The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Xinjiang government forces unproven medicine on people in lockdown
The Telegraph, August 31, 2020

新疆封城亲历者:严厉程度远超武汉 (Eyewitness of Xinjiang lockdown measures: Severity is far greater than that in Wuhan)
Voice of America, August 31, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Cheng Lei: Australian journalist detained in China since August 14, September 1, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Mass Protests Erupt as China Moves to End Mongolian-Medium Teaching in Schools
Radio Free Asia, August 31, 2020

China's Wang Yi tells other countries not to interfere in Chinese internal affairs
Reuters, August 30, 2020

疫苗试验未完就想在他国使用 专家称中国公司破坏科学与道德规范 (Experts say Chinese company’s attempt to use vaccine in other countries before trial completely violates norms of science and ethics)
Voice of America, August 29, 2020

Chinese Covid-19 Vaccine Maker in Talks With Countries on Early Approval
The Wall Street Journal, August 28, 2020

内蒙取消蒙语教学加速汉化 上万蒙古族学生及家长抗议 (Tens of thousands of Mongolian students, parents protest abolition of Mongolian language teaching and acceleration of sinicization in Inner Mongolia)
Radio Free Asia, August 31, 2020

全区民族语言授课学校小学一年级和初中一年级使用国家统编《语文》教材实施方案政策解读 (Interpretation of the implementation plan for use of nationally compiled "Language" textbook in first grades of primary and junior high schools)
People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, August 31, 2020

习近平提西藏宗教中国化 藏人忧虑西藏文化存亡 (Xi Jinping mentions sinicization of Tibetan religion; Tibetans fear for the survival of Tibetan culture)
Radio Free Asia, August 31, 2020

人民日报评论员:全面贯彻新时代党的治藏方略 (People's Daily Commentator: Fully implement CPC’s strategy for governing Tibet in the new era)
People's Daily, August 31, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

TikTok US sale faces fresh hurdle after China tightens tech export rules
The Guardian, August 31, 2020

TikTok交易再起波折:中国制定技术出口新规(TikTok Deal Is Complicated by New Rules From China Over Tech Exports)
The New York Times, August 31, 2020

Google, Facebook Dump Plans for U.S.-Hong Kong Undersea Cable
Bloomberg, August 28, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong protests: police enter two malls, issue Covid-19 fines as dozens gather to mark one year since Prince Edward station chaos
South China Morning Post, August 30, 2020

At least 12 arrested after protest in Mong Kok
Channel News Asia, August 31, 2020

大律師公會接投訴 指法援署以經驗不足為由 阻大狀續代表暴動案被告 (Hong Kong Bar Association receives complaints against Legal Aid Department’s blocking barristers from representing “rioting” defendants for lack of experience)
The Stand News, August 30, 2020

8.31傷者籲聚焦警方使用過份武力 非是否有人死亡 (Victim of 8.31 Prince Edward Station Attack urges focus on police brutality instead of casualties)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 31, 2020

香港「831事件」一週年 說「警察打死人」恐違《國安法》 (On first anniversary of 8.31 Prince Edward Station Attack, saying “Hong Kong Police kill” may violate National Security Law)
Deutsche Welle, August 31, 2020

【831一周年專訪】「太子韓寶生」與家人斷絕關係、流亡異地:「我乜都無⋯我得番信念」 (Interview with Hon Bo-sang on the anniversary of Prince Edward Station Attack: I have nothing left but faith)
CitizenNews, August 31, 2020

【首披露831地鐵站內細節】現場港鐵督導人員專訪:港鐵對警無信心、非配合閂站 第一批消防員10分鐘到場 (What happened inside Prince Edward Station?—Exclusive interview with MTR station supervisor: MTR has no confidence in police)
CitizenNews, August 31, 2020

Commentary (评论)

特朗普政府对中共的战略误判 (Trump administration's strategic misjudgment of CPC)
The New York Times, August 31, 2020

Friday, August 28, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Former Detainees in Kashgar Draw Low Salaries, Forfeit Half of Wages to Old Internment Camps
Radio Free Asia, August 27, 2020

美媒披露:新疆新建近两百七十处关押场所 (U.S. media exposé: Nearly 270 new detention facilities in Xinjiang)
Radio Free Asia, August 27, 2020

Blanked-Out Spots On China's Maps Helped Us Uncover Xinjiang's Camps
BuzzFeed News, August 27, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

Podcasting provides a space for free thought in China
The Economist, August 27, 2020

澳洲孔院同意讨论六四 说话算数吗?(Confucius Institute in Australia agrees to discuss June Fourth. But will it keep its word?)
Radio Free Asia, August 27, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Thousands arrested for 'coronavirus-related crimes' in China
Channel News Asia, August 28, 2020

世卫调查团遭指走马中国未去武汉 (WHO investigation team accused of skipping Wuhan on its inspection mission to China)
Radio France Internationale, August 28, 2020

Failure by WHO team to visit Wuhan sparks concerns over virus probe
Financial Times, August 26

汉化教育引蒙古族人反感 通辽学生家长拒送子女上学 (Sinicization of education provokes resentment among Mongolians; residents of Tongliao refuse to send children to school)
Radio Free Asia, August 28, 2020

瑞中秘密协议曝光 引人权团体担忧 (Exposed Switzerland-China secret agreement raises concerns from human rights groups)
Radio Free Asia, August 27, 2020

Swiss explore renewal of ‘secret deal’ with China
SWI, August 23, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

How WeChat Censored the Coronavirus Pandemic
Wired, August 27, 2020

Censored Contagion II: A Timeline of Information Control on Chinese Social Media During COVID-19
The Citizen Lab, August 25, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Meet the transnationals: They moved to Canada but never really left Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, August 28, 2020

