The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Access to Justice (司法公正)

李文足質疑丈夫王全璋受到嚴重酷刑折磨 (Li Wenzu suspects torture and forced medication on Wang Quanzhang during detention)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 19, 2018

刘卫国律师:关于代理王全璋律师涉嫌“颠覆国家政权”案辩护事宜的进展通报 (Wang Quanzhang’s lawyer on progress on his representation of Wang’s “subversion of state power” case)
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, July 18, 2018

广州画家因创作“泼墨”画作被刑事拘留 (Guangzhou painter criminally detained for ink splashing)
Voice of America, July 18, 2018

Access to Information (信息公开)

「怕民眾片面解讀」 廣州禁網上地產信息 改由政府定期發放 (Guangzhou bans online property prices, must rely on official data)
Ming Pao, July 19, 2018

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

Businessman jailed for privacy violations after helping expose Chinese judges’ illicit activities
South China Morning Post, July 19, 2018

What two films reveal about China
The Economist, July 19, 2018

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China’s National Supervisory Commission: Fresh, bigger fears over reach of new anti-corruption super agency
South China Morning Post, July 19, 2018

China probes fresh vaccine scandal after revoking company license
Radio Free Asia, July 18, 2018

China is a climate leader but still isn’t doing enough on emissions, report says
The New York Times, July 19, 2018

How has the one-child policy affected China?
Deutsche Welle, July 19, 2018

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

China and the lessons of modern surveillance technology
The Diplomat, July 19, 2018

广东南沙法院新规试行:微信QQ聊天记录也可作举证关键证据 (New rules in Nansha, Guangdong courts: WeChat, QQ chat records admissible as key evidence)
The Paper, July 19, 2018

Hong Kong (香港)

Police monitored pro-independence Hong Kong National Party for 18 months before attempt to ban it
South China Morning Post, July 19, 2018

【民族党公开700页文件】警方:陈浩天曾声援旺角骚乱入狱者 不信已弃暴力手段 (Hong Kong National Party releases 700 pages of documents, police question organization’s non-violence based on presence at event supporting Mong Kok rioters)
The Stand News, July 19, 2018民族黨公開700頁文件-警方-陳浩天曾聲援旺角騷亂入獄者-不信已放棄暴力手段-要採取-預防措施

26民间团体联署反对取缔民族党 人民力量快咇:政党结束个人仍可「讲独」 (Twenty six civil organizations sign joint-statement condemning ban on Hong Kong National Party)
The Stand News, July 19, 2018 26民間團體聯署反對取締民族黨-人民力量快咇-政黨結束個人仍可-講獨/

Do not wait until pro-independence party resorts to violence, police say in recommending gov’t ban
Hong Kong Free Press, July 19, 2018

社民连、众志到俄领事馆声援 Pussy Riot 指港同迈向威权政府 (In solidarity with Pussy Riot, civil groups protest authoritarianism at Russian embassy)
Inmedia, July 19, 2018

Commentary (评论)

Explainer: How Hong Kong is seeking to ban a pro-independence party using existing national security laws
Hong Kong Free Press, July 19, 2018

Between censorship and self-censorship: Can China Studies academics avoid moral culpability?
Hong Kong Free Press, July 19, 2018