The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Xinjiang (新疆)

Former chairman of China’s Xinjiang region arrested for graft
Agence France-Presse, April 2, 2019

U.S. resident may be one of a million people imprisoned in China’s secretive detention camps
Newsweek, March 29, 2019

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Second man sentenced in China's Chengdu over Tiananmen Massacre liquor
Radio Free Asia, April 2, 2019

六四酒案次被告緩刑4年 (Second activist in “June Fourth liquor case” sentenced to 3 years imprisonment, suspended for 4 years)
Ming Pao, April 2, 2019

Access to Information (信息公开)

下載量破億的「學習強國」,到底是個什麼App(內附漫畫+視頻)?(More than 10 billion downloads: What exactly is the “Study Xi” app?)
The Initium, April 3, 2019

黑龙江出台“师德失范”处理办法 强调党权威 (Heilongjiang issues new regulations for punishing teachers’ “misconduct,” including “undermining authority of the Party in education or other scenario s,” “going against Party’s direction” and “publishing or forwarding wrong views”)
Radio Free Asia, April 2, 2019

Taiwan warns of “rampant” fake news amid China interference fears
Financial Times, April 2, 2019

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

Speaking up for a man who dared to speak out: Xu Zhangrun and Tsinghua University
China Heritage, March 31, 2019

海内外发起联署声援遭停课调查的清华法学教授许章润 (Hundreds sign global petition to support Xu Zhangrun, decry Tsinghua University over suspension)
Voice of America, April 2, 2019

Government Accountability (政府问责)

U.S. says will not send high-level officials to China’s Silk Road summit
Reuters, April 3, 2019

信用分制泛滥 中国专家警告造假与弊端 (As China’s social credit system expands across sectors, experts warn of risks of fabrication, government abuse)
Radio France Internationale, April 2, 2019

Chinese woman carrying “malware” arrested at Mar-a-Lago heading to a Cindy Yang event
Miami Herald, April 2, 2019

New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern talks Uyghurs and Huawei with Chinese President Xi Jinping
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, April 2, 2019

Chinese villagers assured their “milky” water is fine but doubts remain
South China Morning Post, April 2, 2019

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Dutch security agency warns against Chinese, Russian technology
Reuters, April 3, 2019

Who is leading the race to develop 5G?
Statista, March 29, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

逃犯条例:中港拟互相移交嫌犯的种种忧虑 (Extradition law amendments: The various concerns in rendition of suspects between Hong Kong and China)
BBC News, April 3, 2019

【移交逃犯擬修例】林鄭:不適合評價內地司法 籲議員「撫心自問」應否唱衰港制度 (Carrie Lam when questioned in LegCo on extradition law amendment bill: Inappropriate for Hong Kong authorities to comment on mainland’s legal system)
Ming Pao, April 3, 2019

Hong Kong Bar Association wants overhaul of national anthem bill, saying five of 14 clauses deviate from city’s common law traditions
South China Morning Post, April 3, 2019

司法制度對自閉症人士欠保障 團體促加強識別支援 (Group highlights lack of legal protection for persons with autism, urges strengthened recognition and support), April 2, 2019

New deputy director of Beijing’s liaison office makes first public remarks: Calls on Hongkongers to be patriotic, study Chinese history and help develop nation
South China Morning Post, April 2, 2019

Hong Kong needs to address int’l concerns over declining rights and freedoms, says ex-No.2 Anson Chan
Hong Kong Free Press, April 2, 2019

Commentary (评论)

「學習強國」走紅後⋯⋯製造回音壁與網絡無菌室,會培養出怎樣的下一代?(As “Study Xi” app goes viral, how will echo chambers and a quarantined Internet affect the next generation?)
The Initium, April 3, 2019

People need to wake up to dangers of AI, warns Google ethics adviser
South China Morning Post, April 3, 2019

观点:“我将无我”和习近平的“新词”治国 (Viewpoint: Xi Jinping’s “new vocabulary” governance strategy)
BBC News, April 2, 2019

Discussing Huawei in a Chinese coffee shop
TechNode, April 2, 2019