The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Xinjiang (新疆)

U.N. rights officials criticize China over Muslim internments
The New York Times, November 14, 2018

Letter by 6 UN Mandate Holders on Xinjiang
Full text via International Service for Human Rights, November 12, 2018

美两党议员即将推出有关新疆人权的法案 (Bipartisan U.S. lawmakers to introduce bill on Xinjiang)
Voice of America, November 14, 2018

New bill aims to expose China's treatment of Muslims
Politico, November 13, 2018

Rubio, Menendez, Colleagues Introduce Legislation In Response To China's Human Rights Abuses Of Uyghurs
Marco Rubio, U.S. Senator for Florida, November 14, 2018

China tells world to ignore "gossip" about Xinjiang
Reuters, November 13, 2018

中国外长呼吁国际社会不要理会有关新疆的“小道消息” (China’s foreign minister tells international community to ignore “gossip” about Xinjiang)
Voice of America, November 13, 2018

Investigation: Uyghur poet detained for editing problematic book
Radio Free Asia, November 13, 2018

Access to Justice (司法公正)

人权组织向UN控告中国虐待六四天网创建人黄琦 (Reporters Without Borders petitions UN Special Rapporteur on Torture on reported torture, denial of medical treatment in custody of activist Huang Qi)
Voice of America, November 14, 2018

Record of Meeting with Huang Qi
Human Rights in China, November 12, 2018

China abolishes top Beijing law firm known for human rights cases
Radio Free Asia, November 13, 2018

Access to Information (信息公开)

近万中国自媒体账户被删 惹怒网民 (Large-scale ban of online media accounts causes uproar from netizens)
Radio Free Asia, November 13, 2018

中國「自媒體」的寒冬來了?20多天內近萬帳號被查封 (Bitter winter for Chinese independent media as almost 10K accounts banned in 20 days)
The News Lens, November 13, 2018

China censorship moves from politics to economics
Financial Times, November 14, 2018

Minitrue: Downplay “dispute” between lawyer and police
China Digital Times, November 13, 2018

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

Chinese campus crackdown on young Marxist activists expands in major cities
South China Morning Post, November 14, 2018

塵肺工人遣返湖南 深圳派錢安撫 政府允一個月內定賠償方案 (Silicosis workers returned to Hunan as government promises finalized compensation scheme within one month)
Ming Pao, November 14, 2018

李文足晤德國外長 冀向中方提出無罪釋放王全璋 (Li Wenzu, wife of detained rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang, urges German foreign minister to press for his release)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 13, 2018

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China’s new inconvenient truth: how much lottery money corrupt officials stole
South China Morning Post, November 13, 2018

Australia’s prime minister “surprised” by state’s secret deal with China
The New York Times, November 13, 2018

广东信宜22名信徒被批捕 山西霍州教会遭取缔 (22 followers arrested in Guangdong while Shangxi churches banned with notice: religious freedom is only for psychological, not physical, activities)
Radio Free Asia, November 14, 2018

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

“微表情”技术协助银行降低风险 (Facial recognition now used to help banks detect lies, cut down on bad debts by identifying clients’ micro-expressions)
Financial Times, November 14, 2018

Hong Kong (香港)

Pro-Beijing lawmaker tables motion urging action on enacting national security law in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Free Press, November 13, 2018

大陆法官在香港高校设党支部 (Mainland judge studying in Hong Kong sets up Party Committee at City University, hold public party meeting to teach CPC policy)
Radio Free Asia, November 13, 2018

”The gov’t has no shame”: Hong Kong Umbrella Movement democracy trio prepare for trial
Agence France-Presse, November 13, 2018

佔中三子案下周開審 法新社專訪戴耀廷:港府重新定義「法治」(In interview with AFP on occupy leaders’ upcoming trial, Benny Tai says HKSAR government is trying to redefine rule of law)
Ming Pao, November 13, 2018

Hong Kong gov’t to investigate reports of Chinese border guards occupying land in border zone
Hong Kong Free Press, November 13, 2018

Commentary (评论)

China’s mass incarceration of Muslims cannot be left unchallenged
The Guardian, November 13, 2018

紅線的復歸:今天打壓外國記者新聞自由,與當年六四有多相似? (The return of the Red Line: How similar is today’s suppression of foreign press freedom to measures taken after June Fourth?
The Initium, November 14, 2018