The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

李明哲案將開庭 李凈瑜7日辦赴陸證件 (Lee Ming-che to face trial in Hunan, as wife will soon arrange travel document to go to the mainland)
Central News Agency, September 6, 2017

山东祝圣武律师被指涉嫌发表危害国家安全言论遭调查 或被吊销律师执业证书 (Lawyer Zhu Shengwu under investigation in Shandong for making statements that endanger national security, as Department of Justice looks to revoke his license)
Weiquanwang, September 6, 2017

维权人士甄江华被刑拘 律师会见遭拒并受骚扰 (Rights defender Zhen Jianghua criminally detained and not allowed to meet with lawyer)
Radio Free Asia, September 6, 2017

黄琦案退侦 律师求见遭拒 老母忧心 (Prosecutor sends website founder Huang Qi’s case back for further investigation, as lawyer still not allowed to meet with him)
Radio Free Asia, September 6, 2017

云南当局以“邪教罪”逮捕、起诉二十余名基督徒 (Over 20 Christians in Yunnan arrested and charged of “sabotaging legal enforcement by organizing and using evil religion”)
Radio Free Asia, September 5, 2017

Chinese debate medical rights after pregnant woman's suicide
British Broadcasting Corporation, September 7, 2017