調查:逾半受訪市民支持全部民主派議員離開立法會 (54% of surveyed residents favor democratic Legislative Councilors to leave LegCo)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 28, 2020

林卓廷:從沒想過警方以暴動罪拘捕他 憂有更多7.21受害者被捕 (Lam Cheuk-ting: Never thought police would charge me with rioting; fear arrests of more 7.21 Yuen Long Attack victims)
Ming Pao, August 28, 2020

華潤旗下便利店停售《蘋果日報》 (China Resources-owned convenience store, VanGO, stops selling Apple Daily)
Deutsche Welle, August 28, 2020

Commentary (评论)

专访陈光诚:对共产党的绥靖政策再回来,世界将万劫不复 (Interview with Chen Guangcheng: Reviving appeasement policy toward CPC would doom the world)
Voice of America, August 38, 2020

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

国际学术期刊搞政审 原来编辑是中国人 (International academic journal making political demand of contributor has a Chinese editor)
Radio Free Asia, August 26, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Chen Guangcheng: escaped dissident says vote Trump to stop Chinese 'aggression'
The Guardian, August 27, 2020

陳光誠共和黨全代會演說 批中共威脅全球 (At Republican National Convention, Chen Guangcheng warns of CPC as a global threat)
Deutsche Welle, August 27, 2020

Commerce Department Adds 24 Chinese Companies to the Entity List for Helping Build Military Islands in the South China Sea
U.S. Department of Commerce, August 26, 2020

男子微信被封维权不果 以死控诉腾讯无理封号 (Man jumps to his death to protest blocking of his WeChat account on what he called unreasonable ground)
Radio Free Asia, August 27, 2020

微信号被封男子坠亡事件:申诉、遗言和15万 (Suicide over blocked WeChat account: Appeals, last words, and RMB150,000)
The Paper, August 27, 2020

特朗普政府就南海问题制裁24家中国公司(U.S. Sanctions 24 Chinese Companies Over Role in South China Sea)
The New York Times, August 27, 2020

澳大利亚起草新涉外法, “一带一路”备忘录或将作废 (Australia to introduce bill empowering foreign minister to cancel states’ foreign agreements deemed detrimental to national interest, including “One Belt One Road" initiative)
Voice of America, August 27, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

National security law: arrested Hong Kong activist among group caught by China’s coastguard while fleeing to Taiwan, sources confirm
South China Morning Post, August 27, 2020

Visas ‘weaponised’: Gov’t denies Hong Kong Free Press editor a work visa, without explanation, after 6-month wait
Hong Kong Free Press, August 27, 2020

Hong Kong police are rewriting the history of an infamous thug attack on civilians
Quartz, August 27, 2020

香港人穿黑衣抗議警方篡改721歷史 (Hong Kongers wear black shirts to protest police distorting facts of 721 Yuen Long Attack)
Deutsche Welle, August 27, 2020

林卓廷許智峯被捕 歐盟駐港辦事處強調訴訟程序需合法 (In statement on the arrest of Lam Cheuk-ting and Ted Hui, EU urges authorities to follow proper legal procedure)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 27, 2020

Commentary (评论)

客座评论:党性与学术性-从习近平主持的专家座谈会谈起 (Guest commentary: Party spirit vs. academic spirit in expert forum hosted by Xi Jinping)
Deutsche Welle, August 27, 2020

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

China Locks Down Xinjiang to Fight Covid-19, Angering Residents

The New York Times, August 26, 2020

新疆防疫到底发生了什么? (What is happening in Xinjiang's epidemic prevention drive?)
Voice of America, August 26, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

反对扼杀蒙古人语言 中国唯一蒙文社交媒体平台Bainu被封 (Critics fear the closing of Bainu, China’s only Mongolian social media platform, is part of a plan to wipe out Mongolian language)
Voice of America, August 26, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

US orders fresh sanctions on Chinese firms over South China Sea ‘militarisation’
South China Morning Post, August 26, 2020

Canada presses China’s foreign minister Wang Yi about detainees, Hong Kong
Agence France-Presse, August 26, 2020

Swiss explore renewal of ‘secret deal’ with China
SWI, August 23, 2020

保护“吹哨人”!深圳突发公共卫生事件应急条例10月起施行 (Protect “whistleblowers!” Shenzhen Rules on the Urgent Handling of Public Health Emergencies to go into effect October 1)
The Paper, August 26, 2020

《深圳经济特区突发公共卫生事件应急条例》10月1日正式实施 (Shenzhen Rules on the Urgent Handling of Public Health Emergencies will be officially implemented on October 1)
Shenzhen News, August 26, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Chinese phones with built-in malware sold in Africa
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 25, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Two Hong Kong democrats arrested over 2019 protests; Lam Cheuk-ting detained over alleged ‘rioting’ during Yuen Long mob attack
Hong Kong Free Press, August 26, 2020

民主派嚴厲譴責警方濫捕林卓廷、許智峯 (Joint Statement: Democratic LegCo members condemn the arbitrary arrest of Lam Cheuk-ting and Ted Hui Chi-fung by Hong Kong Police Force)
Civil Human Rights Front, August 26, 2020

Commentary (评论)

蔡霞:中国的政治未来,美国因素不可小觑 (Cai Xia: Do not underestimate the U.S. factors in China's political future)
The New York Times, August 26, 2020

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Xinjiang residents handcuffed to their homes in Covid lockdown
The Guardian, August 25, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

内蒙古等6省少数民族语言授课被禁 小学一年级及中学使用统编教材 (Teaching in minority languages in 6 provinces including Inner Mongolia is banned; all first grades in primary and middle schools must use “unified” textbooks in Chinese)
Radio Free Asia, August 25, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

