The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Xinjiang (新疆)

“Surviving China”: Uyghur voices from Xinjiang and Guantanamo
Bitter Winter, April 15, 2019

Holocaust survivor: “The past is repeating itself”
Radio Free Asia, April 17, 2019

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Chinese rights lawyer's wife uses birthday to mark “disappearance”
Radio Free Asia, April 17, 2019

Access to Information (信息公开)

新浪多个应用被下令停止更新下架一个月 (Sina apps suspended for failing to censor “viral, vulgar, and fake” content)
Voice of America, April 17, 2019

Weibo reverses ban on lesbian content amid uproar
China Digital Times, April 17, 2019

Chinese actor Zhao Lixin banned from Weibo over comments on second Sino-Japanese war
What’s On Weibo, April 17, 2019

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

法国出版连环画纪念六四30年 亲历者张伦教授现身说法 (1989 Democracy Movement participant Zhang Lun publishes graphic novel in France to commemorate 30th anniversary)
Radio France Internationale, April 18, 2019

六四临近,揭萨斯疫情军医蒋彦永被失联 (Military medic vocal about June Fourth held incommunicado in hospital as anniversary draws near)
Radio Free Asia, April 17, 2019

广州土地交易疑贪 酿警民冲突
Police in China's Guangzhou detain eight after demolition standoff
Radio Free Asia, April 17, 2019

Government Accountability (政府问责)

More businesses fall victim to “Anti-Halal” campaign
Bitter Winter, April 15, 2019

全面提高宗教工作水平 切实维护宗教领域和谐稳定 (Wang Yang, NPPCC chairman: Party to step up leadership in “work on religion,” to maintain harmonious stability in religious sector)
People’s Daily, April 18, 2019
HRIC Note: Wang stresses “active exploration into effective ways to sinify reglion.”

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Amazon to exit China this week
Pandaily, April 17, 2019

FCC chairman opposes China Mobile’s effort to enter US
Financial Times, April 18, 2019

F.C.C. Chair plans to block China Mobile from U.S. market
The New York Times, April 17, 2019

China’s SenseTime sells out of Xinjiang security joint venture
Financial Times, April 17, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

商人、社工、民運人士,《逃犯條例》修訂後,誰將成為「逃犯」? (Businessmen, social workers, democracy activists: who will become “fugitives” after amendment to Hong Kong’s extradition laws?)
The Initium, April 18, 2019

JUST IN: Hong Kong stumbles in Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index, down 25 places in 10 years
Hong Kong Free Press, April 18m, 2019

Commentary (评论)

Being tracked while reporting in China, where “there are no whys”
The New York Times, April 17, 2019

中國廣電禁令事件簿:不合時宜即封殺,歌手李志只是冰山一角 (Logbook of censorship: Singer Li Zhi is just the tip of the iceberg)
The News Lens, April 18, 2019

Xi Jinping’s intolerance of dissent within government heightens the risk of Chinese policy mistakes
South China Morning Post, April 18m, 2019

Hope remains for Western solidarity. Look at embassies in Beijing
The Economist, April 17, 2019