The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

India bans 59 Chinese apps, including TikTok and WeChat, after deadly border clash
South China Morning Post, June 30, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

National security law: tough new reality for Hong Kong as offenders face maximum sentence of life in jail
South China Morning Post, June 30, 2020

Promulgation of National Law 2020
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette, June 30, 2020

English translation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Xinhua, July 1, 2020

港區國安法刊憲即時生效 國安委決定不受司法覆核 可秘密審訊 (National Security Law is published in HKSAR Gazette and effective immediately; National Security Commission is exempt from judicial review; secret trials may be approved by the Chief Executive)
The Stand News, June 30, 2020

【國安法】重大威脅者「送中」 大陸公檢法包辦 香港法院無法把關 (National Security Law: extreme offenders will be "extradited" to China, to come under mainland law enforcement, prosecutorial system, and courts, out of reach by Hong Kong courts)
CitizenNews, June 30, 2020

據了解國安法沒追溯力 如繼續犯事可參考過往兩年證據 (Source: National Security Law is not retroactive; evidence from past 2 year may be used against repeat offenders)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 30, 2020

National security law: Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam demands international respect for the legislation as it is added to city’s Basic Law
South China Morning Post, June 30, 2020

Hong Kong activists plan to defy police ban on July 1 protest march
South China Morning Post, June 30, 2020

民間記者會呼籲:香港人 7.1 見 冀香港人以人數回應恐懼 (Citizens' Press Conference urges Hong Kongers to respond to fear with numbers in the July 1 March)
The Stand News, June 30, 2020

In full: 83 politicians, activists and organisations condemn passing of new Hong Kong security law
Hong Kong Free Press, June 30, 2020

Chinese national security law in Hong Kong: A declaration of international commitment to Hong Kong’s autonomy and freedoms
June 30, 2020

National security law: US export controls will ‘hammer Hong Kong re-exports’ and tighten the screw on China
South China Morning Post, June 30, 2020

Hong Kong activists shut down protest groups after China passes security law
The Guardian, June 30, 2020

憂港人"從此噤聲" 歐盟領導人"深表遺憾" (EU leaders express "deeply regret" on national security law for Hong Kong, concern Hong Kongers will be silenced from now on)
Deutsche Welle, June 30, 2020

約翰遜:會審視港區國安法是否違《中英聯合聲明》 (Boris Johnson: UK will review whether national security law complies with the Sino-British Joint Declaration)
Ming Pao, June 30, 2020

Japan calls China's move on Hong Kong 'regrettable'
Reuters, June 30, 2020

蔡英文稱港區國安法證一國兩制不可行 陸委會持續關注 (Tsai Ing-wen: "One country, two systems" does not work; Mainland Affairs Council will continue monitoring the situation)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 30, 2020

S. Korea says Hong Kong should enjoy 'high degree of autonomy'
Yonhap News Agency, June 30, 2020

EXCLUSIVE: China expert Jerome Cohen – ‘We can’t give up… when Xi leaves the scene, there will be a return to a better life’
Hong Kong Free Press, June 30, 2020

Monday, June 29, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

China forces birth control on Uighurs to suppress population
Associated Press, June 29, 2020

维吾尔人团体:新疆强迫穆斯林吃猪肉馅粽子 全方位汉化 (Xinjiang authorities force Muslim Uyghurs to eat sticky rice dumplings with pork, intensifying the “hanification” of Xinjiang)
Radio Free Asia, June 26, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

著名人权捍卫者、八九学生领袖刘贤斌先生十年牢狱期满 今刑满出狱已回家中 (Liu Xianbin released after serving 10 years for “inciting subversion of state power”)
Weiquanwang, June 27, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

数据安全法草案在十三届全国人大常委会第二十次会议提请审议 (Draft Measures for Data Security Management is submitted for review at the 20th session of the 13th National People's Congress)
The Paper, June 28, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

National security law: those convicted could face life imprisonment as Beijing holds meeting to finalise bill set to be passed imminently
South China Morning Post, June 28, 2020

新華社:人大常委審議港版國安全法 與會人員「普遍認為」草案充分吸納香港各界意見 (Xinhua: NPC Standing Committee reviews the national security law for Hong Kong; “generally recognizing” the draft has sufficiently incorporated the opinions of different sectors in Hong Kong)
The Stand News, June 28, 2020

新華社:港區國安法草案建議表決稿 交人大常委會議審議 (Xinhua: NPC submitted the voting version of the draft national security law for Hong Kong for review by the Standing Committee)
The Stand News, June 29, 2020

國安法|戴啟思致函鄭若驊曾國衞 指事態緊急 促向公眾解說條文 (In letter to Erick Tsang, Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs, Philip Dykes, Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association, urges public education of the national security law for Hong Kong)
HK01, June 29, 2020

Letter to Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs dated 29 June 2020 on Likely Imminent Promulgation of National Security Law
Hong Kong Bar Association, June 29, 2020

港區國安法|51聯合國專家批中國無與港人協商 促人權理事會建立機制監察人權 (51 UN experts in joint statement: there has been no meaningful consultation with the people of Hong Kong on the draft national security law; Human Rights Council should establish special mechanism to monitor human rights situation in China, particularly in Hong Kong and Xinjiang)
Ming Pao, June 27, 2020

UN experts call for decisive measures to protect fundamental freedoms in China
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, June 26, 2020

【國安法壓港】記協去信人大委員長要求撤銷立法 質疑條文衝擊司法獨立、新聞自由 (In letter to Li Zhanshu, Hong Kong Journalists' Association urges withdrawal of the national security law for Hong Kong; raises concern over harmful impact on judicial independence and freedom of the press)
The Stand News, June 27, 2020

不同宗派基督徒《蘋果》刊聲明 :內地國安法劣跡斑斑,強烈反對港區國安法 (Multiple religious groups issue joint statement strongly opposing the national security law for Hong Kong)
The Stand News, June 27, 2020

