The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Access to Justice (司法公正)

最高法:涉家暴离婚案, 未成年子女一般不判给施暴方 (Supreme People's Court: In divorce cases involving domestic violence, custody of minors will not usually be given to perpetrator)
China News, December 1, 2016

习近平对“五四宪法”历史资料陈列馆作出重要指示强调, 普及宪法知识增强宪法意识弘扬宪法精神推动宪法实施 (Xi Jinping at exhibition of historical materials on the "1954 Constitution": emphasizes popularizing constitutional knowledge, strengthening constitutional awareness, enriching constitutional spirit, and promoting constitutional implementation)
Legal Daily, December 5, 2016

1954 Constitution of the People's Republic of China
Human Rights in China, December 5, 2016

Human Rights Watch: Abolish inter-party secret detentions
China Digital Times, December 6, 2016

China to try top human rights lawyer, delays three other cases
Radio Free Asia, December 7, 2016

Seven Tibetans handed long jail terms by Chinese court
Radio Free Asia, December 7, 2016

Draft law expands Chinese police discretion on gun use
Voice of America, December 7, 2016

Access to Information (信息公开)

“Hostile foreign website”: 64 Tianwang volunteers questioned after founder’s disappearance
Hong Kong Free Press, December 7, 2016

China shuts down thousands of live stream accounts
British Broadcasting Corporation, December 7, 2016

China statistics head acknowledges false data problems
Financial Times, December 8, 2016

Government Accountability (政府问责)

“警察法”修订草案公开征求意见, 首次提出袭警处理 ("Police Law" draft Amendment open for public consultation, incorporates handling attacks on police for 1st time)
CCTV Online, December 5, 2016

最高法:聂树斌案不排除指供和诱供的可能 (Supreme People's Court: Nie Shubin case does not rule out possibility of trapping or inducing people to making false confessions)
Beijing News, December 5, 2016

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

China “willing to work with Trump on cybersecurity”
South China Morning Post, December 8, 2016

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong ombudsman: Government should stop stonewalling digital news outlets
The Diplomat, December 7, 2016

Daniel Lee, independent bookseller in Hong Kong: “Our future looks very grim”
Deutsche Welle, December 6, 2016

廉署成民望最低紀律部隊 比駐港解放軍還差 (Hong Kong corruption watchdog ICAC rated worst among disciplined services, even less popular than People’s Liberation Army)
Radio France Internationale, December 7, 2016政治/20161207-廉署成民望最低紀律部隊-比駐港解放軍還差

Commentary (评论)

當梁振英稱呼你為「朋友」(文﹕蔡子強) (When CY Leung calls you “friend”)
Ming Pao, December 8, 2016