涉中国人才计划 美宇航局研究人员被捕 被控虚假陈述和电信欺诈 (NASA researcher, in China’s Talents Plan, arrested and charged with misrepresentation and wire fraud)
Voice of America, August 25, 2020

NASA Researcher Arrested for False Statements and Wire Fraud in Relation to China’s Talents Program
The United States Department of Justice, August 24, 2020

澳智库揭秘中国海外人才工作站 (Australian think tank reveals China's overseas talent workstations)
Radio Free Asia, August 24, 2020

Hunting the Phoenix
Australian Strategic Policy Institute, August 20, 2020

'It's terrifying': can anyone stop China's vast armada of fishing boats?
The Guardian, August 25, 2020

塞浦路斯文件爆料:中国富豪悄然移民海外 (Exposé: Cyprus Papers show China's richest people quietly emigrate overseas)
Deutsche Welle, August 25, 2020

Exclusive: Cyprus sold passports to 'politically exposed persons'
Aljazeera, August 24, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Taiwan orders Alibaba to sell stake in e-commerce platform
The Hindu, August 24, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong court denies bail to first defendant charged under national security law without considering new test created under Article 42
South China Morning Post, August 25, 2020

Hong Kong protest singers fear for their future
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 25, 2020

With Hacks and Cameras, Beijing’s Electronic Dragnet Closes on Hong Kong

The New York Times, August 25, 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Xinjiang residents protest online against virus lockdown
Radio France Internationale, August 24, 2020

How China uses Muslim press trips to counter claims of Uighur abuse
The Guardian, August 23, 2020

中国新疆因疫情封锁逾一个月,居民称被强制服药以助“抗疫” (Xinjiang in second month of lockdown due to COVID-19 new wave; residents report they are being forced to take medications to help "fight the epidemic")
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 24, 2020

汉化政策下维吾尔人成新娘招募对象 维汉通婚成护身符?(Under Sinicization, Uyghurs are recruited as brides; Uyghur-Chinese marriage an amulet?)
Radio Free Asia, August 24, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Chinese footballers get Xi propaganda in virus 'bubbles'
Radio France Internationale, August 24, 2020

美国会议员提出议案,禁止官文称习近平为“President” (U.S. Congressman introduces bill to prohibit calling Xi Jinping "President" in official documents)
Voice of America, August 22, 2020

彭博社:印度拟收紧对中国签证审查 进一步限制中国机构在印度的活动 (Bloomberg: India to tighten review of Chinese visas to further restrict activities of Chinese institutions in India)
Voice of America, August 23, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Australia offers new visa arrangement for Hongkongers, paving way for permanent residency
Hong Kong Free Press, August 24, 2020

民主黨晤民研 採雙門檻建議 胡志偉:必服膺結果 (Democratic Party accepts double-measures—simple majority of all polled, supermajority of democratic supporters—suggestion by Public Opinion Research Institute; Party chair: I will bear the results in mind)
HK01, August 24, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

TikTok正式就美国交易禁令起诉特朗普政府 (TikTok sues Trump administration over app ban)
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 23, 2020

Commentary (评论)

蔡霞:习近平不下台 中共体制将全面瓦解 (Cai Xia: CPC system will completely disintegrates if Xi Jinping does not step down)
Deutsche Welle, August 24, 2020

老香港人:享受了几十年自由,国安法又让我落入共产党手中 (Senior Hong Konger: After enjoying decades of freedom, I am returned to CPC’s hands by National Security Law)
Voice of America, August 24, 2020

Friday, August 21, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Majority of 19,000 People to Be Placed in Jobs are Xinjiang Camp Detainees
Radio Free Asia, August 20, 2020

China Buys Turkey’s Silence on Uyghur Oppression
The Diplomat, August 21, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Chinese 709 rights lawyer Xie Yang loses professional licence
South China Morning Post, August 21, 2020

709涉案人权律师谢阳遭“除牌” 当局一锤定音创下恶例 (709 rights lawyer Xie Yang views authorities’ decision to strip his license as an ominous precedent)
Radio Free Asia, August 21, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Xu Zhangrun, outspoken Chinese legal scholar and Xi critic, joins Harvard University
Apple Daily, August 21, 2020

北京已开打新冠疫苗 符合正当程序吗? (Beijing has launched new coronavirus vaccine. But has it gone through proper process?)
Radio Free Asia, August 20, 2020

美国民主党新党纲删除"一中政策" (U.S. Democratic Party has removed "one-China policy" from its new platform)
Deutsche Welle, August 21, 2020

Taiwan (台湾)

台湾民间成立“中港资观测站” 防堵中国渗透 (Taiwan group sets up "China-Hong Kong-investment observatory" to prevent China's infiltration)
Radio Free Asia, August 21, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

通識書送審|教科書作者匿名披露審閱細節:教局務求用字政治正確 (Liberal studies textbook author: Education Bureau demands politically-correct wording)
HK01, August 21, 2020

【審查教科書】團體發起聯署促撤回通識書修訂 鄭家朗呼籲學生杯葛新書 (Student group urges retraction of revised liberal studies textbook; Isaac Cheng Ka-long calls for student boycott)
The Stand News, August 21, 2020

立法會|民研調查顯示較多人反對延任 民主黨擬9月下旬再做民調 (Polls show more people favor leaving LegCo than staying; Democratic Party to survey again in late September)
Ming Pao, August 21, 2020

Commentary (评论)

“刀刃向内”:习近平对政法系统进行“整风” (‘Drive the Blade In’: Xi Shakes Up China’s Law-and-Order Forces)
The New York Times, August 21, 2020