十一間大學學生會發聯合七一宣言 「一息尚存,抗爭到底」 (11 university students' unions issue statement: We will continue the fight until our last breath)
The Stand News, June 29, 2020

以疫情及限聚令為由 警方禁止民陣七一集會遊行 (Police deny Civil Human Rights Front's application for July 1 marches due to gathering ban)
The Stand News, June 27, 2020

China to put visa restrictions on US individuals over Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, June 29, 2020

外交部斥《香港自治法案》是廢紙一張 將限制美方簽證 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the Hong Kong Autonomy Act is useless; China to impose visa restriction on U.S. officials)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 29, 2020

Dozens arrested during Hong Kong peaceful protest against national security laws
The Guardian, June 28, 2020

Several assaulted by ‘Protect Alliance Hong Kong’ assailants in Yuen Long
Hong Kong Free Press, June 29, 2020

National security law: Hong Kong police put area around July 1 handover anniversary venue on lockdown
South China Morning Post, June 29, 2020

Hong Kong public broadcaster loses right to produce July 1 flag-raising ceremony
South China Morning Post, June 27, 2020

National security law: video of Hong Kong PLA garrison troops doing live-fire training could be ‘warning to separatists’: analyst
South China Morning Post, June 29, 2020

Friday, June 26, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

中国人权律师团律师关于许志永、丁家喜、张展、余文生等人案件的声明 (China Human Rights Lawyers Group issues statement on cases of Xu Zhiyong, Ding Jiaxi, Zhang Zhan, Yu Wensheng, and other rights defenders)
Weiquanwang, June 26, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

UN experts call for decisive measures to protect fundamental freedoms in China
United Nations Human Rights: Office of the High Commissioner, June 26, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong Journalist Groups Appeal to UN Over Police Violence
Radio Free Asia, June 26, 2020

US Senate passes bill that would punish China for Hong Kong national security law
South China Morning Post, June 26, 2020

Exclusive: Hong Kong spends almost HK$7m of taxpayers money on promoting security law; ‘One-way brainwashing,’ says democrat
Hong Kong Free Press, June 26, 2020

National security law: Beijing will not be deterred by opposition to legislation, Basic Law Committee vice-chairman Maria Tam says
South China Morning Post, June 26, 2020

【港版國安法】12新工會到G20領事館請願促施壓中方 實名聯署示真香港人意願 (12 new unions deliver real-name petition to G20 consulates, urge actions on China for the national security law for Hong Kong)
Apple Daily, June 26, 2020

新聞工作者團體發聲明促保障新聞自由 記協函栗戰書要求撤銷立法 (Journalists groups urge protection of press freedom; Hong Kong News Executives' Association urges retraction of national security law for Hong Kong)
CitizenNews, June 26, 2020

An Open Letter to Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor Seeking Clarification on National Security Law
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong, June 24, 2020

新聞稿 (Hong Kong News Executives' Association Press Release)
Hong Kong News Executives' Association, June 26, 2020

美參議院通過《香港自治法案》  港府:制裁「完全不能接受」 對港事務評論「無事實根據」 (Hong Kong gov’t on the Hong Kong Autonomy Act: Totally unacceptable to comment on Hong Kong's affairs without factual basis)
The Stand News, June 26, 2020

香港今后将在课程中向学生介绍香港维护国安法重要内容 (Hong Kong school curriculum to include national security law education)
Xinhua, June 26, 2020

七一遊行遭警反對 區議員徐子見:恐歷史寫「國安法在無遊行反對下通過」 (Police deny July 1 demonstration application; district council member Shui Chi-Kin fears history may say " national security law was passed without protests or opposition")
Ming Pao, June 26, 2020

港區國安法|譚惠珠料周末有機會投票 稱條文待草案敲定才公布 (Maria Tam: Voting on final draft of the national security law may take place this weekend, will be released to public when draft is finalized)
Ming Pao, June 26, 2020

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

National Security Crime “Inciting Subversion” Used in Multiple Cases Against Chinese Lawyers/Activists
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, June 25, 2020

煽颠罪成判囚4年半 戈觉平:不服黑帮裁决 (Rights defender Ge Jueping to appeal “inciting subversion of state power” conviction and 4.5-year prison term)
Radio Free Asia, June 25, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

Censorship in China: UK embassy’s rebuttals to state media accusations erased from WeChat
Hong Kong Free Press, June 25, 2020

国际记者联盟:中国利用各种手段加强对国际媒体和记者的影响 (Int’l Federation of Journalists: China uses various means to intensify influence on international media, journalists)
Voice of America, June 25, 2020

Counterterrorism (反恐)

美国务院2019反恐国别报告:中国继续借反恐实行压迫政策(U.S. Dep’t of State 2019 Counterterrorism Country Reports: China Continues to Use counterterrorism to carry out repressive policies)
Voice of America, June 25, 2020

Country Reports on Terrorism 2019: China (Hong Kong and Macau)
Bureau of Counterterrorism, U.S. Dep’t of State, June 24, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

中国网军疫情期间攻击欧盟医院系统 欧盟: 不会容忍恶意行为 (EU: Will not tolerate malicious attack by China’s Internet army on EU hospital system during pandemic)
Radio Free Asia, June 24, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Exclusive: Trump administration says Huawei, Hikvision backed by Chinese military
Reuters, June 25, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong protests: pepper spray used, at least 14 arrested in mall during national security law demonstration
South China Morning Post, June 25, 2020

Satirists, cartoonists and journalists say self-censorship is already sweeping Hong Kong
Agence France-Presse, June 25, 2020

Taiwan to ease travel curbs for Hong Kong people for 'humanitarian' reasons
Reuters, June 24, 2020

【國安法】聯合國專家恐侵犯人權 致函王毅促重新考慮 (In letter to PRC foreign minister Wang Yi, 7 UN special procedures urge China to reconsider the national security law for Hong Kong)
CitizenNews, June 25, 2020

Joint Communications from Special Procedures
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, June 19, 2020

