The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Access to Information (信息公开)

《新華社》發表時評點名指責黎智英公然叫囂顛覆國家 (Xinhua commentary names Apple Daily chief as inciting subversion of state)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 26, 2019

Crackdown on Chinese accounts shows US social media giants becoming “more proactive”
South China Morning Post, August 25, 2019

Chinese censorship laws could prompt foreign book publishers to look elsewhere for printers
South China Morning Post, August 25, 2019

Minitrue: To foreign media, on Hong Kong coverage
China Digital Times, August 25, 2019

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

Tibetan community leaders hold rally to support Hong Kongers’ fight for freedom
The Epoch Times, August 25, 2019

Lawyer Chen Qiushi’s video diary of Hong Kong visit
China Digital Times, August 25, 2019

How Hong Kong’s protest movement endures, in photos
Quartz, August 25, 2019

Government Accountability (政府问责)

習近平嚴厲打貪,為何中國的全球清廉指數反而倒退了?(As Xi Jinping cracks down on corruption, why is China’s Corruption Perceptions Index getting worse?)
The News Lens, August 25, 2019

Jilin Province Launches a Comprehensive Program to Suppress “Religious Infiltration” from Abroad
Bitter Winter, August 24, 2019

New “social security card” for Tibetans aims at tightened controls by Beijing
Radio Free Asia, August 23, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong police families call for independent inquiry into protest clashes
Hong Kong Free Press, August 26, 2019

警員家屬集會 勸警勿與民為敵 警嫂:藍絲不代表我 (400 police family members rally to urge police department not to treat citizens as their enemies), August 26, 2019

Hong Kong police pull their guns, reportedly shoot warning shot after being attacked by protesters with sticks and rods.
Associated Press, August 25, 2019

荃灣開槍兼腳踢跪地街坊 警稱因電光火石、別無選擇下最好做法 (“Split second” and “no other choice”: Police defends kicking down passer-by who knelt down to stop police from shooting protesters with revolver), August 26, 2019

Hong Kong police officer 'fires warning shot' amid fresh clashes with protesters
The Telegraph, August 25, 2019

Hong Kong riot police beat protesters at anti-surveillance rally
The Guardian, August 24, 2019

香港再发警民冲突 又有示威者眼睛被打伤 (Second protester shot in the eye by rubber bullet during march on Saturday)
Radio France Internationale, August 24, 2019

Hong Kong MTR shuts 4 stations around legal protest in Kwun Tong following China pressure
Hong Kong Free Press, August 24, 2019

Hong Kong protests: residents angry at access changes during demonstration besiege property management firm for second day
South China Morning Post, August 25, 2019

Chief Executive Carrie Lam pressed by range of Hong Kong leaders to meet top demands of anti-government protesters, sources say
South China Morning Post, August 25, 2019

香港特首的难题:如何与“无大台”示威者对话 (Challenge for the Hong Kong chief executive: How to talk with leaderless protesters)
BBC, August 23, 2019

UK consulate worker detained in China is freed in Hong Kong, says family
The Guardian, August 24, 2019

Hong Kong protesters join hands in 30-mile human chain
The Guardian, August 23, 2019

Commentary (评论)

Carrie Lam must address legitimate demands to end the Hong Kong protests in time for Chinese National Day
South China Morning Post, August 25, 2019