The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Access to Information (公众知情权)

“无国界记者”调查报告:中国至今至少拘捕10名揭露疫情记者 (Reporters without Borders report: To date, China has arrested at least 10 journalists and commentators for reporting on Covid-19)
Radio Free Asia, February 10, 2021

China: One year after the Covid-19 outbreak, seven journalists still detained for reporting on the issue
Reporters without Borders, February 8, 2021

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China poses serious strategic threat to Canada, says Canadian spy agency head
Reuters, February 9, 2021

新疆內蒙通過《民族團結》條例 倡官員繼續「結對認親」進駐民眾家中 (Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia pass new “ethnic unity” policies; continue the Civil Servant-Family Pair up policy; and accelerate use of Chinese language in education)
CitizenNews, February 10, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong opposition activists detained in mass national security law arrests have bail extended
South China Morning Post, February 10, 2021

Hong Kong radio host ‘Giggs’ denied bail ahead of trial for allegedly ‘seditious’ broadcast
Hong Kong Free Press, February 10, 2021

National security law: Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam honours police top brass sanctioned by US
South China Morning Post, February 10, 2021

U.S. senators revive bill to make refugee status easier for Hong Kong protesters
Reuters, February 9, 2021

反送中紀錄片《Do Not Split 不割席》 入選奧斯卡最佳紀錄短片十強名單 (Hong Kong protest film “Do Not Split” nominated for an Oscar in “Documentary Short Subject” category)
The Stand News, February 10, 2021

Do Not Split
FIELD_OF_VISION, January 25, 2021