民主派區議員發起6.28、7.1遊行反國安法 徐子見:不應放棄發聲機會 (Democratic district council members call for demonstrations against national security law on June 28 and July 1; Chui Chi-kin: We should not give up the chance to make our voices heard), June 25, 2020

國安法|室外50人限聚令延至7.2 林鄭否認打壓遊行:無事實根據 (Hong Kong gov’t to extend ban on gathering with more than 50 people until July 2; Carrie Lam denies using the ban to suppress demonstrations)
HK01, June 25, 2020

Commentary (评论)

长平观察:中国酷刑,比你想象的更残忍 (Chang Ping: China's torture is more cruel than you imagine)
Deutsche Welle, June 25, 2020

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

著名人权律师丁家喜被以涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权罪正式逮捕 (Ding Jiaxi is officially arrested under suspicion of “inciting subversion of state power”)
Weiquanwang, June 24, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

China threatens ‘appropriate response’ against US after crackdown on state media outlets
Agence France-Presse, June 24, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Trapped Abroad, China’s ‘Little Pinks’ Rethink Their Country

The New York Times, June 24, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong national security law: city’s leader must have power to pick judges to stop threat of ‘dual allegiance’, says official from China’s top legislative body
South China Morning Post, June 24, 2020

Hong Kong protests: lawyer Martin Lee blasts government response to legal challenge over police identification during unrest
South China Morning Post, June 24, 2020

Hong Kong police charge 7 people over incident at Prince Edward MTR station last August
Hong Kong Free Press, June 24, 2020

【國安法】律師會關注特首指派法官損害司法獨立 冀當局就草案諮詢 (The Law Society of Hong Kong statement: Chief Executive assigning judges or magistrates harms judicial independence; authorities should hold consultations on draft legislation)
CitizenNews, June 24, 2020

National Security Legislation Further Observations
國 家 安 全 立 法 進 一 步 意 見
The Law Society of Hong Kong, June 24, 2020

稱港國安法「守護神」 中央:管轄權必不可少 (Calling the national security law a "guardian angel," mainland authorities emphasize jurisdiction over Hong Kong)
Deutsche Welle, June 24, 2020

【港版國安法】李家超:通過後即日生效 對警履行職責有信心 (Secretary for Security: National Security Law will be enacted the day it's passed; full confidence in Hong Kong police enforcing it), June 24, 2020

林鄭月娥:香港已成為國家安全缺口 (Carrie Lam: Hong Kong has become a national security loophole))
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 24, 2020

港區國安法|郭榮鏗:司法獨立、管轄權概念不同 張勇不太明白港制度 (Dennis Kwok: Judicial independence and jurisdiction are two different concepts; Zhang Yong doesn't quite understand Hong Kong's system)
Ming Pao, June 24, 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

发视频促习近平下台 山东诗人鲁扬遭正式逮捕 (Lu Yang, poet from Shandong who posted video calling for Xi Jinping to step down, is officially arrested)
Radio Free Asia, June 23, 2020

Chinese citizen journalist arrested after reporting on coronavirus from Wuhan
South China Morning Post, June 23, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

US Designates Four Chinese Outlets as Foreign Missions
Voice of America, June 22, 2020

China’s First Database To Let Couples Check Domestic Abuse History Before Marriage
SupChina, June 22, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Explainer | Hong Kong national security law: how will China introduce it and who will be consulted?
South China Morning Post, June 23, 2020

Hong Kong security laws apply to foreigners with 'no exceptions'
Nikkei Asian Review, June 22, 2020

European Union leaders urge Xi Jinping to drop Hong Kong national security law, or risk ‘negative consequences’
South China Morning Post, June 23, 2020

Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam defends plans to give chief exec. power to select judges in national security cases
Hong Kong Free Press, June 23, 2020

【國安法】大律師公會:特首指派法官違背《基本法》本意精神 損害司法公平公正 (Hong Kong Bar Association Statement: Chief Executive to appoint judges is contrary to the intent and spirit of the Basic Law; impairs justice and fairness in the judicial process)
CitizenNews, June 23, 2020

Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on the Proposed Designation of Judges by the Chief Executive in National Security Cases
Hong Kong Bar Association, June 23, 2020

央視:中央在港舉辦12場座談會聽取港區國安法意見 (CCTV: The Central government held 12 panel discussions in Hong Kong to listen to opinions on the national security law)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 23, 2020

Monday, June 22, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

EU demands release of Chinese human rights lawyer jailed for four years
The Guardian, June 19, 2020

著名人权捍卫者、新公民运动倡导者许志永博士已被正式逮捕 (Xu Zhiyong is officially arrested in Shandong)
Weiquanwang, June 21, 2020

Human rights lawyer accuses China of extracting confession by torture
Kyodo News, June 19, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

法制工作委员会负责人向十三届全国人大常委会第十九次会议作关于《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区维护国家安全法(草案)》的说明 (Representative from the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee explains details of the “PRC and Hong Kong SAR Law on the Preservation of National Security (draft)” at the 19th session of the 13th NPC Standing Committee Meeting)
Xinhua, June 20, 2020

【國安法草案】釋法權在北京 凌駕港法例 特首揀法官審 設國安委中央派顧問 設駐港公署有管轄權 (Draft national security law: Beijing owns the right of interpretation; Chief Executive will assign judges; national security committee will be established in Hong Kong with advisor dispatched from Beijing; national security agency will be established in Hong Kong)
The Stand News, June 20, 2020

National security law: questions raised over Beijing’s sweeping powers, as critics point to new agency, role of adviser in commission
South China Morning Post, June 21, 2020

Security law: top Hong Kong barrister raises concerns over ‘executive interference’ into judiciary
Hong Kong Free Press, June 22, 2020

National security law: why Hong Kong legal experts worry legislation could be backdated
South China Morning Post, June 22, 2020

香港《国安法》草案细节引发的五大争议 (5 controversies in the draft national security law for Hong Kong)
BBC, June 22, 2020

