桂林小学爆炸案致2人亡 17人受伤 (Two dead, 17 injured in Guilin elementary school explosion)
Beijing News, September 9, 2013
Monday, September 09, 2013
Children (儿童)
Corruption (腐败)
中石油高层再有5人被带走:副总孙龙德刚接任董秘 (Five more oil executives taken in for questioning)
The People’s Daily, September 9, 2013
中石油反腐风暴:大批处级干部被曝遭到调查 (Large number of mid-level cadres investigated in PetroChina anti-corruption crackdown)
The People’s Daily, September 9, 2013
Exclusive: U.S. prosecutors add China bribe allegations to GSK probe
Reuters, September 6, 2013
Environment (环境)
Life inside a Chinese mining company
Green Youther, September 6, 2013
Health (健康)
中科院:禽流感研究新突破 破解H7N9感染人奥秘 (China Academy of Sciences: research breakthrough in mystery of H7N9 human infection)
Guangzhou Daily, September 8, 2013
Human Rights Defenders (人权卫士)
China releases reporter jailed since 2005 after Yahoo disclosed details of email to government
Associated Press, September 8, 2013
For more information on Shi Tao, see:
About the Individual: Shi Tao
Human Rights in China, 2008
EN: http://www.ir2008.org/january-about.php
CH: http://www.hrichina.org/cn/content/3941
中国异议人士张林的两女儿抵达美国 (Chinese dissident Zhang Lin’s two daughters arrive in U.S.)
Voice of America, September 7, 2013
For more information on Zhang Lin, see:
Activist and Ten-year-old Daughter Illegally Detained before Forcible Removal from Hefei
Human Rights in China, March 1,2013
EN: http://www.hrichina.org/content/6585
CH: http://www.hrichina.org/cn/content/6586
Information Control (信息控制)
两高:网络诽谤信息被转发超500次或判刑3年 (High court and procuratorate: those who repost “Internet rumors” more than 500 times may get three years’ imprisonment)
China News Service, September 9, 2013
See the full text:
关于办理利用信息网络实施诽谤等刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释 ("Interpretation of several issues related to the applicable laws when handling cases that involve websites committing slander")
Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate, September 9, 2013
“今日焦点网”等11个网站被依法查处 (Eleven websites under investigation)
Xinhua, September 9, 2013
International Human Rights (国际人权)
香港人权团体吁中国落实人权公约 (Hong Kong human rights groups urge China to ratify and implement the ICCPR)
Deutsche Welle, September 8, 2013
International Relations (国际关系)
习近平:创新合作模式共同建设“丝绸之路经济带” (Xi Jinping urges creation of a new cooperative framework with Central Asian and European countries by mutually building an “economic strip on the silver road”)
The People’s Daily, September 7, 2013
SCO law, justice ministers pledge cooperation
Xinhua, September 6, 2013
Refugees and Asylum-seekers (难民和庇护寻求者)
U.N. concern at plight of Hong Kong asylum seekers living in squalor
South China Morning Post, September 8, 2013
Political and Economic Reforms(政治经济改革)
China premier calls for "human focus" to urbanisation plan
Reuters, September 8, 2013
Chinese statistics bureau accuses county of faking economic data
The Guardian, September 6, 2013
Opinion (观点)
China will stay the course on sustainable growth
Financial Times (English), September 8, 2013
British Broadcasting Corporation (Chinese), September 9, 2013
EN: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/03377ccc-16e0-11e3-9ec2-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2eP92Qgi6
CH: http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/china/2013/09/130909_likeqiang_ft.shtml