內地搜捕律師維權人士 許志永逃亡中揭真相 (On the run, Rights defender Xu Zhiyong explains the "Xiamen Meeting" behind arrests of lawyers and activists)
Ming Pao, January 8, 2020
关注新一轮大抓捕 卫小兵再遭刑拘工厂被关闭 (Activist Wei Xiaobing under criminal detention for calling attention to mass arrest of rights defense lawyers)
Radio Free Asia, January 7, 2020呼籲國際社會ㅤ關注中國維權律師及公民元旦前夕被大規模打壓 (Calling for international community's attention to large-scale crackdown on rights defense lawyers and citizens)
Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, January 7, 2020