Law Will Tighten Beijing’s Grip on Hong Kong With Chinese Security Force

The New York Times, June 22, 2020

港版國安法細節曝光 公務員入職需宣誓擁護《基本法》、效忠特區 (Detail of the national security law for Hong Kong released; civil servants are required to pledge allegiance to uphold the Basic Law and the S.A.R.)
HK01, June 20, 2020

Beijing and EU officials hold tense summit amid trade, human rights concerns
AFP, June 22, 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

China moves ahead with prosecution of Canadians Kovrig and Spavor on spying charges
South China Morning Post, June 19, 2020

Statement Regarding the Verdict of Lawyer Yu Wensheng After His Secret Trial
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, June 19, 2020

异见诗人王藏妻子遭公安传唤音讯全无 (Wife of detained dissident poet, Wang Zang, has lost contact after being taken away by authority)
Radio Free Asia, June 19, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Google Parent Company Alphabet Is Back In China (Because It Never Left)
SupChina, June 18, 2020

China Is Collecting DNA From Tens of Millions of Men and Boys, Using U.S. Gear

The New York Times, June 19, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

AP Interview: Martin Lee sees end of the Hong Kong he knows
Associated Press, June 19, 2020

China Presses Ahead With Tougher-Looking National Security Law For Hong Kong
Radio Free Asia, June 18, 2020

Student’s pro-democracy human chain protest cancelled after Hong Kong police warn schools
Hong Kong Free Press, June 19, 2020

【國安法壓港】英駐華使館發文反駁中國指控 指《中英聯合聲明》仍有效 文章遭微信刪除 (WeChat removes UK Embassy in China's statement on the validity of the Sino-British Joint Declaration)
The Stand News, June 19, 2020

籲歐盟對華強硬 黃之鋒:尚有自由的最後證詞 (“It could be my last testimony when I'm free,” Joshua Wong urges EU to stand strong against China)
Deutsche Welle, June 19, 2020

人大常委會會議明早閉幕 未知會否表決港區國安法 (NPC Standing Committee meeting to conclude tomorrow, decision on national security law for Hong Kong remains unknown)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 19, 2020

大律師公會關注內地及官員透露的港區國安法建議細節 (Hong Kong Bar Association express concern over the “supreme status” of the national security law)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 19, 2020

Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on NPCSC's deliberation of the proposed national security law and reported details
Hong Kong Bar Association, June 19, 2020

涉六四煽惑非法集結 李卓人何俊仁梁耀忠黎智英等7.13提堂 (For involvement in organizing June 4 candlelight vigil, Cheuk-Yan, Albert Ho, and 11 activists are due in court on July 13 to be formally charged with “unauthorized” assembly)
Ming Pao, June 19, 2020

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Donald Trump signs Uygur human rights bill into US law, authorising sanctions against Chinese officials
South China Morning Post, June 18, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Retweeting through the Great Firewall
Australian Strategic Policy Institute, June 12, 2020

Retweeting through the Great Firewall
Australian Strategic Policy Institute, June 12, 2020

China’s Surveillance Technology Is Keeping Tabs on Populations Around the World
The Diplomat, June 18, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Group of Seven countries urge China to reconsider Hong Kong national security law
South China Morning Post, June 18, 2020

G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement on Hong Kong
U.S. Department of State, June 17, 2020

Hong Kong security law: China backs city’s status as financial hub as it brushes aside G7 concerns
South China Morning Post, June 18, 2020

Hong Kong protests: Taiwan announces humanitarian aid plan for people fleeing city
South China Morning Post, June 18, 2020

教育局向中小學發指引 元旦、國慶及七一活動必須奏國歌 (National anthem must play in primary, secondary schools on New Year's Day, National Day, and July 1; same rule applies to international schools)
HK01, June 18, 2020

98%新聞從業員反對立法 記協憂影響新聞出版自由 (98% of journalists oppose the national security law; Hong Kong Journalists Association fears erosion of press freedom)
Apple Daily, June 18, 2020

人大常委會今開會 正式公佈將審議港區國安法 (NPC Standing Committee officially announces it will review draft national security law for Hong Kong during current meeting)
The Stand News, June 18, 2020

港版國安法規範罪行 「外國勢力干預香港事務」變「勾結外國勢力」 鄭若驊:暫難恰當回應 (Latest revision of national security law shifts target from "foreign forces interfering in Hong Kong's internal affairs" to "collusion with foreign forces")
The Stand News, June 18, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Will Hong Kong Be Tiananmen 2.0?
Project Syndicate, June 16, 2020

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Chinese human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng sentenced to four years in prison
South China Morning Post, June 17, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

中国网络文学作者受实名制规管 恐打击创作自由 (China requires real name online publishing, threatening freedom to create)
Radio Free Asian, June 17, 2020

“端点星”倒下了,他们站起来了 (Project Terminus is down, but news archiving community in China is still standing)
Radio Free Asia, June 17, 2020

开创维权报道先河 “非新闻”创办人卢昱宇刑满出狱 (Lu Yuyu is released after 4 years’ imprisonment for aggregating rights defense-related news)
Radio Free Asia, June 17, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Group of 86 NGOs issue letter calling for scrapping of planned Hong Kong security law
Reuters, June 17, 2020

Open Letter Re: Reject National Security Legislation
Amnesty International, June 16, 2020

Beijing to speed up formulation of Hong Kong security law as top legislature meets
Hong Kong Free Press, June 17, 2020

Extradition to mainland China may be possible under new Hong Kong national security law, says city’s representative on country’s top legislative body
South China Morning Post, June 17, 2020

National security law: Hong Kong official drops hints that election candidates could be barred for opposing new legislation
South China Morning Post, June 17, 2020

National security law: Britain urged to go ‘one step further’ for Hong Kong’s BN(O) passport holders alarmed by Beijing legislation
South China Morning Post, June 17, 2020

