The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Uighur persecution: German politicians condemn China's 'modern slave exploitation machine'
Deutsche Welle, February 19, 2020

超生、留胡子、申请护照,第三批新疆文件曝光维吾尔人的16宗罪 (Violating the 2-children-policy, having a beard, and applying for a passport are considered crimes – among 16 others–listed in the Karakax County Document)
Voice of America, February 19, 2020

China's Biosecurity State in Xinjiang Is Powered by Western Tech
Foreign Policy, February 19, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

煽動顛覆國家政權罪成囚9年四川維權人士陳衛刑滿出獄 (Sichuan activist Chen Wei released today after 9 years in prison for inciting subversion of state power)
Radio Television Hong Kong, February 20, 2020

临沂监狱以疫情为由拒家属见王全璋 (Families denied meeting with lawyer Wang Quanzhang, Linjin prison blames Coronavirus)
Radio Free Asia, February 20, 2020

Amid the Epidemic, a Quiet Leap Forward for China's LGBT Community
Sixth Tone, February 19, 2020

The Communist Youth League Thought It Was Creating Patriotic Idols. Instead, It Started A Conversation About Women's Rights
Supchina, February 19, 2020

Access to Information (信息公开)

China threatens further action against Wall Street Journal a day after kicking out three reporters
South China Morning Post, February 20, 2020

EU 'concerned' by China's expulsion of Wall Street Journal reporters
Hong Kong Free Press, February 20, 2020

敏感詞管制嚴苛 網課直播屢遭禁 (Online courses are struggling inside China's heavily censored Internet)
Mingpao, February 20, 2020

Fighting coronavirus and Trump, China escalates campaign against foreign journalists
The Washington Post, February 19, 2020

Are China's Coronavirus Figures Reliable?
Foreign Policy, February 19, 2020

Tencent's Boundary-Pushing Dajia Blog Abruptly Shuts Down
Supchina, February 19, 2020

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

Coronavirus: Chinese censors kick teachers out of online classrooms for politics, profanity and smoking
South China Morning Post, February 20, 2020

中国女权: 被消费的抗疫英雌 (Is China finally advocating for women's rights?)
Deutsche Welle, February 20, 2020

男子不想上班谎称女儿感染病毒 警方送他10天“假期”(Man detained for 10 days for lying his daughter was infected with Coronavirus to get out of work)
Beijing News, February 20, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Coronavirus outbreak threatens to undermine China's drive to end extreme poverty
South China Morning Post, February 20, 2020

柳叶刀杂志发文悼念李文亮医生 (Article published in The Lancet Magazine in memory of Dr. Li Wenliang)
Radio France International, February 20, 2020

Hong Kong Airlines employees demand answers, transparency after embattled carrier makes 160 redundant in cost-saving move
South China Morning Post, February 20, 2020

受“封城”影响 中国百万艾滋病感染者恐断药 (Affected by the traffic restrictions, millions of AIDS patients in China may lose access to adequate medication)
Radio Free Asia, February 20, 2020

She Left Wuhan to Become a Journalist. She’s Back in Time to Get the Story.

The New York Times, February 20, 2020

Removal of Hong Kong protest images from Sony World Photography Awards website raises censorship concerns
Hong Kong Free Press, February 19, 2020

Patients in China's Wuhan Struggle to Get Treatment Amid Tight Controls
Radio Free Asia, February 19, 2020

The 2019 South-South Human Rights Forum: China Gathers Steam in Its Bid to Redefine the Concept of Human Rights
China Change, February 19, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Is London's LSE helping Huawei clean its reputation?
Deutsche Welle, February 20, 2020

Video Chats and Ordering In: Coronavirus Quarantine With a Smartphone

The New York Times, February 29, 2020

国内AI著作权第一案宣判:腾讯赢了 (Tencent won China's first AI copyright case)
Beijing News, February 20, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Mission impossible for disabled Hong Kongers hunting face masks
Hong Kong Free Press, February 19, 2020

香港電台是香港言論自由的橋頭堡 (RTHK is the major fortress in guarding Hong Kong's freedom of speech), February 20, 2020

下班趕赴新公務員集會 參加者:不能被疫情淡化訴求 ("The Coronavirus outbreak can't stop us from pursuing our demands," say participants at the New Public Servants Rally), February 20, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Amid the coronavirus crisis, China is paying a high price for its authoritarian system
South China Morning Post, February 20, 2020

Xi Jinping's coronavirus power grab is endangering public health in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Free Press, February 20, 2020

Opinion: Journalists' expulsion a sign of China's insecurity
Deutsche Welle, February 20, 2020