袁國勇辭任港大校委:無能力轉化矛盾 不如回去搞毛黴菌 (Microbiologist Yuen kwok-yung resigns from HKU Council: returning to studying mucor because of powerlessness to resolve conflict over appointment of pro-vice-chancellor)
South China Morning Post, July 31, 2015
袁國勇:非因學生衝入校委會事件而辭任校委 (HKU academic Yuen kwok-yung: Resignation from HKU Council membership is not due to students’ charging into meeting)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 31, 2015
http://rthk.hk/rthk/news/expressnews/20150731/news_20150731_55_1120421.htm港大學生會稱不後悔衝入會場 有校委冀盡快填補空缺 (HKU Student Union does not regret charging into conference venue; certain Council member wishes for quick replacement)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 31, 2015