傳「港版國安法」最遲 7 月初通過 《明報》引消息:中央駐港人員擬持械 (Sources: National security law for Hong Kong will be passed no later than early July, Central Government staff in Hong Kong may be armed)
The Stand News, June 17, 2020

NOW 新聞主管張志剛八月退休 本月底即轉任高級顧問 無綫前中國組主管陳鐵彪空降 (Current chief of Now News to be replaced by former chief of TVB’s China department)
The Stand News, June 17, 2020

黎智英被指涉違規經營公司 壹傳媒發公告:至今無人被捕或提控 (Jimmy Lai is reportedly under suspicion of illegal business operation; Next Digital says no one has been arrested or charged yet)
HK01, June 17, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Will China’s New National Security Law Be the ‘Anti-Virus’ Software That Locks Down Hong Kong?
The Diplomat, June 17, 2020

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

北京据报切断藏人与境外微信通讯 (Beijing reportedly cuts off Tibet's WeChat communication with outside)
Radio Free Asia, June 15, 2020

人臉識別第一案 庭審結束擇期宣判 (First case in China involving facial recognition and right to privacy concludes with ruling postponed)
Ming Pao, June 16, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Former Hong Kong envoy chosen as new British ambassador to China
South China Morning Post, June 16, 2020

National security law: Hong Kong leader calls on opposition camp not to demonise legislation"
South China Morning Post, June 16, 2020

Hong Kong justice secretary says ‘improper’ intent, political motivations reasons to quash private criminal prosecutions
South China Morning Post, June 16, 2020

Coronavirus: Hong Kong to let groups of 50 people meet in public as government dramatically reduces social-distancing measures
South China Morning Post, June 16, 2020

Britain warns at UN rights forum against security law for Hong Kong
Reuters, June 16, 2020

指香港是全國 14 億人「風險位」 林鄭:「300 萬」簽名證港人撐國安法 反對者與廣大市民為敵 警告停手 (Referring to Hong Kong as the “risk point” for 1.4 billion people, Carrie Lam claims 3 million Kong Kongers support the national security law and warns opponents to cease and desist)
The Stand News, June 16, 2020

港區國安法|籌罷課組織籲投票展民意 稱政府譴責「公投」打壓青年聲音 (Class boycott group urges referendum on national security law for Hong Kong, calls government's condemnation an attempt to suppress voices of young people)
Ming Pao, June 16, 2020

取消食肆婚宴人數限制卻保留限聚令 郭家麒批為打壓七一遊行 (Hong Kong government lifts limit on restaurants and wedding receptions but keeps public gathering at 50; Kwok Ka-Ki, LegCo member, slams move as ploy to block July 1 March)
CitizenNews, June 16, 2020

Monday, June 15, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

许艳:就余文生律师案已严重超过审限,致信办案法官刘明伟法官、孙妍法官、花玉军院长、刘德军纪检组组长 (Wife Xu Yan urges authorities to release lawyer Yu Wensheng, who has been in prolonged, unlawful detention since January 2018)
Weiquanwang, June 15, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

Coronavirus: Chinese activists held for posting censored articles to face trial on criminal charges
South China Morning Post, June 14, 2020

端点星两志愿者涉“寻衅滋事”被正式逮捕 (2 Project Terminus volunteers are officially charged with "picking quarrels and provoking trouble")
Radio Free Asia, June 15, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Beijing reserves right to handle ‘rare’ cases involving Hong Kong’s new national security law
South China Morning Post, June 15, 2020

港版國安法|港澳辦:主要由特區執法 中央直接管轄特別嚴重案件 (Deng Zhonghua, deputy director of HKMAO: National security law is primarily enforced by the SAR government, but the central government will handle serious cases)
HK01, June 15, 2020

Beijing’s security law for Hong Kong won’t be compatible with city’s common law system says Justice Sec.
Hong Kong Free Press, June 15, 2020

Thousands of mourners on death anniversary of Hong Kong protester ‘raincoat man’
South China Morning Post, June 15, 2020

Hong Kong protests: 15 opposition figures charged over unauthorised rallies apply to have trial put on hold
South China Morning Post, June 15, 2020

教育局:兩辦聲明表達對香港青年人重視及關注 (Education Bureau: HKMAO and LOCPG issue statements on youth in Hong Kong)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 13, 2020

香港中联办发言人:坚定支持香港特区建立健全与“一国两制”相适应的教育体系 (Spokesperson of LOCPG: Strongly support HKSAR to build a healthy education system compatible with "one country, two systems")
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R., June 12, 2020

国务院港澳办发言人:斩断黑手,救救孩子 (Spokesperson of HKMAO: Save children, cut off the black hands)
Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, June 12, 2020

國安法未有條文 建制組織發起「無獨書展」 籲舉報涉獨書刊產品 轉交國安部門 (Pro-establishment organizations launch campaign to encourage people to report books relating to Hong Kong independence directly to mainland national security departments)
The Stand News, June 15, 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

美国国务院发布宗教自由报告 蓬佩奥谴责中国宗教镇压持续加剧 (In latest International Religious Freedom Report, U.S. State Dept condemns China for intensifying religious oppression)
Voice of America, June 12, 2020

2019 Report on International Religious Freedom
U.S. Department of State, June 10, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Apple removes two podcast apps from China store after censorship demands
The Guardian, June 12, 2020

Twitter removes 23,750 China-linked accounts for spreading disinformation
South China Morning Post, June 12, 2020

Twitter Removes Chinese Misinformation Campaign

The New York Times, June 12, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai among 13 opposition figures to be charged over June 4 vigil
South China Morning Post, June 12, 2020

被指煽惑六四非法集結 支聯會鄒幸彤張文光尹兆堅 民陣陳皓桓等九人將被檢控 (9 activists face charges for inciting illegal assembly on June 4th)
The Stand News, June 12, 2020

Hong Kong protests: police take dispersal action as hundreds gather to mark one-year anniversary of first major clashes
South China Morning Post, June 12, 2020

