从再教育营到强迫劳动 至少29万维族人受牵连 (From re-education camps to forced labor, at least 290,000 Uyghurs have been affected)
Deutsche Welle, May 20, 2020
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
Access to Justice (司法公正)
中国第一部民法典可能在严格的言论控制中面世 (China ’s first civil code may be introduced in climate of strict speech control)
Voice of America, May 20, 2020
陕西男子“翻墙”罚款五百元 舆论哗然党媒也抨击 (Even state-control media joins public outcry over Shaanxi man being fined RMB 500 for using VPN)
Radio Free Asia, May 20, 2020
采购外国网络产品需符合国家安全 新规进一步限制民众自由 (New regulations requiring compliance of foreign network products with national security further restrict freedom of consumers)
Radio Free Asia, May 20, 2020
Taiwan (台湾)
Taiwan inauguration: Pres. Tsai Ing-wen pledges to expand int’l presence; rejects One Country, Two Systems
Hong Kong Free Press, May 20, 2020
How would mainland China attack Taiwan? A video outlines one scenario
South China Morning Post, May 20, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Organiser of Tiananmen vigil in Hong Kong urges would-be participants to adopt protesters’ ‘be water’ strategy if event is banned
South China Morning Post, May 20, 2020
Legal expert's new role tied to Article 23
The Standard, May 20, 2020
記協關注政治諷刺節目因受到政治壓力而面臨停播 (Hong Kong Journalists Association expresses concern over the suspension of political satire program under political pressure)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 19, 2020
六四展覽主題結合「反送中」 盼年輕人認識社運傳承 共同向專制政權說不 (June Fourth exhibition incorporates anti-extradition protest movement; organizer urges the younger generation to recognize social movement continuity and unite in saying “no” to authoritarian rule)
The Stand News, May 20, 2020
Commentary (评论)
【記者發牌.深度】失卻「傳媒專業」 談何以「記者」作為志業 (Why I chose journalism as my profession)
HK01, May 20, 2020
中西对抗能倒逼中国重新开放吗 (Can the confrontation between China and the West force China to reopen?)
The New York Times, May 20, 2020