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

新疆大学老党员教授传被关押后离世 (Party member and professor of Xinjiang University reportedly dies in detention)
Radio France Internationale, August 19, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

《零八宪章》成为日本多间大学的中文教材 (Many universities in Japan include Charter 08 among Chinese teaching materials)
Radio France Internationale, August 20, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Australian farmers call on Coalition to 'nurture' trade ties with China
The Guardian, August 19, 2020

美报告称武汉地方官员曾对北京瞒报疫情 (Local Officials in China Hid Coronavirus Dangers From Beijing, U.S. Agencies Find)
The New York Times, August 20, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

规避中共防火墙 美国政府民间投入新努力 (New efforts by U.S. gov’t and NGOs to circumvent China’s Great Firewall)
Voice of America, August 20, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

To serve or not to serve? Hong Kong’s Democratic Party to poll city residents on whether to stay for extended Legislative Council term
South China Morning Post, August 20, 2020

Hong Kong: US suspends extradition treaty over national security law
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 20, 2020

China’s National-Security Law Reaches Into Harvard, Princeton Classrooms
The Wall Street Journal, August 19, 2020

民主黨將根據民調結果決定未來一年在議會去留 (Democratic Party will let polls decide whether to stay for the extended term)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 20, 2020

Commentary (评论)

中国网络观察:中国网民如何看白俄罗斯要求卢氏下台的大规模抗议 (How Chinese netizens view the mass protests in Belarus demanding Lukashenko resignation)
Voice of America, August 20, 2020

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Police in Istanbul Detain Uyghurs in Rare Instance of Harassment by Turkish Authorities
Radio Free Asia, August 18, 2020

CHRD & 70 Organisations Urges Canada, U.K., to Join Global Magnitsky Sanctions Against Chinese Officials Responsible for Violating the Rights of Uyghurs
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, August 19, 2020

轉帳至海外惹禍 維族女遭控「幫助恐怖活動」 (Uyghur woman charged with “assisting terrorist activities” for wiring funds overseas)
Deutsche Welle, August 19, 2020

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

欲推动中国民主 青宪会成员家长被谈话 (Families of members of overseas students’ group Youth For Free China are questioned by authorities in China)
Radio Free Asia, August 19, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Beijing sends its top diplomat to Singapore and South Korea amid US tensions
South China Morning Post, August 19, 2020

She Was a Communist Party Insider in China. Then She Denounced Xi.

The New York Times, August 19, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Taiwan says China behind cyberattacks on government agencies, emails
Reuters, August 19, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

通識書送審|新書避用「衝突」描述身份認同 刪民心尚未回歸議題 (“The mind of people has not returned [to China]” discussion is removed from new liberal studies high school textbooks to avoid “contention” on topic of self-identification)
HK01, August 19, 2020

Commentary (评论)

专访蔡霞(下):特朗普的优势和习近平的“四大缺陷” (Interview with Cai Xia Part 2: Trump's advantages and Xi Jinping's “four greatest shortcomings”)
Radio Free Asia, August 18, 2020

It’s Time for Western Universities to Cut Their Ties to China
Foreign Policy, August 19, 2020

中美对峙中,我们这种讨人嫌的骑墙派 (Being the annoying fence sitter during this US-China confrontation)
The New York Times, August 19, 2020

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Xinjiang Hospitals Aborted, Killed Babies Outside Family Planning Limits: Uyghur Obstetrician
Radio Free Asia, August 17, 2020

中国为新疆模特被拘留事件辩护,指其“殴打防疫人员” (China defends detention of model in Xinjiang, accusing him of "beating epidemic prevention personnel")
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 18, 2020

美议员关注跨国企业重利益 轻视新疆人权灾难 (U.S. lawmakers are concerned about multinational companies' putting profits ahead of human rights in Xinjiang)
Radio Free Asia, August 17, 2020

Counterterrorism (反恐)

涉“宣扬恐怖主义”张宝成受审 律师:控方证据乏力 (Zhang Baocheng is tried for "promoting terrorism"; lawyer: prosecution lacks sufficient evidence)
Radio Free Asia, August 18, 2020

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

中国网络政治暗语“入关学”与“加速主义”:年轻一代的幻灭和狂热 (Chinese online political codewords “Ruguanism” and “Accelerationism” signify the disillusionment and fanaticism of younger generation)
BBC, August 18, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China's Xi Jinping facing widespread opposition in his own party, insider claims
The Guardian, August 18, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Trump Administration Widens Huawei Dragnet

The New York Times, August 18, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Ottawa remains silent as pressure mounts to help victims of China's crackdown in Hong Kong
The Star, August 17, 2020

Weak response to Hong Kong crisis could embolden Beijing on Taiwan, MPs told
The Globe and Mail, August 17, 2020

香港教育局審查 高中通識課本刪「三權分立」 (“Separation of powers” is removed from high school textbook contents after review by Education Bureau)
Deutsche Welle, August 18, 2020

Commentary (评论)

专访蔡霞(上): 换掉习近平已成党内共识 (Interview with Cai Xia Part 1: Replacing Xi Jinping has become a consensus within CPC)
Radio Free Asia, August 17, 2020

Monday, August 17, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Confessions of a Xinjiang Camp Teacher
The Diplomat, August 17, 2020

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visits Tibet to ‘send message to India’ over border dispute
South China Morning Post, August 16, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

余文生首获会见律师 妻子忧齿落手残 (Yu Wensheng meets with a lawyer for the first time, wife worried by disability in his right hand and his teeth problem)
Deutsche Welle, August 17, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

称中共"政治僵尸" 蔡霞被中央党校开除党籍 (Cai Xia, former Central Party School teacher, is expelled from school and Party for calling the CPC a "political zombie")
Deutsche Welle, August 17, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