National security law: Beijing’s offices in Hong Kong take aim at organisers of class boycotts
South China Morning Post, June 12, 2020

香港版国安法:《香港半年报告书》引发英中外交舌战再起 (U.K. releases controversial semi-annual report on Hong Kong)
BBC, June 12, 2020

國歌條例刊憲生效 消息指警方調查可參考社交媒體言論 (National Anthem Law takes effect today; source: police can reference social media posts as part of investigation)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 12, 2020

大律師公會:港區國安法檢控應嚴格按照本港刑事程序 (Hong Kong Bar Association: prosecution of offences under the national security law should be in strict accordance with normal criminal procedures applicable in Hong Kong courts)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 12, 2020

Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on the Drafting of the National Security Law
Hong Kong Bar Association, June 12, 2020

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

China’s ‘repression against all religions continues to intensify’, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says as report devotes section to Xinjiang’s Uygurs
South China Morning Post, June 11, 2020

2019 Report on International Religious Freedom
U.S. Department of State, June 10, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

聲援佔中異見詩人被捕 妻遭公安上門恐嚇 設 Twitter 向外求援 (Poet Wang Zang who supports Hong Kong’s democracy movement is arrested; wife, harassed by police, calls for help on Twitter)
The Stand News, June 11, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

中国首例 武汉肺炎死者家属状告政府疫情 (First suit in China against government for concealing COVID-19 situation)
Radio Free Asia, June 11, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Zoom shuts account of US-based rights group after Tiananmen anniversary meeting
The Guardian, June 10, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Interview: 'I'm Going to Stay Here And Fight to The Bitter End'
Radio Free Asia, June 10, 2020

Hong Kong police tell Tiananmen vigil organisers and media boss Jimmy Lai they will be prosecuted over Victoria Park gathering
South China Morning Post, June 11, 2020

Joint declaration ‘not relevant’ to national security law for Hong Kong, says Beijing
South China Morning Post, June 11, 2020

【港版國安法】律師會終詳細回應:倡以陪審團審訊 不以國籍指派法官 (On national security law for Hong Kong, The Law Society of Hong Kong suggests trial by jury, and assigns judges regardless of their nationality)
Apple Daily, June 11, 2020

National Security Legislation preliminary observations
The Law Society of Hong Kong, June 11, 2020

【國歌法】林鄭簽署條例 明日刊憲生效 籲市民自覺尊重 (Carrie Lam signs National Anthem Law, effective on June 12 upon publication in the Hong Kong Government Gazette; urges citizens to be conscientious and respectful)
HK01, June 11, 2020

李家超:須確保國安法實施之日有隊伍執法 警隊已開始部署 (Hong Kong Secretary for Security: Police deployment already begun to ensure enforcement of national security law for Hong Kong the very day it is enacted)
The Stand News, June 11, 2020

國務院參事:港區國安法立法屬中國內政 (Zhu Guangyao, Counselor of the State Council: the national security law for Hong Kong is China's internal affairs)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 11, 2020

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

曾處理烏坎事件 陸豐市委書記鄔郁敏受查 (Wu Yuming, Party Secretary of Lu Feng CPC Committee who handled 2016 Wukan incident, is under discipline inspection)
Ming Pao, June 10, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

中国试图通过美国报纸做宣传 (China attempts to spread propaganda using U.S. newspapers as vehicle)
Voice of America, June 10, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Japan to draft G7 statement on China’s plans for Hong Kong national security law
South China Morning Post, June 10, 2020

Hong Kong police unit dedicated to enforcing new national security law already in the works, minister reveals to Post
South China Morning Post, June 10, 2020

李家超:警隊正成立專責部門執行國安法 具情報收集調查培訓等職能 (Hong Kong Secretary for Security: Police to form special department to enforce national security law empowered to gather intelligence, investigate, conduct training)
The stand News, June 10, 2020

Hong Kong’s public broadcaster RTHK must help nurture viewers’ sense of national identity, government-appointed chairman says
South China Morning Post, June 10, 2020

Beijing’s liaison office held ‘unprecedented’ round of meetings with senior Hong Kong officials to boost support for national security law
South China Morning Post, June 10, 2020

中国港澳办副主任张晓明阐述香港“政治问题” 北京话锋突变传递什么信号 (What signal is being sent in Beijing's drastic change in rhetoric on Hong Kong?)
BBC, June 10, 2020

立法會換屆選舉敲定9月6日舉行 提名期7月18日展開 (Legislative Council general election is set for Sept. 6, nominations to begin July 18)
HK01, June 10, 2020

民間集會團隊 6.12 愛丁堡廣場舉行宗教集會 警方籲市民勿參與 (Hong Kong Civil Assembly Team to hold religious assembly on June 12; police urge public not to participate)
The Stand News, June 10, 2020

港人示威纪念6/9百万人大游行一周年 (On anniversary, thousand Hong Kongers commemorate the million-strong anti-extradition march)
Voice of America, June 10, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Oversight of Chinese telecoms companies is lacking, US lawmakers find
South China Morning Post, June 10, 2020

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

上海人权捍卫者陈建芳涉嫌“颠覆国家政权”案进展情况的通报 (Shanghai rights defender Chen Jianfang detained on suspicion of “subversion of state power” is refused access to her lawyer ostensibly because of COVID-19)
Weiquanwang, June 9, 2020

苏州市法院以武汉病毒疫情为由3月已对戈觉平“煽颠”案作出裁定中止审理 戈觉平仍遭无限期羁押 (Rights defender Ge Jueping, in custody since November 2016 on suspicion of “inciting subversion of state power,” faces prolonged detention as the Suzhou Intermediate Court suspends his case indefinitely)
Weiquanwang, June 9, 2020

湖北人权捍卫者刘家财6月3日被宜昌警方带走 下落不明 (Hubei rights defender Liu Jiacai was taken away by Yichang police on June 3 and his whereabouts are unknown)
Weiquanwang, June 8, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong protesters charged by riot police as they mark anniversary
The Guardian, June 9, 2020

