30 years ago: Violent protests reported in China
China Digital Times, April 24, 2019
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
June Fourth 30th Anniversary (“六四”三十周年)
Xinjiang (新疆)
China using US-made satellites to boost its police and military power and quash protests in Tibet and Xinjiang, report says
Agence France-Presse, April 24, 2019
Access to Justice (司法公正)
內地記者高瑜完成服刑 指自己從沒認罪 (Mainland journalist Gao Yu finishes prison term: “I never confessed”)
Radio Television Hong Kong, April 24, 2019
敢言媒体人高瑜刑满释放 被带离北京避一带一路峰会 ("Vocal" journalist immediately taken on “vacation” upon release from prison as Beijing amps up “peacekeeping” for BRI summit)
Voice of America, April 23, 2019
“保障无罪的人不受刑事追究”正式写入检察官法 (“Protect the innocent from criminal liability” now officially written in amended Procurators Law)
The Paper, April 23, 2019
《中华人民共和国法官法》修订通过,10月1日起施行 (Amendment to Judges Law of the People's Republic of China passed, effective October 1)
The Paper, April 23, 2019
Access to Information (信息公开)
全国“扫黄打非”办:国内最大涉黄直播平台之一“爱美人”被摧毁 平台运营团伙的7人被判刑 (Streaming platform "Aimeiren" closed down for spreading vulgar content, operators sentenced to imprisonment of 1 year or more)
Legal Daily, April 23, 2019
全国“扫黄打非”办:一定程度上软色情比真色情更可怕 (Office for “eradicating pornography and illegal publications” to expand work against “soft pornography” after Durex commercial, says vulgar ads “promote sexual hints” and are “discriminatory against women”)
Legal Daily, April 23, 2019
Citizen Participation (公民参与)
Overseas tech workers warn of “race to bottom” in China overtime row
Radio Free Asia, April 23, 2019
Government Accountability (政府问责)
教堂被拆 庆祝活动受阻:不平安的复活节 (Turbulent Easter as church demolished and Christians warned against celebratory activities)
Radio Free Asia, April 23, 2019
最後一個月:台灣同婚將上路,跨國伴侶「一國三制」未解 (The last mile to same-sex marriage in Taiwan, yet “one country, three systems” obstacle for cross-strait couples remains unsolved)
The Initium, April 24, 2019
US accuses engineer Xiaoqing Zheng and businessman Zhang Zhaoxi of stealing secrets, spying on General Electric to aid China
South China Morning Post, April 24, 2019
被指受中国资助 美籍华裔工程师被控经济间谍 (Chinese American engineer charged with economic espionage and stealing trade secrets, with financial support and other aid from Chinese government)
Voice of America, April 24, 2019
China to recalibrate Belt and Road, defend scheme against criticism
Reuters, April 24, 2019
China’s Xi urges closer naval ties amid regional tensions
Associated Press, April 23, 2019
China: “Belt and Road” projects should respect rights
Human Rights Watch, April 21, 2019
ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)
May to ban Huawei from providing "core" parts of UK 5G network
The Guardian, April 24, 2019
China Unicom to launch 5G trial network in major cities
Sina English, April 24, 2019
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong’s leading Umbrella Movement activists handed jail sentences
Hong Kong Free Press, April 24, 2019
Hong Kong Occupy leaders jailed over 2014 protests
Financial Times, April 24, 2019邵家臻判刑 8 個月 梁君彥:謹慎處理任何禠奪議員資格議案 (“Will carefully handle any motion to disqualify legislators”, says LegCo chairman as lawmaker Bottle Siu receives 8-month prison sentence)
The Stand News, April 24, 2019【九子判刑】陳淑莊判刑前驗出腦瘤 直徑4.2厘米 將做切除手術及放射治療 (Brain tumor diagnosed in Tanya Chan, judge adjourns sentencing until June 10 to allow for surgery and therapy)
The Stand News, April 24, 2019【佔中九子案-圖輯】在囹圄高牆前 發出最後的自由之聲 (Umbrella 9 in pictures: on the eve of sentencing, a cry for freedom)
HK01, April 23, 2019
耶魯大學港生撐黃傘 校園地標奏《海闊天空》支持佔中九子 (They can’t jail us all: Yale University students rally in support of Umbrella 9)
The Stand News, April 24, 2019
亂世當中,誰能無責;海不能隔,公民呼應 — 台灣公民團體聲援佔中九子 (Who can remain blameless in troubled times?: Taiwan civil organizations’ joint statement in support of Umbrella 9)
The Stand News, April 24, 2019【九子判刑】台灣陸委會深表遺憾:印證一國兩制未能尊重保障民眾政治權利 (Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council express “deep regrets” over Umbrella 9 sentencing: “proof that One Country, Two Systems fails to respect, protect political rights")
The Stand News, April 24, 2019
Hong Kong publishers fear intensified censorship as city’s biggest book distributor SUP announces move to mainland China
South China Morning Post, April 24, 2019
Judge in LGBT civil union legal challenge rejects bid by Hong Kong Catholic diocese and conservative groups to join litigation
South China Morning Post, April 23, 2019
晚報:港大民研將於7月起脫離香港大學,獨立後更名「香港民意研究所」(Top pollster program to leave University of Hong Kong and operate as independent body starting July, will turn to public donations and crowdfunding)
The Initium, April 23, 2019
Commentary (评论)
台灣理所當然的校園自治,被「黨」管的中國大學想都不敢想 (The natural self-governance in Taiwan’s universities is a bewildering taboo for party-ruled Chinese counterparts)
The News Lens, April 24, 2019
Protesting in the name of science: The legacy of China’s May Fourth movement
SupChina, April 24, 2019
Seeing the forest for the trees: Why a lawyers’ group published Hong Kong’s first Rule of Law Report
Progressive Lawyers Group, April 23, 2019
當「指鹿為馬」變成了「國民的身份意識」(When “saying the deer is a horse” becomes part of national identity)
The Stand News, April 23, 2019
US and China must stop “race to bottom” in blocking academic visas, say American scholars
South China Morning Post, April 23, 2019