The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, January 03, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

China detains more than 12 lawyers and activists in end of year crackdown – rights groups
Agence France-Presse, January 3, 2020

China Detains Eight Activists, Questions More After Dec. 13 Meeting in Xiamen
Radio Free Asia, January 2, 2020

向習近平畫像潑墨被囚精神病院逾兩年 董瑤瓊近日獲釋 父稱變癡呆判若兩人 (Dong Yaoqiong, girl who splashed ink on Xi Jinping's portrait, is released from mental institution after 1 plus year; father fears her deteriorated mental state a result of forced medication in custody)
Stand News, January 3, 2020

全国人大将开通网上信访平台:通过“中国人大网”注册登录 (National People's Congress to set up online petitioning platform)
The Paper, January 2, 2020

Access to Information (信息公开)

官方未澄清疑似SARS病例 网民转发信息八人被警传唤 (Eight citizens summoned by police for sharing information on unidentified pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan)
Radio Free Asia, January 2, 2020

【武漢肺炎】高鐵西九龍站無防疫告示 武漢乘客無戴口罩 (No health warning signs in high-speed rail station, passengers from Wuhan allowed to enter Hong Kong without face masks, say they have not heard of outbreak)
Ming Pao, January 2, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China to promote occupational skill ranking system
Sina, January 3, 2020

China’s Climate Diplomacy 2.0
The Diplomat, January 2, 2020

Police Collect Children’s Blood Without Parents’ Consent
Bitter Winter, January 2, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

【元旦大圍捕】首批被捕者獲保釋:路經遭圍捕 被要求換灰衫褲 大部分人未見律師 (Arrested protesters forced to wear grey uniforms and slippers when released from police station, majority are delayed access to lawyers)
Stand News, January 3, 2020

【元旦大圍捕】公安條例容許警方定義「暴動」 監警會國際專家小組成員斥違《基本法》(International expert who withdrew from IPCC investigation criticizes kettling-arrest tactic in New Year’s march says current law allowing police to define "riot" violates rights protected under Basic Law)
Stand News, January 3, 2020

學者不排除當局透過大圍捕迫使和理非人士與勇武派割席 (Scholar says mass arrests might be police's tactic to cause rift between peaceful and radical protesters)
Radio Television Hong Kong, January 2, 2020

Officer removed lawmaker’s goggles to pepper spray him as he displayed ‘passive resistance,’ Hong Kong police say
Hong Kong Free Press, January 2, 2020

新公務員工會批警方終止遊行 政府發稿:公務員不應批評執法行動 如違守則將嚴肅處理 (Civil servants union criticizes early termination of peaceful march, while government warns it to stay silent or face consequences)
Stand News, January 3, 2020

Hong Kong teachers' union is one inciting 'white terror' not us, says Education Bureau
South China Morning Post, January 3, 2020

立法會教育事務委員會通過成立小組研究學校教材 (Legco education committee to establish working group to review teaching materials in schools)
Radio Television Hong Kong, January 3, 2020

Hong Kong protests: civil rights group accuses police of breaking international law after three observers are arrested
South China Morning Post, January 2, 2020

強烈譴責警方阻撓和拘捕三名人權觀察員 (Civil Rights Observer condemns police for obstructing and arresting three human rights observers)
Stand News, January 2, 2020

Teacher seeks evidence to sue Hong Kong’s top cop after being partially blinded by police projectile
Hong Kong Free Press, January 3, 2020

Hong Kong district councillors kick off new term with pledge to pursue protesters' demands amid anti-government movement
South China Morning Post, January 2, 2020

Commentary (评论)

HKFP Lens: The year that changed Hong Kong forever – May James’s best shots from the frontlines, Part 2
Hong Kong Free Press, January 3, 2020