Hong Kong protests: police fire pepper spray as hundreds gather in Central to mark first anniversary of historic march against extradition bill
South China Morning Post, June 9, 2020

Hong Kong needs to prove residents are ‘responsible and sensible citizens’ of China, says Chief Exec. Carrie Lam
Hong Kong Free Press, June 9, 2020

Security law: Pro-democracy district councils to set up platform to reflect ‘true views’ of Hongkongers
Hong Kong Free Press, June 9, 2020

Hong Kong police have 35 days to respond to legal action for the disclosure of ingredients in tear gas used in protests
Hong Kong Free Press, June 9, 2020

【七一入立法會】律政司突改控暴動罪 最高刑期由3個月變10年 (Department of Justice revises charges against protesters who entered Legco chamber on July 1, 2019 to rioting, with maximum 10-year sentences)
CitizeNews, June 9, 2020

民主派下月舉行公民投票 決定立法會參選名單 (Democrats to hold referendum next month to finalize list of candidates for the upcoming LegCo election)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 9, 2020

民陣擬舉行七一遊行及反「港區國安法」集會 (Civil Human Rights Front plans July 1 march to protest national security law for Hong Kong)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 9, 2020

Hong Kong Protests, One Year Later

The New York Times, June 9, 2020

Monday, June 08, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

China's Uighurs convicted in sham trials at Xinjiang camps
Deutsche Welle, June 8, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

重庆民营企业家李怀庆涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权罪案将于2020年6月8日开庭 (Two years in custody, Chongqing entrepreneur Li Huaiqing goes on trial for “inciting subversion of state power”)
Weiquanwang, June 8, 2020

人权捍卫者张五洲女士白云山举牌纪念六四、反香港国安法而遭广东警方刑事拘留 (Rights defender Zhang Wuzhou is criminally detained in Guangdong for opposing Hong Kong national security legislation and commemorating June Fourth victims)
Weiquanwang, June 7, 2020

大陆公开纪念六四31周年的湖南株洲民主勇士陈思明被中共当局行政拘留15天 (Hunan Rights defender Chen Siming is placed under 15-day administrative detention for commemorating June Fourth victims)
Weiquanwang, June 6, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

China Hails Its Virus Triumphs, and Glosses Over Its Mistakes
New York Times, June 7, 2020

Full Text: Fighting COVID-19: China in Action
The State Council Information Office: The People's Republic of China, June 7, 2020

Coronavirus pandemic shows global consequences of China’s local censorship rules
South China Morning Post, June 7, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Japan watching Hong Kong situation with ‘deep concern’, Shinzo Abe says
South China Morning Post, June 8, 2020

‘Wear black and join street booths on June 12’: Hong Kong activist urges protesters to mark anniversary of clashes with police
South China Morning Post, June 8, 2020

港版國安法|張曉明批反對派欲奪權變天 促港人思考2047香港命運 (HKMAO deputy director Zhang Xiaoming says opponents of national security law are trying to overturn government, urges Hong Kongers to consider region’s post-2047 future)
HK01, June 8, 2020

20200608 《基本法》頒布三十周年網上研討會
TMHK - Truth Media Hong Kong, June 8, 2020

楊潤雄稱教導國歌時若有事情校方處理不到可找警方協助 (Secretary for Education: Call the police if disruption during teaching of national anthem is unmanageable)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 6, 2020

17區民主派區議員通過議案 要求撤回「港區國安法」 (Pro-democracy members of 17 district councils pass resolution to request withdrawal of national security law for Hong Kong)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 6, 2020

Friday, June 05, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Authorities to Destroy Uyghur Cemetery in Xinjiang Capital
Radio Free Asia, June 4, 2020

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

六四纪念日:许志永获美国笔会自由写作奖 (On June 4, Xu Zhiyong wins PEN America’s Freedom to Write Award)
Voice of America, June 5, 2020

昔日驱赶摊贩今日笑脸相迎 为政绩城管劝小贩摆摊 (To rack up political points, neighborhood watchmen now greet street vendors with smiles rather than drive them away)
Radio Free Asia, June 5, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

18 Western lawmakers form group to take ‘tougher stance’ on China
South China Morning Post, June 5, 2020

耿爽卸任外交部發言人 《環時》稱將赴常駐聯合國代表團【短片】 (Geng Shuang, MFA spokesperson, heads to PRC permanent mission at the UN, Global Times reports)
Ming Pao, June 5, 2020

白宮六四聲明:促北京履行人權及《 中英聯合聲明》承諾 維護公民權利及自由 (The White House June Fourth statement: China should fulfill promises made in the Joint Declaration and human rights obligations, protect civil rights and freedoms)
CitizenNews, June 5, 2020

Statement from the Press Secretary Commemorating the 31st Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre
The White House, June 4, 2020

六四31周年 英国前驻华大使披露血腥镇压细节 (On 31st Anniv. of June Fourth, former UK ambassador to China reveals details of bloody crackdown)
Radio Free Asia, June 4, 2020

CECC委员六四31周年提出决议案 谴责六四镇压和破坏香港自治 (CECC mbrs propose resolution to condemn June Fourth crackdown and destruction of Hong Kong autonomy)
Voice of America, June 5, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Dozens in Hong Kong stage lunchtime protest in shopping mall
Channel News Asia, June 5, 2020

Hong Kong Tiananmen vigil organiser faces ‘financial crisis’ as June 4 event raises less than third of previous year’s total
South China Morning Post, June 5, 2020

Commentary (评论)

China Doesn’t Want a New World Order. It Wants This One.

