The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, May 01, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Chinese Authorities Threaten COVID-19 Victims & Families Seeking Compensation
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, April 30, 2020

湖南民运人士谢文飞被捕 疑涉武汉疫情 (Hunan democracy activist Xie Wenfei detained, possibly in connection with speech on COVID-19)
Radio Free Asia, May 1, 2020

国际特赦发紧急呼吁 关注李翘楚 (Amnesty International issues emergency appeal on case of Li Qiaochu, in custody in connection with “12.26” case)
Radio Free Asia, April 30, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

美国务院批中国封杀推特 却翻墙传播虚假讯息 (U.S. State Department slams China for blocking Twitter while actively using it to spread false information)
Voice of America, May 1, 2020

文革阴魂传新刮 多间大学恶启调查 罪挺方方连带扒底反送中 (In resurgence of Cultural Revolution tactics, academics in universities are investigated/sanctioned for supporting Wuhan diary author Fang Fang)
Radio France Internationale, May 1, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

世卫疑初大甩锅 驻华代表指中国多次拒世卫查新冠病毒来源 世卫估源头在武汉 (WHO suspected Wuhan as source of COVID-19 but its requests to investigate were repeatedly denied by China)
Radio France Internationale, May 1, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Anti-government protests return to Hong Kong on Labour Day as police pepper spray crowd
South China Morning Post, May 1, 2020

Riot police fan out but Hongkongers eschew May Day rallies
AFP, May 1, 2020

Labour Party vice-chair arrested during failed march
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 1, 2020

五一黃金周|5時01分多區齊喊五大訴求 發起人:賦予節日新意義 (Organizer of "Five demands, not one less" chanting campaign at 5:01PM in many neighborhoods says the action gives May Day a whole new meaning)
HK01, May 1, 2020

港府再發聲明:「兩辦」有權責關注香港 依法拘控民主派 外國官員政客言論不負責任 (Hong Kong government: HKMAO and LOCPG have supervisory power over Hong Kong, arrests of pan-democrats are legal, foreign politicians' allegations are “irresponsible”)
The Stand News, May 1, 2020

HKSAR Government strongly refutes foreign politicians' recent remarks on Hong Kong
The Government of Hong Kong SAR, May 1, 2020