US expands sanctions on China's Huawei to limit technology access
Radio France Internationale, August 17, 2020

A Third of TikTok’s U.S. Users May Be 14 or Under, Raising Safety Questions

The New York Times, August 17, 2020

美国出台限制华为新措施 38家华为关联实体被点名 (U.S. introduces new restrictions on Huawei, including 38 Huawei-affiliated entities)
Voice of America, August 17, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

As Relations With U.S. Sink, China Tones Down ‘Hotheaded’ Nationalism

The New York Times, August 17, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

UK halts military training for Hong Kong police as relations with China decline
The Guardian, August 15, 2020

港台訪羅冠聰節目下架 梁家榮內部解說:不可成傳播反國安法平台 (Responding to internal review, RTHK broadcasting director justifies taking Nathan Law's interview off air: RTHK cannot become an anti-National Security Law platform)
HK01, August 16, 2020

立法會延任一年 曾國衞:人大常委決定體會民意 梁家傑:民主派擬與初選出線人尋共識 (Legislative Council is extended for one more year; Erick Tsang, Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs: NPC's decision “absolutely represents the wishes of the people”)
Ming Pao, August 15, 2020

有教育團體批解僱邵家臻戴耀廷 促兩大撤回決定 (Education groups criticize the firing of Bottle Shiu Ka-chun and Benny Tai Yiu-ting, urging retraction of the decision)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 15, 2020

近4千人響應學術界聯署 促撤回解僱戴耀廷、邵家臻決定 (Nearly 4,000 in academic circles sign petition urging retraction of decision to fire Bottle Shiu and Benny Tai), August 15, 2020

特首:受中央信任實施國安法感光榮 絕不被制裁嚇倒 (Carrie Lam: It's my honor to have the trust of the central government in implementing the National Security Law; sanctions can never scare me)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 17, 2020

Commentary (评论)

On being continually doxxed, defamed and harassed by Communist Party allies
Hong Kong Free Press, August 16, 2020

中国司法:张玉环案的司法进步和吏治问题 (Case of innocent man released after serving 27 years: Progress in the judiciary versus local corruption)
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 15, 2020

Friday, August 14, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

The Xinjiang Camp Debt Trap
The Diplomat, August 14, 2020

世维会吁国际奥会不在北京举行2022冬奥 (World Uyghur Congress urges International Olympic Committee not to hold 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing)
Deutsche Welle, August 14, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

中國維權律師余文生被捕兩年多 首獲准見律師 太太許艷:余右手手震、牙齒脫落 (Chinese human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng detained for over two years, finally allowed to meet with lawyer; Yu's wife: Yu's right hand shakes and he's missing teeth)
The Stand News, August 14, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

印度“习特勒”视频引北京不满 制作者不惧威胁拒删 (India's "Xi-tler" video draws China's ire, defiant producers refuse to delete video)
Radio Free Asia, August 13, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

'End of the Rainbow': Shanghai Pride shuts down amid shrinking space for China's LGBTQ community
Cable News Network, August 14, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Exclusive: ByteDance censored anti-China content in Indonesia until mid-2020, sources say
Reuters, August 13, 2020

Google to reject direct data requests from Hong Kong gov’t, treat city same as China – report
Hong Kong Free Press, August 14, 2020

美司法部助理部长抨击中国“抢劫复制”式发展模式 (Assistant Attorney General for National Security criticizes China's "robbing and copying" of economic development model)
Voice of America, August 14, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong protests: teen seeking to pursue injury claim over October shooting by police slams rejection of legal aid application
South China Morning Post, August 14, 2020

【抗暴之戰】法援署拒批荃灣中槍學生「健仔」申請 稱警方使用「武力合理」 (Student shot by police in Tsuen Wan last year denied access to legal aid; Legal Aid Department says use of force reasonable)
Apple Daily, August 14, 2020

Commentary (评论)

习近平为什么要杀了香港这只“下金蛋的鹅”?(Why is Xi Jinping killing Hong Kong,"the goose that lays the golden eggs"?)
Voice of America, August 14, 2020

Biden’s China Policy Can’t Help but Be Incoherent
Foreign Policy, August 13, 2020

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

蓬佩奥在捷克演讲:中共迫害百万维族人是本世纪最大污点(Pompeo in Czech Republic: CCP's persecution of Uighurs is century's greatest atrocity)
Voice of America, August 13, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Sexual abuse, assault – the Grim prospects for China’s blind women
Agence France-Presse, August 13, 2020

The Misuse of China’s Mental Hospitals
The Diplomat, August 13, 2020

US set to make China’s Confucius Institutes register as ‘foreign missions’
South China Morning Post, August 13, 2020

武汉病毒研究所接受美媒采访 再引中美病毒源头争论(Wuhan Institute of Virology’s NBC interview reignites dispute surrounding origin of virus)
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 13, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

华为再失一国,斯洛文尼亚向美国表示要抵御中国威胁 (Huawei loses another country, Slovenia tells U.S. to resist threat of China)
Voice of America, August 13, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Jimmy Lai says swift arrest points to 'great disorder' between Hong Kong and China police
The Guardian, August 13, 2020

香港为何向黎智英开刀?蓬佩奥深表担忧 (Why did Hong Kong arrest Jimmy Lai? Pompeo expresses deep concern)
Radio Free Asia, August 10, 2020

警欲破解手機 李柱銘等人提覆核質疑手令範圍太闊 (Martin Lee and others request judicial review of police's broad powers to search phones)
Apple Daily, August 13, 2020

