维权律师丁家喜传看守所遭受酷刑 (Family of rights defense lawyer Ding Jiaxi: Ding is reportedly tortured in detention center)
Radio Free Asia, July 22, 2020
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Access to Justice (司法公正)
Government Accountability (政府问责)
China says US ordered abrupt closure of its Houston consulate
The Guardian, July 22, 2020
China Uses W.H.O. Inquiry to Tout Coronavirus Response
The New York Times, July 22, 2020
ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)
Hackers linked to China allegedly stole data from Australian defence contractor
The Guardian, July 22, 2020
Cytus II game removed in China over links to pro-Hong Kong morse code message
The Guardian, July 21, 2020
U.S. Accuses Hackers of Trying to Steal Coronavirus Vaccine Data for China
The New York Times, July 21, 2020
美国起诉两名中国公民发动黑客攻击 (U.S. sues 2 Chinese citizens for hacking activities)
Voice of America, July 22, 2020
费加罗:网攻,假信息,盯工业…中国间谍强大攻势 (Le Figaro: Cyberattacks, disinformation, industrial surveillance—
the great offensive of Chinese spies, Part 1)
费加罗:网攻,假信息,盯工业…中国间谍强大攻势(下)(Le Figaro: Cyberattacks, disinformation, industrial surveillance—
the great offensive of Chinese spies, Part 2)
Radio France International, July 22, 2020
Cyberattaques, désinformation, surveillance industrielle... La grande offensive des espions chinois
Le Figaro Magazine, July 17, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Britain unveils details of citizenship offer for Hongkongers with BN(O) passports
South China Morning Post, July 22, 2020
7.21一周年|159人違限聚令遭票控 警指網媒學生記者非豁免人士 (At 7.21 Yuen Long Attack anniversary rally, police ticketed 159 people for gathering ban violation, including journalists and students)
HK01, July 22, 2020
曾被提點「小心觸犯國安法」 漫畫家阿塗《明周》專欄被腰斬 (Ming Pao Weekly drops political cartoonist Ah To's column after previously urging him to be careful about "National Security Law violation")
The Stand News, July 22, 2020
Commentary (评论)
施明磊: 有关恐惧,有关医治——程渊妻子的一周年回忆 (Shi Minglei: About terror and medical treatment—Chen Yuan’s wife on the one-year anniversary of his arrest)
Human Rights in China, July 21, 2020
长沙公益仨 (The Case of the Changsha Three)
Human Rights in China, May 2020
吴有水:我和我的儿子吴葛健雄——献给我的儿子吴葛健雄被捕一周年 (Wu Youshui: My son, Wu Gejianxing, and I —— Writing to my son on the one-year anniversary of his arrest)
Weiquanwang, July 21, 2020
吴有水:我和我的儿子吴葛健雄之二 (Wu Youshui: My son, Wu Gejianxiong, and I, Part 2)
Weiquanwang, July 22, 2020