政治经济改革中共三中全会闭幕 设国安委和改革小组
China third plenum: leaders unveil key reforms
British Broadcasting Corporation, November 12, 2013
CH: http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/china/2013/11/131112_china_cpc_meeting_.shtml
EN: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-24910434
See the Communiqué:
Communiqué of the 3rd Plenum of the 18th Party Congress
Xinhua, November 12, 2013
CH: http://politics.people.com.cn/n/2013/1112/c1024-23519136.html
EN: http://chinacopyrightandmedia.wordpress.com/2013/11/12/communique-of-the-3rd-plenum-of-the-18th-party-congress/
Related Tencent weibo posts:
温军, November 12, 2013
说了一大片,看懂了,就四个字,维持现状!对一小部分人有利!实际的一点没有,网友点评:三肿全坏结束,看来是准备一条大路走到黑了。。。。移民啊移民啊。(The communique said a lot and now I understand. Just four words: maintain the status quo! Benefit a small group of people! There is nothing of any practical significance. One Netizen’s review: with the end of the “three swollen-all bad” [similar pronunciation of “the third plenary”], it seems the gov’t is prepared to walk down the same road until it meets a dead end. . . . Emigrate, I say, emigrate.)
直面人生, November 12, 2013
唯一有新意的是建立国保委,保障强抢的顺利进行!其他和放屁一样。难怪代表们睡得和扬子江的死猪一样 (The only new thing is to establish the National Security Commission, which is to guarantee that robbery happens smoothly! …)
Related Sina weibo posts:
老慕杂谈, November 12, 2013
@张雪忠:如果一个国家总是顽固地拒绝人类社会通行的普世价值,并且迟迟不肯建立以自由、民主和法治为基础的宪政制度,那绝不是因为这个国家有什么特殊的国情,而是因为这个国家有一个特殊的政府:这个政府本身极其败坏和不得人心,以致于根本无法通过公正的法律和诚实的手段,来维持自己的存续!转 (If a country has stubbornly refused the universal values currently practiced in the international community, and has been reluctant to establish constitutionalism, which is based on freedom, democracy, and the rule of law, the reason is absolutely not because of any “special country conditions;” it is because this country has a very special government: the government itself is extremely corrupt and unpopular, so that it simply cannot maintain its survival through just law and honest means! Repost it.)
Long silent, China's entrepreneurs push for change
Associated Press, November 11, 2013