微软受控审查搜索引擎中文结果 (Microsoft's Bing censors Chinese search results)
Voice of America, February 12, 2014
Microsoft's Bing accused of Chinese-language censorship
Agence France-Presse, February 12, 2014
bit.ly/1dHGL1w中国对香港与台湾媒体施压日趋严重”(Report finds increasing pressure from Beijing on Hong Kong and Taiwanese media)
British Broadcasting Corporation, February 12, 2014
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/china/2014/02/140212_china_hongkong_taiwan_press_freedom.shtmlSee report:
Journalists in Hong Kong and Taiwan battle Beijing's influence
Committee to Protect Journalists, February 12, 2014