网帖称银川警方放走打砸医院醉酒男子, 执法记录仪还原接警现场澄清谣言 (Online post claims Yinchuan police released drunken man who smashed up hospital but law enforcement record shows that original emergency dispatch labeled event as a rumor)
Legal Daily, May 16, 2016
安徽设反电信网络诈骗中心 (Anhui establishes an anti-telecommunications fraud center)
Legal Daily, May 19, 2016
Sogou and Microsoft's Bing cooperate on English language search
Feichangdao, May 20, 2016
国家网络安全宣传周活动方案发布, 中央网信办牵头六部门参与每年九月第三周举办 (Program activities for National Cyber Security Awareness Week announced: Office of Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs will lead 6 departments to conduct program in the 3rd week of September each year)
Legal Daily, May 20, 2016
网购诈骗重灾小镇实现华丽转身 (Small town devastated by [its role as center of] online sales fraud undergoes a beautiful transformation)
Legal Daily, May 20, 2016