Banning Mongolian From Kindergartens Part of China's 'Cultural Genocide': Activists
Radio Free Asia, August 11, 2021
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Inner Mongolia (内蒙古)
Taiwan (台湾)
Why Taiwanese books are being iced out of Chinese markets
Associated Press, August 11, 2021
Access to Information (公众知情权)
Weibo public relations executive arrested on bribery charges as China takes aim at online opinion manipulation
South China Morning Post, August 12, 2021
中国将禁止卡拉OK场所播放“危害国家安全”的曲目(China to ban karaoke venues from playing songs that "endanger national security")
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 12, 2021
Government Accountability (政府问责)
Why China Keeps Spinning COVID-19 Conspiracies
Foreign Policy, August 11, 2021
中国拟起草国安法和反垄断法(China to draft new national security and antitrust laws)
Voice of America, August 12, 2021
中共中央 国务院印发《法治政府建设实施纲要(2021-2025年)》(CPC Central Committee and the State Council issue the "Implementation Outline for the Construction of a Government under the Rule of Law (2021-2025)")
Xinhua, August 11, 2021
报告:中企业海外扩张带来人权等负面影响不利中国成为负责任大国的愿景(Report: The negative human rights impact of Chinese companies' overseas expansion is detrimental to China’s vision of becoming a responsible major power)
Voice of America, August 12, 2021
"Going out" responsibly: The human rights impact of China's global investments
负责任地“走出去”: 中国全球投资的社会、环境和人权影响
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, August 11, 2021
中国教育部取消286个中外合作办学机构及项目 其中黑龙江取消121个 (China Ministry of Education cancels 286 Chinese-foreign cooperative education institutions and projects), August 12, 2021
已批准终止办学的本科及以上层次中外合作办学机构及项目名单 (List of approved terminated Sino-foreign cooperative education institutions and projects at the undergraduate level and above)
Information platform for the supervision of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools (Ministry of Education), August 12, 2021
ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)
Beijing hints that its Big Tech antitrust scrutiny could be permanent with new five-year blueprint
South China Morning Post, August 12, 2021
A Struggle for Information Control Between China’s Government and the Tech Giants
The Diplomat, August 11, 2021
Chinese Big Tech's #MeToo Moment
Protocol, August 11, 2021
腾讯和微信:中国互联网巨头为何遭遇罕见的公益诉讼(Tencent and WeChat: Why are Chinese Internet giants facing rare public interest lawsuits?)
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 12, 2021
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong to outlaw acts desecrating Chinese flag on the internet
Hong Kong Free Press, August 12, 2021
Hong Kong’s Professional Teachers’ Union saw no choice but to ‘disband after Beijing emissaries warned it could no longer exist’
South China Morning Post, August 12, 2021
China’s anti-sanctions law a new headache for banks in Hong Kong
Agence France-Presse, August 12, 2021
Hong Kong national security law: judge bails defendant in subversion case so activist can finish nursing degree
South China Morning Post, August 12, 2021
社民連支聯會遊行至中聯辦 聲援被打壓內地維權人士(League of Social Democrats and Hong Kong Alliance march to Liaison Office in support of mainland rights defenders)
Stand News, August 12, 2021
Hong Kong protests: unlawful assembly defendant acquitted after magistrate finds police officer’s account ‘impossible’
South China Morning Post, August 12, 2021
香港人口年減 8.7 萬 同期永久離港提強積金 66 億元(Hong Kong population decreased by 87,000; HK$6.6 billion provident fund withdrawn by those permanently leaving the city in same period)
Stand News, August 12, 2021