全国首例英烈保护公益诉讼:保护董存瑞英雄形象 (Hebei prosecutor demands local civil affairs authority, police to protect image of Dong Cunrui in accordance with the new hero law)
Sina, May 3, 2018
“Easier to die than live”: Liu Xia, widow of Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, cries out for help in phone call
China Change, May 2, 2018
四川阿坝一藏人遭“政治罪名”秘密判刑13年 (Tibetan in Sichuan secretly sentenced to 13 years in jail for “political crime”)
Radio Free Asia, May 2, 2018
中国施压家庭教会 安徽牧师被判囚三年 (Family church priest in Anhui sentenced to 3 years in jail for “damaging property intentionally”)
Radio Free Asia, May 2, 2018