occupy protests
Hong Kong Free Press, June 8, 2017

Access to Information (信息公开)

China bans “soft burial”, an award-winning novel about the deadly consequences of land reform
Global Voices, June 8, 2017

Chinese censor shuts down dozens of online entertainment news accounts
South China Morning Post, June 7, 2017

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

The Chinese government just issued a new set of rules for foreign students studying in China
Quartz, June 7, 2017

Government Accountability (政府问责)

倪玉兰再遭警察逼迁 被推下轮椅腰颈受伤 (Ni Yulan evicted by police again, suffers neck and back injuries after being pushed from wheelchair)
Radio Free Asia, June 7, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

毋忘六四議案遭否決 建制中唯一投贊成票 何君堯:高度讚賞學生情操 (Motion on “the June Fourth Incident” rejected, Junius Ho casts the only yes vote in pro-establishment camp, says he regards highly the students’ sentiments)
Mingpao, June 8, 2017

警方拒絕七一遊行銅鑼灣起步 民陣:倘衝突警方責無旁貸 (July 1 demonstration not allowed to start from Causeway Bay, organizer Civil Human Rights Front blames police if conflict arises)
Mingpao, June 8, 2017

解放军在维港进行海空巡逻 迎习访港? (PLA to conduct air and sea patrols over and in Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong, in preparation of Xi’s visit?)
Radio France Internationale, June 8, 2017中国/20170608-解放军在维港进行海空巡逻-迎习访港

调查:香港回归后转差 但支持独立者减至11% (Poll: Situation worse after handover but support rate for independence reduced to 11%)
Radio France Internationale, June 8, 2017中国/20170608-调查:香港回归后转差-但支持独立者减至11

Commentary (评论)

The China NGO project
ChinaFile, June 2, 2017