羅冠聰港台受訪節目下架 港台:涉國安法被通緝 羅:被通緝者有沒有受訪的權利? (RTHK removes interview with Nathan Law; Law: does a fugitive have the right to be interviewed?)
CitizenNews, August 13, 2020

Some four in 10 AmCham members considering leaving Hong Kong over national security law fears, survey finds
South China Morning Post, August 13, 2020

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

前新浪微博内容审核员专访:中共如何打造网络“真理部” (Interview with former Sina Weibo content moderator: How CCP builds online “Ministry of Truth”)
Voice of America, August 12, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

多家NGO向联合国呼吁全面审查中国强迫电视认罪 (NGOs urge UN to investigate China's televised forced confession)
Radio Free Asia, August 11, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

WeChat 'Extends China's Internet' to Wherever Users Are in The World
Radio Free Asia, August 11, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Arrested Hong Kong media tycoon tells Apple Daily staff to ‘fight on’
Agence France-Presse, August 12, 2020

黎智英等人獲准保釋,周庭:「爭取香港民主自由,我無悔」 (Jimmy Lai and others released on bail; Agnes Chow: I do not regret fighting for democracy)
The News Lens, August 12, 2020

Agnes Chow: Hong Kong activist hailed as the 'real Mulan'
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 12, 2020

記協去信鄧炳強 促取消自行定義篩選「可信媒體」採訪 (Hong Kong Journalists Association urges Hong Kong Police Commissioner to scrap trusted media policy)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 12, 2020

城大副教授民調涉國安法 民調公司YouGov稱或違法要求刪走部分問題 (Survey company YouGov drops questions related to National Security Law included by City University professor)
CitizenNews, August 12, 2020

蔡英文籲大陸與港人對話解決爭議 承諾續人道協助港人 (Tsai Ing-wen urges Mainland China and Hong Kong to solve disputes diplomatically, promises to provide humanitarian assistance to Hong Kongers)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 12, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Joshua Wong: Hong Kong Still Has Many Ways to Resist
The New York Times, August 12, 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

中国网民声援黎智英 壹传媒股价疯涨有如民意公投 (Mainland Chinese netizens' support of Jimmy Lai boosts Next Digital's soaring stock price)
Radio Free Asia, August 11, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

三峡工程隐患或冲击中共合法性 (Hidden dangers of Three Gorges Dam Project may impact legitimacy of the CCP)
Voice of America, August 11, 2020

Taiwan (台灣)

'The next Hong Kong': Taiwan's foreign minister sounds warning over China
Agence France-Presse, August 11, 2020

阿札访台演讲 批中国问题不在病毒起源 而是应对方式 (U.S. Secretary of Health Alex Azar criticizes China during Taipei visit: management of virus, not origin, at issue)
Radio Free Asia, August 11, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

National security law: Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai freed as activist Agnes Chow calls her arrest ‘political persecution and suppression’
South China Morning Post, August 11, 2020

Hong Kong rallies around Apple Daily after arrest of founder Jimmy Lai
The Guardian, August 11, 2020

Beijing extends Hong Kong’s Legislative Council term by ‘at least one year’ but kicks ball back to Carrie Lam to decide how disqualified lawmakers can continue their duties
South China Morning Post, August 11, 2020

22名民主派立會議員稱人大決定與基本法規定相違 (22 democratic legislators argue Beijing's extension of Legislative Council term violates Basic Law in joint statement)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 11, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Hong Kong is not dead, just entering a new phase of struggle
The Sydney Morning Herald, August 12, 2020

Why Is China Coming After Americans Like Me in the U.S.?

The New York Times, August 11, 2020

科幻:中国塑造软实力的秘密武器 (Why sci-fi could be the secret weapon in China’s soft-power arsenal)
The Financial Times, August 10, 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China says it will sanction US Republican senators and NGO chiefs for ‘behaving badly over Hong Kong’
South China Morning Post, August 10, 2020

美国安顾问: 中国黑客攻击选举基础设施(U.S. national security advisor: Chinese hackers attack election infrastructure)
Deutsche Welle, August 10, 2020

Taiwan (台灣)

US-China relations: this is the start of a new cooperation, Taiwan’s president tells US health secretary on landmark visit
South China Morning Post, August 10, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

National security law: Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai, activist Agnes Chow among those arrested as police spend nearly nine hours searching Apple Daily offices
South China Morning Post, August 10, 2020

警隊試行「可信媒體」准入封鎖線採訪 記協主席︰製造更多問題 (Hong Kong police test new policy allowing only trusted media to report beyond barricades but the chairperson of Hong Kong Journalists Association believes that will only create more problems)
HK01, August 11, 2020

多個傳媒工會及組織關注警方拘捕傳媒創辦人及管理層 並對大規模搜查傳媒大樓表示震驚 (Multiple journalist associations raise concerns arising from the arrest of media founder and executives, along with the shocking extensive search of the headquarters)
Ming Pao Staff Association, August 10, 2020

民主派聯合聲明:強烈譴責警方公然審查及侮辱傳媒,要求交代是否成為新規矩 (Democratic legislative council members issue a joint statement condemning Hong Kong Police's shameful investigation as an insult to the press)
Inmediahk, August 10, 2020

What people are saying about the arrest of Hong Kong's Jimmy Lai
Reuters, August 9, 2020

聯合國 27 問港府 促交代國安法、警方濫暴、打壓集會、DQ 候選人等 (The UN sends the Hong Kong government a list of issues asking for information on issues including the National Security Law, police brutality, and the disqualification of election candidates)
The Stand News, August 10, 2020

List of issues in relation to the fourth periodic report of Hong Kong, China
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, August 6, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Targeting WeChat, Trump Takes Aim at China’s Bridge to the World

