清华教授惊人言论被斥无良 (Tsinghua professor angers public by suggesting "raping bar girls is less harmful than raping innocent women")
Beijing Morning Post, July 17, 2013
Related Weibo:
黒幇, July 17, 2013
[昨日,身为清华大学高管的@易延友 发表言论力挺一一的律师:"强奸陪酒女比
华人都这素质,国家未来堪忧啊,不多说,围观傻逼!] (Yesterday, Tsinghua University professor Yi Yanyou made the following comments in support of the lawyer of [Li Tianyi]: "raping bar girls brings less harm than raping innocent women. After a wave of criticisms online, he made a different comment: "raping innocent women is more harmful than raping bar girls, disco girls, escorts, and prostitutes." Do you even understand the basic concept of equality? If Tsinghua-educated people are like this, the future of our country is in danger.)