The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

US blacklists 11 more Chinese firms over treatment of Uygurs in Xinjiang
South China Morning Post, July 21, 2020

《解放报》:对维吾尔人的种族屠杀正在进行 (Libération: The ongoing Uyghur genocide)
Radio France International, July 21, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Scholar Hits Out at China's 'Totalitarian' System in Open Letter
Radio Free Asia, July 20, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

北京监控延伸澳洲 警方命中国女删推特 (Beijing’s surveillance reaches Australia, police order Chinese woman to delete Twitter posts)
Deutsche Welle, July 21, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

法国参议员 André Gattolin:欧盟将在年底通过欧盟的马格尼茨基法案 (French Senator André Gattolin: European Union will pass EU Magnitsky Act at end of year)
Radio France Internationale, July 21, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

美共和党议员敦促行政当局对中国黑客进行追责 (Republican U.S. representatives urge Trump Administration to condemn hacking activities from China)
Voice of America, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Britain suspends Hong Kong extradition treaty over national security law
South China Morning Post, July 20, 2020

特區政府強烈反對英國停移交逃犯 批雙重標準政治操作 (HKSAR gov't strongly opposes UK’s suspension of extradition agreement with Hong Kong, calling it a political move with double standards)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 21, 2020

英中止與港引渡協議 中國駐英使館譴責:英再次違反國際法 (Spokesperson of Chinese embassy in UK: UK has once again violated international law in suspending extradition agreement with Hong Kong)
Ming Pao, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong protests: activist holding banner arrested on suspicion of breaking new security law at anniversary of Yuen Long attack
South China Morning Post, July 21, 2020

Pro-democracy election hopefuls refuse to sign form declaring China’s sovereignty over Hong Kong
Hong Kong Free Press, July 21, 2020

美参议员提出允许香港人在美国工作的法案 (U.S. Senator Ron Wyden introduces bill to allow Hong Kong people to work in U.S.)
Voice of America, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong People's Freedom and Choice Act
Senator Ron Wyden, July 20, 2020

香港九月立法会选举充满变数 北京多套方案打压民主派参选人 (Facing uncertainties in LegCo elections, Beijing prepares multiple strategies to suppress democratic candidates)
Radio Free Asia, July 20, 2020

香港民研:自由、法治評分創新低 鍾劍華批國安法製造負面情緒 (Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute: Freedom and rule of law ratings at record low; deputy chief executive officer Chung Kim-Wa cites National Security Law as source of negative sentiments), July 21, 2020

POP releases the latest social and freedom indicators
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, July 21, 2020

Commentary (评论)

「七二一」須跟進 警政改革待展開 (Investigation of 7.21 Yuen Long Attack must be followed up on; police reform needs to be launched)
HK01, July 21, 2020

周日話題:7.21誰主真相? (Sunday Topic: Who owns the truth of 7.21 Yuen Long Attack?)
Ming Pao, July 19, 2020

【特寫】7.21、8.31 及無數疑團 民間能獨立調查「香港的真相」嗎? (7.21, 8.31, and numerous unsolved cases—can civil society independently investigate "the truth of Hong Kong"?)
The Stand News, July 21, 2020

背离“韬光养晦”强化“战狼”外交 中国成立习近平外交思想研究中心 (Deviating from "hiding one's capacity and biding one’s time" to strengthen "wolf warrior" diplomacy, China establishes Xi Jinping Research Center for Diplomatic Thought)
Radio Free Asia, July 21, 2020

习近平外交思想研究中心成立仪式在北京举行 (Xi Jinping Research Center for Diplomatic Thought is established in Beijing)
Xinhua, July 20, 2020

"中共不代表中国"——美国政治拆分触动北京 ("CPC Does Not Represent China": U.S. political differentiation stirs Beijing)
Deutsche Welle, July 21, 2020