94人發起一地兩檢關注組促撤方案 陳淑莊:盼蒐30萬簽名叫停 (Lawmakers, academics, and social groups set up “one place, two checks” concern group)
Mingpao, August 2, 2017
Lawmakers, academics, student bodies establish concern group over joint checkpoint arrangement
Hong Kong Free Press, August 3, 2017
https://www.hongkongfp.com/2017/08/03/lawmakers-academics-student-bodies-establish-concern-group-joint-checkpoint-arrangement/ “Not just mine, but everyone’s concern”: Legal heavyweight defends criticism of XL Rail joint checkpoint arrangement
Hong Kong Free Press, August 2, 2017
支聯會等遊行到中聯辦 抗議內地拘捕海祭劉曉波人士 (Hong Kong Alliance and other groups march to the Liaison Office to protest the detention of Liu Xiaobo mourners)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 2, 2017
Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam hints Civic Square could reopen after study
South China Morning Post, August 2, 2017
Embattled villagers promise to defend homes as Wang Chau eviction deadline looms
Hong Kong Free Press, August 2, 2017