The New York Times, August 10, 2020

Friday, August 07, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Uyghur Model ‘Disappears’ After Risking Punishment With Video of His Detention
Radio Free Asia, August 6, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

掌握好友李旺阳死因重要证据 朱承志“寻衅滋事“罪成判囚3年半 (Possessing important evidence of the cause of death of his friend Li Wangyang, man is sentenced to 3.5 years in prison for "picking quarrels and provoking trouble")
Radio Free Asia, August 7, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

忧"大外宣" 纽时等媒体下架《中国日报》(New York Times, other news outlets drop China Daily supplements out of concern over China’s “big external propaganda campaign”)
Deutsche Welle, August 7, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

美众议员推出议案,对抗中共全球影响力 (U.S. congressional representative introduces Countering Chinese Communist Party Malign Influence Act)
Voice of America, August 7, 2020

McCaul Introduces Bills to Counter CCP’s Global Malign Influence
Just the Real News, August 5, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

US Senate approves TikTok ban on government devices
South China Morning Post, August 7, 2020

China hits out at US over ban on WeChat and Tiktok as tech war hits new peak
The Telegraph, August 7, 2020

Trump Targets WeChat and TikTok, in Sharp Escalation With China

The New York Times, August 7, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

US sanctions Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam for ‘implementing Beijing’s policies of suppression’
South China Morning Post, August 7, 2020

Treasury Sanctions Individuals for Undermining Hong Kong’s Autonomy
U.S. Department of the Treasury, August 7, 2020

Hong Kong national security law: US consulate in city breaks silence, warns of chilling effect of new legislation
South China Morning Post, August 7, 2020

China’s Offer to Help With Virus Testing Spooks Hong Kong

The New York Times, August 7, 2020

黃之鋒區選被 DQ 申司法覆核 強調非為挑戰結果 律政司指只可提選舉呈請 高院押後裁決 (Joshua Wong requests judicial review on his disqualification from district council election without challenging election results; high court postpones ruling)
The Stand News, August 7, 2020

A Newsroom at the Edge of Autocracy
The Atlantic, August 1, 2020

Commentary (评论)

“好莱坞制作,北京审查”:北京如何掐住好莱坞命门 (Report,“Made in Hollywood, Censored by Beijing,” looks at how Beijing’s influence on Hollywood)
Voice of America, August 7, 2020

Made in Hollywood, censored by Beijing
Pen America, August 5, 2020

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

新疆维吾尔模特传给家人视频, 罕见揭露拘留所内幕 (Video of a Xinjiang Uyghur model sent to family reveals rare scenes inside detention facility)
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 6, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Innocent man released in China after record 9,778 days in prison
South China Morning Post, August 6, 2020

中国男子蒙冤入狱27年 酷刑逼供令人发指 (Innocent man served 27 years on confession extracted from torture)
Radio France Internationale, August 6, 2020

整治厦门聚会异议人士 株连家属 刘四仿妻儿面临流离失所 (Family of Liu Sifang, participant of Xiaman civil society gathering, faces eviction)
Radio Free Asia, August 6, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

中国企业家谏言开放互联网遭封杀 (Article by Chinese online entrepreneur James Liang urging more open Internet is deleted)
Voice of America, August 6, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

187个国家批准儿童保护协议 (All 187 member States of the ILO have ratified the Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour)
Deutsche Welle, August 6, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Google pulls 2,500 China-linked YouTube channels over disinformation on video-sharing platform
South China Morning Post, August 6, 2020

美宣布扩大“干净网络” 要清除各大中国公司与平台 (U.S. announces expansion of "clean Internet" to root out major Chinese companies, platforms)
Voice of America, August 6, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

25 Hong Kong activists charged for taking part in ‘unauthorised’ Tiananmen massacre vigil
Agence France-Presse, August 6, 2020

Delayed work visas for foreign journalists in Hong Kong ‘highly unusual’, says press body as it warns of damage to city’s reputation
South China Morning Post, August 6, 2020

FCC Statement on Journalist Visas in Hong Kong
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, August 6, 2020

律師會晤張曉明 籲先嘗試在特區法律框架解決 (Law Society of Hong Kong to discuss LegCo “vacuum” with Zhang Xiaoming, deputy director of State Council’s Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office)
HK01, August 6, 2020

反修例運動以來多宗資料外洩 部份受害人指控警方 學者指中旅社內地酒店亦有嫌疑 (Multiple doxxing since start of anti-extradition movement; some victims blame police; scholar suspects involvement of China Travel Service, mainland hotels and public security organs)
The Stand News, August 6, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Think 'sanctions' will trouble China? Then you're stuck in the politics of the past
The Guardian, August 6, 2020

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

秦永敏家属探监遭拒 家书逾半年才收到 (Authority refused Qin Yongmin's visit from family; letter from home took 6 months to reach him)
Radio Free Asia, August 4, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

China Uighurs: A model's video gives a rare glimpse inside internment
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 4, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

“非新闻”创办人卢昱宇因翻墙上推再次被警方传唤警告 (“Not the News” creator, Lu Yuyu, summoned by police again for using circumvention tools)
Weiquanwang, August 5, 2020

美倘拒中國記者續簽 北京:必作反應 (China vows action if U.S. refuses to renew visas for Chinese journalists)
Ming Pao, August 5, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Chinese Woman Sues City, Provincial Government Over Virus Cover-up
Radio Free Asia, August 5, 2020

Special Report: COVID opens new doors for China's gene giant
Reuters, August 4, 2020

印度審查孔子學院 華籲勿政治化 (India to investigate Confucius Institutes; China urges it to “avoid politicizing normal cooperation”)
Ming Pao, August 5, 2020

