The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

林鄭月娥:下星期會豐富施政概念 3月公布整份政綱 (Carrie Lam: Will add more to “governance ideas” next week, complete political platform will be out in March)
Radio Television Hong Kong, February 10, 2017

胡國興有信心獲提名入閘 重啟政改非根據8.31框架 (Woo Kwok-hing is confident about getting enough nominations, emphasizes that reopening of political reform would not be limited by “8.31” framework)
Radio Television Hong Kong, February 10, 2017

葉劉淑儀有信心取得足夠提名 料本月底提交提名表格 (Regina Ip is confident about getting enough nominations, plans to hand in nomination form by end of the month)
Radio Television Hong Kong, February 10, 2017

擔心不夠提名入閘? 曾俊華:好驚、好驚、好驚 (Worried about not getting enough nominations? John Tsang: very, very, very anxious)
Mingpao, February 10, 2017

梁國雄:泛民不派人參選特首是大倒退的想法 (Leung Kwok-hung: It’s a regressive idea for no pan-dems to run for CE)
Radio Television Hong Kong, February 9, 2017

疑被朱經緯用警棍打 鄭仲恒代表律師稱或提私人檢控 (Allegedly beaten by Franklin Chu with police baton, Cheng Chun-hang’s lawyer says they may pursue with private prosecution)
Radio Television Hong Kong, February 10, 2017

Demosisto party, young scholars launch crowdfunding campaign to shed new light on Hong Kong history
Hong Kong Free Press, February 9, 2017