The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, March 08, 2019

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Freed Chinese human rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong “threatens to protest if reunion with wife and daughter is blocked”
South China Morning Post, March 7, 2019

Background: Tashi Wangchuk 扎西文色
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, March 7, 2019

Background: Sun Lin 孙林
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, March 7, 2019

Podcast: Rights lawyering in China – Teng Biao
Center for the Study of Contemporary China, March 5, 2019

最高检、国务院扶贫办要求加强司法救助 (Supreme People's Procuratorate and Office on Poverty Alleviation issue opinion on improving legal aid)
People’s Daily, March 8, 2019

Access to Information (信息公开)

Anne-Marie Brady blocked from foreign interference inquiry
Newsroom NZ, March 8, 2019

言论空间恶化 中国问题学者胡星斗宣布禁声 (Chinese scholar stops speaking to media, says no room left for independent thought in China)
Voice of America, March 8, 2019

Chinese state media editorials, written by no one ever
SupChina, March 7, 2019

China recruits Westerners to sell its “democracy”
The Economist, March 7, 2019

侦破案件5.7万余起 抓获嫌疑人8.3万余名, 公安部“净网2018”专项行动取得显著成效 (In 2018, Ministry of Public Security arrested 83,000 for cybercrimes, punished 34,000 Internet companies, removed 4.29 million pieces of illegal information)
Legal Daily, March 7, 2019

微信关停一批宣扬污丧文化低俗内容账号,净化网络生态需多方共治形成合力 (WeChat banned 40,000 public accounts for publishing “vulgar,” “dispiriting,” “exaggerated” content)
Legal Daily, March 7, 2019

“扫黄打非”办:违规登载新闻信息 “华尔街见闻”被处罚 (Internet company WallStreetCn punished for publishing news information on website, app without news license)
Legal Daily, March 6, 2019

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

What Chinese women really want when it comes to children and reproductive rights
South China Morning Post, March 8, 2019

中国两会之际 “天安门母亲”再向领导人发公开信
Tiananmen Mothers hit out at Communist Party's “rewriting of history” after massacre
Radio Free Asia, March 7, 2019

709 律師家屬 在彼岸的愛與恨 專訪江天勇妻子金變玲 (“Love and hate from across the ocean”: Interview with Jin Bianling, wife of 709 lawyer Jiang Tianyong)
The Stand News, March 7, 2019

兩會期間被監視 維權律師余文生妻遭限制出門 (709 lawyer Yu Wensheng’s wife monitored, surveilled during Two Congresses, blocked from leaving home)
The Stand News, March 7, 2019

一位六四艺术品保存者的喜与忧 (The joy and worries of the keeper of June Fourth artworks)
Voice of America, March 9, 2019

“三八”国际妇女节中外妇女招待会在京举行 (At reception with foreign women, Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chairman of NPC Standing Committee and President of All-China Women's Federation, urges women to “conscientiously listen to the Party, firmly follow the Party”)
Central People’s Government, March 7, 2019

Government Accountability (政府问责)

With streaks of gray hair, Xi Jinping of China breaks with tradition
The New York Times, March 8, 2019

China chat log leak shows scope of surveillance
France 24, March 7, 2019

As anniversaries loom, China is snooping on Tibetans; Foreign tourists are being shut out of Tibet, too
The Economist, March 7, 2019

西藏起义敏感年拉萨市长罕见确认限制宗教活动 (In rare admission, Lhasa Mayor says restrictions on religious activities tighten during sensitive year of uprising anniversary)
Voice of America, March 7, 2019

Foreign leaders, including from Saudi Arabia and China, lavish Trump with $140,000 in gifts
Associated Press, March 7, 2019

Diplomatic outbursts mar Xi's plan to raise China on the world stage
Bloomberg, March 7, 2019

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

China’s tech strategy all talk, no action and a waste of taxpayers’ money, says its former finance minister Lou Jiwei
South China Morning Post, March 8, 2019

Huawei sues U.S. government over what it calls an unfair ban
The New York Times, March 7, 2019

Long before Trump’s trade war with China, Huawei’s activities were secretly tracked
The Age, March 6, 2019

UK freezes bank accounts of students from China
Global Times, March 6, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

“I feel lost”: Fired cancer patient exposes plight of Hong Kong’s domestic workers
Hong Kong Free Press, March 8, 2019

理大集會反對校方重罰學生 停學一年前學生會會長:不後悔、不畏懼 (Hong Kong Polytechnic University students protest heavy punishments following “democracy wall” incident, former student union president: No regrets, no fear)
The Stand News, March 7, 2019

Hundreds protest Hong Kong student's expulsion from university in row over free speech
Reuters, March 7, 2019

【移交逃犯】晤李家超 專業議政:感覺唔到政府有任何讓步 (Legislators meet with Security Bureau chief, says no sign government will make any concessions on extradition laws amendments)
The Stand News, March 7, 2019

Ex-Hong Kong chief secretary Henry Tang and Exco member Jeffrey Lam join business sector in criticising extradition deal with mainland China
South China Morning Post, March 8, 2019

【逃犯條例】涂謹申:台灣意識「被過橋」 港府拒商討極不禮貌 (Legislator visits Taiwan regarding extradition amendments: Hong Kong government’s refusal to consult Taiwan is impolite and leaves it feeling used), March 8, 2019

An update to Hong Kong’s extradition law with China could be crippling for human rights – especially for foreigners
Hong Kong Free Press, March 7, 2019

Hong Kong diplomats visit China’s Greater Bay Area as Pearl River Delta seeks new image
South China Morning Post, March 7, 2019

Stranded Saudi sisters fleeing abuse back home allowed to stay in Hong Kong till April 8
Hong Kong Free Press, March 7, 2019

Commentary (评论)

The Dalai Lama has been the face of Buddhism for 60 years. China wants to change that
Time, March 7, 2019

What China’s Greater Bay Area plan means for Taiwan
The Diplomat, March 8, 2019

Int’l Women’s Day: Hong Kong is not a welcoming city for women, working women or working mothers
Hong Kong Free Press, March 8, 2019

This International Women’s Day, support liberal democracy by defending women’s rights against authoritarianism
South China Morning Post, March 8, 2019

China's women's movement has not only survived an intense crackdown, it's grown
The Guardian, March 7, 2019

白信:「新大漢主義」的興起及其「內亞」意義——新疆紀行之二 (Rise of the “New Big Han” ideology and its implications for inner-Asia)
The Initium, March 7, 2019