The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, April 04, 2022

China's Reach (中国:内控与外扩)

应对美军海空侦察,中国解放军夜战训练去年爆增三倍(China's PLA's night combat training tripled last year in response to U.S. naval, air reconnaissance)
Voice of America, April 3, 2022

专家:中国有能力将太空用于军事目的(Experts: China has ability to use space for military purposes)
Voice of America, April 2, 2022

China accused of cyber-attacks on Ukraine before Russian invasion
The Guardian, April 2, 2022

How Russia's disinformation on Ukraine is spreading to democratic Taiwan, via China
Radio Free Asia, April 1, 2022

反制中国宣传 推特再给中国官媒加添警示标签(Twitter adds warning label to China’s state media to counter its propaganda)
Voice of America, April 3, 2022

US discusses ‘opportunities’ for Taiwan to take part in WHO meeting
South China Morning Post, April 2, 2022

China-EU summit: hopes fade for investment deal as Ukraine war dominates talks
South China Morning Post, April 2, 2022

Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)

女权记者黄雪琴、独立公益人王建兵已被移送广州市检察院审查起诉(Cases of feminist journalist Huang Xueqin, public interest activist Wang Jianbing have been transferred to the procuratorate for indictment)
Weiquanwang, April 1, 2022

季孝龙:速停运动式防疫 纾困解难发救济!——上海公民为民请命书(In open letter, Shanghai citizen publicly calls for end to zero-COVID policy)
Weiquanwang, April 3, 2022

西藏34天已传3人自焚 人权团体呼吁关注(3 self-immolations in Tibet in 34 days; human rights groups urge attention)
Radio Free Asia, April 4, 2022

5青年暴動罪成 3人囚51個月至4年半 2人判勞教及教導所 官:自挾理想犧牲他人自由(3 youths are sentenced to more than 4 years, 2 to correctional centre for rioting in 2019 protests; judge: Self-imposed ideals at the expense of others' freedom), April 4, 2022

反修例大專生阻差辦公罪成囚3月上訴 高院維持定罪減刑至9周(High court upholds conviction of university student obstructing police officer in 2019 protests but reduces sentence from 3 months to 9 weeks)
Ming Pao, April 4, 2022

黎智英狱中信:港人压抑的愤怒不会消失(Jimmy Lai's letter from prison: Hong Kong people's suppressed anger will not disappear)
Radio Free Asia, April 1, 2022

Law & Policy (法律与政策)

兩個法律團體均支持保留終院設海外非常任法官安排(Hong Kong: Both legal groups support keeping overseas non-permanent judges in Court of Final Appeal)
Radio Television Hong Kong, April 4, 2022

行政長官候選人獲准舉行與選舉相關的聚集(Chief Executive candidates allowed to hold election-related gatherings)
Radio Television Hong Kong, April 2, 2022

Current Topics (热门话题)

China reports highest COVID-19 new daily cases since Feb 2020
Channel News Asia, April 3, 2022

China starts Covid-19 mass testing for 25 million Shanghai residents
South China Morning Post, April 4, 2022

解放军医疗队进入上海 继续封城民怨沸腾 专家:疫情变成政治病(PLA medical teams enter Shanghai; public grievances over continued lockdown; experts: Epidemic prevention has become a political disease)
Voice of America, April 4, 2022

美国政府协助中国下载失事东航客机语音记录器并派调查组前往中国(U.S. sends investigation team to China to assist in downloading the voice recorder of crashed China Eastern Airlines plane)
Voice of America, April 2, 2022

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam says she will not seek second term
The Guardian, April 4, 2022

林鄭月娥宣布不參選特首 強調不連任唯一考慮是家庭(Carrie Lam announces she will not run for chief executive, emphasizing family is her only consideration for not seeking another term)
Radio Television Hong Kong, April 4, 2022

Hong Kong chief executive election 2022: No 2 government official John Lee ‘forming team for possible leadership bid’ as nomination window opens for delayed race
South China Morning Post, April 3, 2022

A legacy cut short or a leader who cultivated her downfall? Political veterans give mixed report card for Hong Kong’s first female leader
South China Morning Post, April 4, 2022

Hong Kong faces brain drain as talent flees ‘zero COVID’ controls
Al Jazeera, April 2, 2022

Commentary & Analysis (评论与分析)

China’s COVID-19 spike and a clash of civilizations
SupChina, April 1, 2022