The New York Times, June 5, 2020

Tiananmen’s Other Children

The New York Times, June 5, 2020

Thursday, June 04, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Tiananmen Mothers Call on Beijing to Make Public Details of 1989 Massacre
Radio Free Asia, June 3, 2020

Statement by the Tiananmen Mothers: Tell the Truth, Refuse to Forget, Lies Written in Ink Cannot Conceal the Facts Written in Blood
Human Rights in China, June 1, 2020

Veteran 1989 Activist Detained Over Online Tiananmen Massacre Event
Radio Free Asia, June 3, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

美国限制的中国官媒或增四家,对33家中国实体限制本周实施 (U.S. may restrict 4 more Chinese official media outlets; restrictions on 33 Chinese entities to go into effect this week)
Voice of America, June 4, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

蓬佩奥公开接见六四幸存者 王丹:历史性的会面 (U.S. Sec’y of State Pompeo meets with 4 June Fourth survivors including Wang Dan)
Deutsche Welle, June 4, 2020

中共中央党校前教授蔡霞促撤换中共领导人 (Cai Xia, former professor of Central Party School, urges replacing CPC leader)
Radio Free Asia, June 4, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

國歌法6.4混亂中三讀通過 6.12刊憲即日實施 (Hong Kong passes controversial National Anthem Law, effective June 12)
HK01, June 4, 2020

Hong Kong protesters hold banned Tiananmen vigil as anthem law is passed
The Guardian, June 4, 2020

Thousands of Hongkongers defy police ban to commemorate Tiananmen Massacre victims at Victoria Park
Hong Kong Free Press, June 4, 2020

Police pepper spray Hong Kongers defying ban to mark Tiananmen
Reuters, June 4, 2020

【六四 三一】維園鐵欄鎖不住燭光 堅持點亮真相的人們 (Barricades fail to fetter Victoria Park's candlelight, meet the people who light up the truth)
The Stand News, June 4, 2020

社民連成員持毋忘六四花牌到中聯辦抗議並促放政治犯 (League of Social Democrats members call for release of political prisoners in front of Liaison Office)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 4, 2020

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

【國安法壓港】中國外交部:中英聯合聲明不是中國對英承諾 不是國際義務 (China’s MFA: 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration does not constitute China's promise to the UK, nor international obligations))
The Stand News, June 3, 2020

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian's Regular Press Conference on June 3, 2020
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 3, 2020

'Sacrificed': anger in China over death of Wuhan doctor from coronavirus
The Guardian, June 3, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Millions of Indians flocked to download a tool that removes Chinese apps
Quartz, June 3, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Boris Johnson lays out visa offer to nearly 3m Hong Kong citizens
The Guardian, June 3, 2020

Hong Kong court acquits student of riot charge, casts doubt on police testimony
Hong Kong Free Press, June 3, 2020

HKFP guide to Hong Kong’s Tiananmen Massacre commemorations, as police ban annual vigil
Hong Kong Free Press, June 3, 2020

Hong Kong lawmakers ‘not immune’ from Legislative Council contempt charges as Court of Appeal rules that ‘Long Hair’ Leung Kwok-hung trial should proceed
South China Morning Post, June 3, 2020

六四31|百人荔枝角收押所外悼念六四 點燭光設壇叫口號 (100 commemorate June Fourth outside of Lai Chi Kok (Correctional) Reception Centre with lit candles and chants)
HK01, June 3, 2020

譚耀宗:議員倘反對為國家安全立法 應被取消資格 (Former Legco member now on NPC Standing Committee: LegCo members who oppose the National Security Law for Hong Kong should be disqualified)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 3, 2020

港區國安法|大律師公會致函楊振武 稱國安法制訂過程公眾諮詢極為重要 (In letter to NPC Secretary-General, Hong Kong Bar Association stresses extreme importance of public consultation in legislative process of National Security Law for Hong Kong)
Ming Pao, June 3, 2020

Letter to the 13th Secretary General of the National People's Congress Yang Zhenwu
Hong Kong Bar Association, June 2, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Now Beijing has broken its word on Hong Kong, how can it be trusted on other int’l commitments?
Hong Kong Free Press, June 3, 2020

As Protests Engulf the United States, China Revels in the Unrest

The New York Times, June 3, 2020

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

China delayed releasing coronavirus info, frustrating WHO
Associated Press, June 2, 2020

《北京中医药条例》草案:诋毁、污蔑中医药将依法追责 (Draft "Beijing Chinese Medicine Regulations": Defamation of Chinese medicine will be punishable by law)
Radio France Internationale, June 2, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

六四前夕 天安门母亲发公开信吁勿遗忘 (On eve of June Fourth, Tiananmen Mothers issue statement to urge remembrance)
Radio Free Asia, June 1, 2020

Statement by the Tiananmen Mothers: Tell the Truth, Refuse to Forget, Lies Written in Ink Cannot Conceal the Facts Written in Blood
Human Rights in China, June 1, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

US may open doors to Hongkongers in response to China’s push for national security law, Mike Pompeo says
South China Morning Post, June 2, 2020

Hong Kong democracy group files complaint to U.N. over alleged abuse
Reuters, June 2, 2020

Torture in PIk Uk Correctional Institution: how correctional staff imposed a regime of brutal terror on arrested protesters
Google Documents, June 2, 2020

'I can't be silent': Hong Kong people aim to mark Tiananmen despite ban
Reuters, June 2, 2020

In full: UK urges China to ‘step back from the brink’ over Hong Kong security law
Agence France-Presse, June 2, 2020

「結束一黨專政」成絕唱?03年立法言論容許、武力觸法 (Will chanting "End one-party rule"—allowed under 2003 formulation of the national security law—be permitted under new national security?)
CitizenNews, June 2, 2020

國安法壓港零諮詢 李家超拒答訪京會否反映民調六成港人反對 稱人大網頁公開收意見 (China to impose National Security Law for Hong Kong without public consultation; John Lee dodges question if he will tell Beijing a survey showing 60% opposition among Hong Kong people; suggests people leave their opinions on NPC's website)
The Stand News, June 2, 2020

‘Facing the Darkest Hour’: Hong Kong’s Protest Movement in Crisis

The New York Times, June 2, 2020