The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, November 08, 2018

UPR of China(联合国对中国的普遍定期审议)

At U.N., China defends mass detention of Uighur Muslims
The New York Times, November 6, 2018

Xinjiang camps scrutinized at U.N. rights review
China Digital Times, November 7, 2018

China’s UPR: Will Concerns Raised over Ethnic and Religious Repression Lead to Accountability?
Human Rights in China, November 6, 2018

In a UN first, Hong Kong’s human rights situation singled out from China’s, with city’s global reputation at stake, 45 civil society groups say
South China Morning Post, November 7, 2018

“Disappearing HK freedoms now clear to the world”
RTHK, November 7, 2018

郭家麒批評張建宗於聯合國發言偏離事實 匪夷所思 (Civic Party legislator criticizes Matthew Cheung's explanation at UPR as outrageous and deviating from facts)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 7, 2018

Xinjiang (新疆)

“这不是我想的中国”:一个维吾尔女子的逃亡 | 独家 (Video: “This is not the China I thought” - the escape of a Uyghur woman)
Radio Free Asia, November 6, 2018

Access to Justice (司法公正)

专访:黄琦85岁母亲希望有生之时见儿子一面 (Interview with Huang Qi’s mother: “I want to see my son before I die”
Deutsche Welle, November 7, 2018

Access to Information (信息公开)

重庆2019年高考11月7日开始报名 政审不合格者不能参加 (Students in Chongqing may not take 2019 university entrance exam without passing “political exam”)
Caixin, November 8, 2018

中国版图成国家机密?中国一公民状告外交部遭拒 (China-Russian border details marked state secret as MFA denies historian’s request for info)
BBC News, November 7, 2018

许章润:先生有话哪里说? (Xu Zhangrun censored on Chinese search engines after criticizing CPC)
Deutsche Welle, November 7, 2018

Chinese exiled writer Ma Jian says Tai Kwun art space cancelled his talks at Hong Kong International Literary Festival
Hong Kong Free Press, November 8, 2018

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

王全璋家属敦促多国大使出席庭审 (Wang Quanzhang’s family urges embassy representatives to attend trial)
Radio Free Asia, November 7, 2018

穿「釋放全璋」上衣赴法院 李文足堅拒遮蔽據理力爭 (Li Wenzu ordered to cover up “Release Quanzhang”  slogan on clothing at court)
The Stand News, November 8, 2018

塵肺病工人深圳索賠爆衝突 官方被指食言 毆打催淚彈驅散 (Shenzhen workers suffering pneumoconiosis demand compensation, protests meet violent teargas)
Ming Pao, November 8, 2018

Government Accountability (政府问责)

UN experts call for release of detained Chinese rights lawyers
Radio Free Asia, November 7, 2018

Opinions adopted by the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention at its eighty-second session, 20–24 August 2018 — Opinion No. 62/2018 concerning Wang Quanzhang, Jiang Tianyong and Li Yuhan (China)
Human Rights Council Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, October 12, 2018

未入中國賽區 台電競隊初賽後遭DQ 主辦方:採聯國國家清單 選手:曾兩度台灣身分參賽 (Taiwan sports team disqualified from SE Asia tournament for not joining “China” region, organizers claim they “follow UN’s list of countries”)
Ming Pao, November 8, 2018

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

China’s flagship tech event marked by Silicon Valley absences
Financial Times, November 7, 2018

Xi sends congratulatory letter to 5th World Internet Conference
Sina English, November 7, 2018

Hong Kong (香港)

一項暴動罪今重審 梁天琦向支持者報以「韓式心心」 (Edward Leung attends re-trial of one count of rioting)
The Stand News, November 8, 2018

香港团体指国际关注香港人权状况恶化 (Hong Kong groups say international community is concerned with Hong Kong’s deteriorating human rights condition)
Voice of America, November 8, 2018

Chinese exiled writer Ma Jian says Tai Kwun art space cancelled his talks at Hong Kong International Literary Festival
Hong Kong Free Press, November 8, 2018

有還押人士稱懲教院所衛生惡劣 需穿舊鞋及沒全新內衣 (Concern group calls for awareness on sanitary conditions in Reception Centres for remanded detainees)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 7, 2018

Commentary (评论)

China, Xinjiang and UN Human Rights Review November 7, 2018
Jerome Cohen, November 7, 2018

Civil society space changing, not shrinking: Report
ChinaFile, November 7, 2018

Berthold Kuhn: Changing Spaces for Civil Society Organisations in China
Open Journal of Political Science, October 30, 2018

中国现代国际关系研究院李伟:联合国应主导协调网络反恐 (Chinese international relations scholar: UN should lead coordination on internet counterterrorism)
The Paper, November 8, 2018