中国微博上以89.64或64.89兑换纪念六四 (Authorities ban WeChat users from exchanging RMB 89.64 or 64.89 surrounding June 4)
Radio France Internationale, June 6, 2018中国/20180604-中国微博上以8964或6489兑换纪念六四
37 Swedish newspapers urge China to free detained publisher Gui Minhai
Hong Kong Free Press, June 6, 2018
NüVoices: A new collective of women writers and artists launches in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Free Press, June 6, 2018
中联办辖下文汇报招聘舆情监测员职责如 “网管” “五毛” (Wen Wei Po newspaper to hire Public Sentiment Monitor, job duties similar to network administrator, Wumao)
Radio France Internationale, June 6, 2018港澳台/20180606-中联办辖下文汇报招聘舆情监测员职责如网管五毛