柳江县一男子违反人身保护令对妻子实施家暴被拘留 (Guangxi man detained after violating personal protection order and committing domestic violence against his wife)
Xinhua, July 21, 2016
男子醉打妻子 德州发出首份《家庭暴力告诫书》 (Dezhou, Shandong issues first “Domestic Violence Written Warning” after drunken man hits wife)
Xinhua, July 18, 2016
辽宁:拒不监护留守儿童的可撤销监护人资格 (Liaoning: Guardians of left-behind children who fail to fulfill their duties risk revocation of guardianship status)
Shenyang Net, July 17, 2016
Forcibly hospitalized petitioner deemed “mentally ill” finally declared well enough for jail
South China Morning Post, July 23, 2016
Jailed Chinese activist “considers” ending hunger strike, requests transfer
【视频】郭飞雄愿考虑停止绝食 但须转监狱
Radio Free Asia, July 22, 2016
EN: http://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/china-guofeixiong-07222016143125.html
CH: http://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao/renquanfazhi/ql3-07222016102148.html
Sister Says Guo Feixiong Will Not Stop Hunger Strike
杨茂平: 郭飞雄会活着走出监狱吗?
Human Rights in China, June 15, 2016
EN: http://www.hrichina.org/en/press-work/case-update/sister-says-guo-feixiong-will-not-stop-hunger-strike CH: http://www.hrichina.org/chs/xin-wen-gong-zuo/ge-gen-zong/yang-mao-ping-guo-fei-xiong-hui-huo-zhao-zou-chu-jian-yu-ma