The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Access to Justice (司法公正)

端点星抗审查 两90后被拘1年 开庭延期 (Authorities again postpone court date for Chen Mei and Cai Wei, volunteers of archive of banned posts and articles about coronavirus who have been held for a year)
Radio France Internationale, April 26, 2021

曾替十二港人案辩护 律师杨晖涉转卖旧书罚款近三十万 (Yang Hui, lawyer who represented the Hong Kong 12, is fined nearly 300,000 yuan for selling used books online)
Radio Free Asia, April 27, 2021

China to put former top anti-corruption inspector on trial for graft
South China Morning Post, April 27, 2021

Government Accountability (政府问责)

A Graying China May Have to Put Off Retirement. Workers Aren’t Happy.

The New York Times, April 27, 2021

中国公布《反间谍安全防范工作规定》 (China publishes Provisions on Efforts on Counter-Espionage and Security Precautions)
Deutsche Welle, April 27, 2021

国家安全部公布2021年第1号令《反间谍安全防范工作规定》 (Ministry of State Security publishes Order 2021.1: Provisions on Efforts on Counter-Espionage and Security Precautions)
People's Daily, April 26, 2021

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

国家立法拟为超级平台增设外部独立机构,监督个人信息处理 (China to draft regulation requiring big tech firms to hire independent monitors of their management of personal information)
Jiemian, April 26, 2021

App处理个人信息乱象丛生,三部门拟出新规消除监管真空 (New draft regulation to eliminate unlawful personal information gathering is accepting public comments until May 26)
Jiemian, April 27, 2021

How one man’s dream to rival Google’s AI chief reflects China’s quest for tech supremacy
South China Morning Post, April 27, 2021

Chinese Smart TV-Maker Accused of Spying on Owners' Other Devices
Radio Free Asia, April 27, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong mass protest organiser Civil Human Rights Front facing police probe over its operations
South China Morning Post, April 26, 2021

Hong Kong civil rights group unlikely to survive police investigation into funding, activities, analysts say
South China Morning Post, April 27, 2021

Taiwan Church Website Blocked by Hong Kong National Security Police
Radio Free Asia, April 26, 2021

Hong Kong leader issues warning to territory’s top legal body
Al Jazeera & Reuters, April 27, 2021

Hong Kong protests: justice secretary says freedoms are no cover for breaking the law as she defends jailing of Jimmy Lai and others
South China Morning Post, April 26, 2021

Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam to host RTHK show aired 4 times a day, as embattled broadcaster axes other shows
Hong Kong Free Press, April 27, 2021

RTHK assistant director becomes at least sixth senior employee to quit Hong Kong public broadcaster since new boss took charge
South China Morning Post, April 27, 2021

National security clampdown casts shadow over Hong Kong’s annual Tiananmen Massacre vigil
Hong Kong Free Press, April 27, 2021

No questions on rule of law or politics in this year’s liberal studies paper at Hong Kong’s DSE exams, teachers say
South China Morning Post, April 27, 2021

彭博:香港今年逾1.6万家庭移英(Bloomberg: Over 16,000 Hong Kong households moving to UK this year)
Radio Free Asia, April 27, 2021

Hongkongers Moving to U.K. May Sell $19 Billion of Homes
Bloomberg, April 27, 2021

【公務員宣誓】聶德權:129 公務員拒簽聲明 25 人自行辭職 其餘將被要求離職(Of 129 civil servants who refused to take loyalty oath, 25 quit and rest will be asked to leave)
Stand News, April 27, 2021

Commentary (评论)

互联网巨头的“边界” (The “boundary” of big tech companies)
Financial Times, April 26, 2021