The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

‘Psychological torture’: Uygurs abroad face mental health crisis over plight of relatives who remain in Xinjiang
South China Morning Post, March 10, 2020

Xinjiang Authorities Quarantine Student Said to Have Infected First Uyghur Coronavirus Case
Radio Free Asia, March 9, 2020

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

谢燕益:疫情应对之特赦刑事犯致全国人大公开法律意见书 (Lawyer calls on the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to release all political prisoners and provide amnesty to common criminals due to coronavirus outbreak in prison)
Weiquanwang, March 10, 2020

肺炎疫情:世卫删除“传统医药可能有害”建议引爆中国公众争议 (Coronavirus outbreak: WHO's deletion from website of 'Taking traditional medicine may be harmful' stirs great controversy among Chinese people)
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 10, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

学者赵士林“庚子上书”:疫情首要责任在习近平 (Two open letters by scholar asking Xi Jinping to take primary responsibility for mishandling the coronavirus are blocked after going viral)
Radio Free Asia, March 10, 2020

习近平戒备森严中抵武汉考察疫情 没有人再喊全是假的 (Wuhan under heavy guard shouts of “all fake” during Xi Jinping visit)
Radio Free Asia, March 10, 2020

疫情封锁中,被遗忘与被损害的中国弱势群体 (In fight against coronavirus , China’s vulnerable falls through the cracks)
The New York Times, March 10, 2020

李文亮案调查一个月后为何还没有结果? (Why is there still no result after one month of investigation into Li Wenliang’s case)
Voice of America, March 10, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong protests: deputy police chief Oscar Kwok fends off accusations of brutality in rare appearance at UN Human Rights Council
South China Morning Post, March 10, 2020

警務處副處長郭蔭庶聯合國發言 指責別有用心者抹黑警隊 (Accusations of police brutality are a "comprehensive effort to villify Hong Kong Police," says deputy commissioner at UN Human Rights Council)
Stand News, March 9, 2020

【逃犯條例】鄧炳強︰憂年輕人守法意識薄弱 要防範本土恐怖主義 (Police commissioner says Hong Kong to be on guard against "domestic terrorism" efforts to blackmail government)
HK01, March 6, 2020

7.21 不計入 999 求救總數  警再解畫:有人別有用心號召報案 僅聽 1,100 來電 約 30 宗被納入達標率 (24,000 unanswered emergency calls during July 21, 2019 Yuen Long attacks not counted towards response rate; police say they were "deliberate spam calls to paralyze the force")
Stand News, March 10, 2020

智慧燈柱將移除攝錄鏡頭 當局冀下一步獲區議會支持 (Government agrees to remove cameras from smart lamps and "replace them with other technology" amidst privacy concerns, but will proceed with pioneer scheme)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 10, 2020

Hong Kong electoral body mulls priority voting for elderly and limits on public ballot count observers
Hong Kong Free Press, March 9, 2020

【武漢肺炎】裝備指引「彈出彈入」 醫管局道歉指溝通上有誤會 (Hospital Authority apologizes for "misunderstanding" over constantly changing guidelines for protective gear for frontline medics)
Stand News, March 9, 2020

被指監視「好鄰舍北區教會」 警:不會監察個別宗教團體 惟有責任了解公眾活動 ("Will not monitor individual religious groups but obligated to oversee public activity," say police after being accused of surveying pro-protest church)
Stand News, March 9, 2020

Commentary (评论)

廖天琪:新冠病毒的传播反映了中共体制的特色 (Liao Tianqi: The spread of the novel coronavirus reflects the characteristics of the CPC system)
Radio France Internationale, March 10, 2020