The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Xinjiang (新疆)

新疆哈萨克人举报黑监狱死亡 家属质疑当局灭口(Kazakh in Xinjiang dies in prison; family fears he was “silenced” for reporting black jails)
Radio Free Asia, January 7, 2021

Taiwan (台湾)

US ambassador to United Nations will visit Taiwan, Mike Pompeo says
South China Morning Post, January 7, 2021

台湾智库忧心“制脑权” 中国修订《统战条例》(Taiwan think tank: Amendment of CPC United Front Regulations raises concern of “brain control” )
Deutsche Welle, January 7, 2021

中国共产党统一战线工作条例 (CPC Regulations on United Front Work)
People's Daily, January 6, 2021

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Chinese lawyer suspended after posting videos allegedly showing police torture
South China Morning Post, January 7, 2021

周泽律师遭北京朝阳区司法局给予停止执业一年的行政处罚(Beijing authorities suspend lawyer Zhou Ze for one year for revealing client’s torture)
Weiquanwang, January 7, 2021

试图偷带生物研究试管出境 在哈佛研究癌症的中国学者被判刑(Chinese scholar at Harvard is sentenced for smuggling biological test tubes out of U.S.)
Voice of America, January 7, 2021

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China’s Communist Party targets Chinese abroad to rally support
South China Morning Post, January 7, 2021

新冠病毒溯源小组无法入境中国,世卫组织罕见公开向北京表达不满(In rare complaint about Beijing, WHO says its team investigating COVID-19 origins is denied entry to China)
British Broadcasting Corporation, January 7, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

Arrested democrats to be bailed on Thurs as jailed activists Joshua Wong and Tam Tak-chi are arrested – report
Hong Kong Free Press, January 7, 2021

Hong Kong police release US lawyer arrested with democracy figures
The Guardian, January 7, 2021

US Considering Sanctions on Those Involved in Hong Kong Arrests, Pompeo Says
Reuters, January 7, 2021

Ex-Hong Kong Democratic Party chair Wu Chi-wai suspected to have violated bail after allegedly keeping BN(O) passport
Hong Kong Free Press, January 7, 2021

香港《国安法》:拘捕行动过后 议员否决议案是否构成罪行成焦点 (Hong Kong national security law: In wake of mass arrests, will council members' objections become crimes?)
British Broadcasting Corporation, January 7, 2021

With Mass Arrests, Beijing Exerts an Increasingly Heavy Hand in Hong Kong

The New York Times, January 7, 2021

【初選瘋狂搜捕】5 律師會理事發聲明 譴責打壓人權 質疑初選如何構成「非法手段」 (Mass arrests on primary election: In statement 5 board members of the Law Society of Hong Kong condemn human rights suppression, question how primary election could constitute “unlawful means”)
The Stand News, January 7, 2021

Commentary (评论)

Why comparisons between the US Capital turmoil and Hong Kong’s protests amount to perverse propaganda
Hong Kong Free Press, January 7, 2021