世卫组织先遣小组结束在华磋商 其独立性受到质疑 (WHO Advanced Team finishes preliminary discussion with China; its independence is questioned)
Voice of America, August 5, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

特朗普总统:TikTok很成功但美国不能接受安全风险 (President Trump: TikTok is successful, but we can't take the security risks)
Voice of America, August 4, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

US Sec. of State Pompeo vows to protect exiled Hong Kong activists ‘wanted’ by Beijing
Agence France-Presse, August 5, 2020

Hong Kong protests: opposition activist Agnes Chow convicted of inciting siege of police headquarters
Hong Kong Free Press, August 5, 2020

政圈風聲〡「大DQ」勢延特首選委會 傳北京研設「確認書」落閘 (Beijing reportedly introducing "confirmation letter" requirement for candidates for Chief Executive Election Committee to insure desired result)
HK01, August 4, 2020

Taiwan (台湾)

US announces highest-level visit to Taiwan in decades, risking China anger
The Guardian, August 5, 2020

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

在404的国度里,用艺术对抗残酷现实的“狂人” (In the realm of 404, a “madman” using art to fight cruel reality)
Voice of America, August 4, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

美政府机构联合发表有关中国政府使用恶意软件的新警告 (U.S. gov’t agencies jointly issue new warnings about malware used by Chinese gov’t)
Voice of America, August 4, 2020

向中产下手? 北京怀柔四合院民居遭强拆 (Targeting the middle class? Beijing Huairou residential complex forcibly demolished)
Radio Free Asia, August 4, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

TikTok row: China hits out at US 'smash and grab' as tech dispute deepens
The Guardian, August 4, 2020

Talk of Banning TikTok Sparks Calls For A More Open Internet in China
Radio Free Asia, August 4, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong national security law: suspect’s release bid first test for city’s judges on defendant’s rights versus new legislation
South China Morning Post, August 4, 2020

Hong Kong gov’t defends election delay after barristers express concern over constitutional rights
Hong Kong Free Press, August 4, 2020

英報告指港警「違國際法及聯合聲明」 促制裁香港高官 (In report, UK Parliamentary group says Hong Kong police violated international laws and Sino-British Joint Declaration; urges sanctions on Hong Kong officials)
HK01, August 4, 2020

The Shrinking Safe Space for Humanitarian Aid Workers in Hong Kong
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Hong Kong, August 2020

法國中止批准與港引渡條約 歐盟籲港重新考慮押後立會選舉等決定 (France suspends extradition agreement with Hong Kong; EU urges Hong Kong gov’t to reconsider the decision to postpone election)
CitizensNews, August 4, 2020

Commentary (评论)

难以逾越的中美鸿沟:字节跳动的全球化之路为何陷入危机(How TikTok’s Owner Tried, and Failed, to Cross the U.S.-China Divide)
The New York Times, August 4, 2020

专访郑文杰: “被嫖娼”周年前夕被通缉是荣誉 (Interview with Simon: It is an honor to be on the Wanted list on the eve of anniversary of "being prostituted")
Radio Free Asia, August 3, 2020

Monday, August 03, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

US imposes sanctions on Chinese 'state-within-a-state' linked to Xinjiang abuses
The Guardian, July 31, 2020

美国宣布制裁新疆生产建设兵团和两名兵团负责人 (U.S. announces sanctions on Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and its two top officials)
Voice of America, August 1, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

中国严查违法和不良信息案 7月份一千五百万件 多人被拘 (In July, China investigated 15 million cases involving unlawful and harmful information online, detained many)
Radio Free Asia, August 3, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

White House puts Chinese apps on notice as Trump gives TikTok ‘45 days’ to reach Microsoft deal
South China Morning Post, August 3, 2020

人工智能会让中国成为“全景监狱”吗? (Will artificial intelligence turn China into a panopticon?)
Radio Free Asia, July 31, 2020

The panopticon is already here
The Atlantic, September 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

大公報︰港警國安處首發通緝令 指羅冠聰等六人涉分裂國家、勾結外國勢力 央視︰五人為「港獨組織」成員 (Ta Kung Pao: Department for safeguarding national security of the Hong Kong Police Force issues first Wanted list; Nathan Law and 5 others suspected of succession and collusion with foreign forces; CCTV: 5 people are members of Hong Kong independence organizations)
The Stand News, August 1, 2020

Hong Kong elections: Beijing sends top official to discuss postponement of Legislative Council vote
South China Morning Post, August 3, 2020

立法會選舉延期|大律師公會批提請人大繞基本法 或被裁定不合法 (Hong Kong Bar Association: HK govt's request for decision by the National People’s Congress on election delay bypasses Basic Law and other legislation and is possibly illegal)
HK01, August 3, 2020

Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on the Hong Kong Government's Decision to Postpone the Legislative Council Election
Hong Kong Bar Association, August 2, 2020

楊潤雄:國家安全議題將在學校教育體現 (Hong Kong Secretary for Education: National security will be introduced as a topic in the education system), August 3, 2020

With Security Law as a Cudgel, Beijing Cracks Down on Hong Kong

The New York Times, August 3, 2020

6專家拒評疫情對選舉影響 有稱國安法下不能批評政府決定 (6 experts decline to comment on the effect of COVID-19 on the upcoming election; some cite risks in criticizing government decisions under the National Security Law)
Ming Pao, July 31, 2020

National security law: Beijing suspends Hong Kong’s extradition treaty with New Zealand in tit-for-tat move
South China Morning Post, August 3, 2020

Commentary (评论)

专访:面对国安法威胁 多数港人恐无选择命运的权利 (Interview with Samuel Chu: Facing the threat of National Security Law, most Hong Kong people have no right to choose their destiny)
Deutsche Welle, August 3, 2020