The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Government (政府)

Billionaire Lawmakers Ensure the Rich Are Represented in China’s Legislature
The New York Times, March 2, 2015

Censorship and Surveillance (审查和监控)

China censors curb discussion of pollution documentary
Financial Times, March 3, 2015

Corruption (腐败)

China anticorruption campaign targets party “cliques”
The Wall Street Journal, March 2, 2015

People's Liberation Army confirms graft investigations into 14 officials
South China Morning Post, March 3, 2015

中國央企四萬億境外資產「未審計過」 (Chinese state-owned-enterprises have $637.4 billion “unaudited” assets overseas)
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 3, 2015

Environment (环境)

China orders two local governments to punish polluting steel mills
Reuters, March 2, 2015

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong government will unveil political reform package next month, says Carrie Lam
South China Morning Post, March 3, 2015

Human Rights Defenders (人权卫士)

人权律师浦志强的案件二次退侦期满 检方要求再延长15天 (Human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang case: prosecutor asks for 15-day extension after re-investigation period is up)
Radio Free Asia, March 2, 2015

蒲志强案证据不足被法院二度退还或有望重获自由 (Pu Zhiqiang case: release is possible as the court dismissed the case twice because of lack of evidence)
Radio France Internationale, March 3, 2015中国/20150303-蒲志强案证据不足被法院二度退还或有望重获自由/

Labor (劳工)

China union chief warns of “foreign forces” in labour movement
Financial Times, March 2, 2015

Law (法律)

Chinese men jailed for raping schoolgirl under tougher underage sex attack laws
South China Morning Post, March 3, 2015

新《环保法》实施两月“按日计罚”罚723万 (Two months since implementation of new Environmental Protection Law, fines amount to $1.2 million)
People’s Daily, March 3, 2015

LGBTI (男女同性恋、双性恋、变 性人和两性人)

China’s “homowives” are becoming unlikely champions for gay rights
Quartz, March 2, 2015

Population (人口)

人大代表:建议修改完善现行计生政策 (NPC member proposes to revise current family planning policy)
Legal Daily, March 3, 2015

State Security (国家安全)

去年中国国家安全十大事件占中名列第六 (Occupy Movement is No.6 in China’s top 10 state security issues last year)
Radio France Internationale, March 3, 2015中国/20150303-去年中国国家安全十大事件占中名列第六/

XUAR (新疆维吾尔自治区)

伊斯兰国和新疆(1):维族人是否加入伊斯兰国? (IS and Xinjiang: Are Uyghurs joining IS?)
Voice of America, March 3, 2015