The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

“China continues to either disregard or ignore Hong Kong’s rule of law,” says US-China Commission
Hong Kong Free Press, November 16, 2017

李飛:須毫不猶豫抵制並反對港獨 (Top Beijing official Li Fei: must resist and fight against Hong Kong independence without any hesitation)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 16, 2017

指學生派港獨單張涉違法 梁美芬:學校應處分、市民可報警 (Pro-Beijing lawmaker Priscilla Leung claims students handing out Hong Kong independence flyers could break laws, urging schools to punish offenders and citizens call police)
Mingpao, November 15, 2017

李飛稱特區仍未就23條立法 不良影響有目共睹 (Li Fei claims adverse effects of SAR failing to enact Article 23 speak for themselves)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 16, 2017

Absence of national security law created “adverse effects” in Hong Kong, top Beijing official Li Fei says
Hong Kong Free Press, November 16, 2017

立法會通過一地兩檢議案 民主派:假民意授權 (LegCo passes co-location arrangement motion and pro-democracy camp calls it “fake mandate”)
Inmediahk, November 15, 2017

Hong Kong legislature gives approval to begin joint border checkpoint talks despite filibusters
Hong Kong Free Press, November 15, 2017

Hong Kong judicial independence is safe, former judge Henry Litton says
South China Morning Post, November 15, 2017

沈德咏会见香港大律师公会代表团一行(Supreme People's Court deputy Shen Deyong meets with delegation of Hong Kong Bar Association)
Supreme People’s Court, November 15, 2017