The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, September 09, 2019

Xinjiang (新疆)

How China spins the Xinjiang story to the Chinese
Al Jazeera, September 8, 2019

US to seek support at UN to ‘call out’ China over treatment of Uygurs, Mike Pompeo says
Reuters, September 7, 2019

“Key individuals management” and the roots of China’s anti-Muslim surveillance system
Jamestown Foundation, September 6, 2019

Uyghur toddler drowns while parents are detained in Xinjiang internment camp
Radio Free Asia, September 6, 2019

Access to Justice (司法公正)

内地「掃黑除惡」行動 有維權律師倡問責機制免冤案 (Rights lawyer proposes accountability mechanism to avoid wrongful convictions in “sweeping evil” campaigns)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 9, 2019

王全璋妻子稱警方向小學施壓 兒子再失學 (Wang Quanzhang’s son kicked out of school again after police pressure)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 7, 2019

Imprisoned lawyer Wang Quanzhang’s six-year-old son once again forced out of school
China Change, September 6, 2019

Access to Information (信息公开)

Confucius Institutes: The growth of China's controversial cultural branch
BBC, September 7, 2019

Miami Dade College is shutting down its Confucius Institute
POLITICO, September 7, 2019

Taiwan president sues scholars for alleging her doctorate degree is fake
The Diplomat, September 7, 2019

Outspoken journalist in Australia and father in China harassed online
Sydney Morning Herald, September 6, 2019

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

From Beijing to Hampstead: how tale of HIV whistleblower rattled Chinese state
The Guardian, September 8, 2019

With love from Taiwan: Supporters send gas masks and filters to Hong Kong protesters
Hong Kong Free Press, September 7, 2019

How do people in China really feel about Hong Kong? It’s complicated
The Nation, September 6, 2019

香港铜锣湾书店台湾重启 众筹19小时达标 (Crowdfund campaign for Hong Kong bookseller to reopen bookshop in Taiwan meets goal within a day)
Radio Free Asia, September 6, 2019

Hong Kong bookseller held in China raises US$100,000 to open Taiwan store
Agence France-Presse, September 6, 2019

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China is expected to counter criticism at UN Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva
Foreign Brief, September 9, 2019

中方稱聯合國人權理事會非合適場合討論香港問題 (China claims UN Human Rights Council is “not appropriate” place to discuss Hong Kong issues)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 7, 2019

Central Beijing locked down for overnight army parade rehearsal
Agence France-Presse, September 8, 2019

Hong Kong: Angela Merkel says China must ‘guarantee’ rights and freedoms
Agence France-Presse, September 7, 2019

U.S. defense secretary urges Chinese ‘restraint’ on Hong Kong
Bloomberg News, September 7, 2019

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Huawei heats up the battle for Internet in Canada’s north
BBC, September 9, 2019

Justin Trudeau sharpens criticism of China in Huawei spat
BBC, September 5, 2019

China to curb facial recognition and apps in schools
BBC, September 6, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Yuen Long attack victims sue police
The Standard, September 9, 2019

民主黨聯7.21傷者提民事索償 追究警隊疏忽職守 (Victims of July 21 Yuen Long attacks file lawsuit against police for negligence), September 8, 2019

【逃犯條例】各區中學聯校築人鏈 重申五大訴求 (Thousands of secondary school students form human chains in support of protests, reiterate five demands)
Ming Pao, September 9, 2019

High school students form “human chain” in support of Hong Kong protest movement
Hong Kong Free Press, September 9, 2019

Hong Kong protesters march to US consulate calling for support
Al Jazeera, September 8, 2019

9.8美領館請願:集會提早結束,示威者破壞多個港鐵站,4站關閉,多區警民對峙延至午夜 (Protests on Sept 8: March to US embassy, MTR stations vandalized and closed, clashes with police)
The Initium, September 8, 2019

Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong confirms arrest for “bail breach” after trip to Taiwan
Agence France-Presse, September 8, 2019

Hong Kong restricts airport access, thwarting planned disruption Al Jazeera, September 8, 2019

“Protect the Children”: Hong Kong’s grandpa protesters speak softly but carry a stick Agence France-Presse, September 8, 2019

太子數百市民續促公開錄影 防暴以胡椒噴霧直射記者 (Hundreds gather outside Prince Edward station demanding disclosure of CCTV footage of August 31 amidst rumors of injured protesters gone missing), September 7, 2019

Hong Kong lawmaker and protesters demand CCTV footage of police storming MTR station
Hong Kong Free Press, September 6, 2019

Hong Kong government urged by Court of Final Appeal to backdate benefits to 2017 after gay civil servant Angus Leung wins landmark LGBT case
South China Morning Post, September 6, 2019

Commentary (评论)

The New York Times, September 6, 2019

八月大事回顧:槍、眼、火、淚,警民衝突白熱化的八月風暴 (Guns, eyes, fire, and tears: A look back on Hong Kong’s stormy August)
The Initium, September 4, 2019

Carrie Lam listened to 19 Hong Kong elites after ignoring millions of marchers in June— that’s why the bill withdrawal has solved nothing
South China Morning Post, September 9, 2019

‘The Revolution of Our Times’: The core issue in need of resolution
China Change, September 8, 2019

Thanks, Yanks, but no thanks: Why US intervention in Hong Kong’s crisis may be more than protesters bargained for
Hong Kong Free Press, September 8, 2019

Opinion: Merkel must step up her China strategy
Deutsche Welle, September 8, 2019

Elements of a solution appear in Hong Kong, but no sign of a breakthrough in Beijing
Hong Kong Free Press, September 7, 2019

Xi Jinping’s claim to Mao’s mantle carries risks
Financial Times, September 6, 2019

China’s accidental Belt and Road turns six
Foreign Policy, September 6, 2019